sevin dust

I use to dust chickens for bugs, works great. Unless your putting it on late crop your fine.

I know people that use it for very high end parrots and such if it doesn't hurt those weak ass insanely expensive birds used smartly it wont hurt you....
I truly hope that if you guys are using a poison like sevin dust on your plants that you are not selling or giving it to people. It's important that cancer patients and a few others do not ingest that crap. helps mites reproduce.....
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Why would anyone assume that because an insecticide is safe on tomatoes, it should be safe to use on cannabis? When was the last time you smoked a tomato?

Seriously, lighting and burning ANYTHING changes it's chemical composition, so if you assume that smoking Sevin is the same as eating it, you're scientifically challenged.
Look don’t be a fucking idiot .... unless you are an inbred hillbilly , it will attack your nervous system.... you will twitch like a roach . I am around chemicals like these daily and just reading the MSDS on said chemical PLUS the god damn SIGNAL WORD for it should open your eyes.

I work with pesticides and this among other scary shit that has come and gone ....
Lindane , Chlordane , merit 75 , Wisdom , Termidor , friponil , Dragnet , metaldihyde and tons of other shit I have access to , doesn’t mean I’m gonna spread that shit on my crops.

Seriously, if you think otherwise , you deserve anything you and your homies get.
Not only that ... formulations are constantly changed .

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Never trust what chems you buy retail .... ALWAYS pull the MSDS on it.
It provides much more info than label of container.

It has important info like LD INFO ( Lethal Dose ) for a certain amount to actually kill a target , which is routinely done on rats.

It also shows which exposure characteristics are common ....
Dermal , ingested , inhaled , etc.

Plus whether you should have protective gear to apply.

All retail crap is a watered down version of the commercial version.
Most are aerosol fillers and inert ingredients...

Perfect example of bullshit BIG CHEM marketing :
Black Flag Roach Spray ( now in Country scents ) which is purposefully masked so the unknowing will USE MORE. Nobody reads the canwhen they apply ... Bug Bombs are another. If I had a nickel for every idiot homeowner open their attic access and lob a canister in there like a hand grenade.

Dow Argoscience , Bayer , BASF and others need you to keep buying their products .
We have ate it for years on are garden food.
That is like saying " well I didn't die from lung cancer after smoking this 1 pack of cigarettes so they must be safe"

I challenge you to think about something....
We pump crap into our bodies all the time .....and we know it. Our gardens are our one place where we can grow healthy chem free food, so why turn around and pour a poison all over it when there are natural alternatives.
c'mon people, use your brain...products that are used on edible crops or Parrots does not automatically make them safe for growing cannabis. If you cant understand this, you shouldnt be growing cannabis that will be consumed by anyone other than yourself.

If you ever have doubts about using a product on cannabis, a good place to start is by checking with the cali or oregon department of ag to see their lists of approved and banned pesticides for cannabis use. You can easily look them up online.
Why anyone would promote or say sevin is safe on this site is beyond makes me happy as hell knowing I can grow my own and not have to worry about what I'm ingesting.who cares if it's safe on TOBACCO(not directed at you @eddy600 ) pretty sure eagle20 is acceptable on ag crops too,sure af not going to use it on my medicine smh.
Why anyone would promote or say sevin is safe on this site is beyond makes me happy as hell knowing I can grow my own and not have to worry about what I'm ingesting.who cares if it's safe on TOBACCO(not directed at you @eddy600 ) pretty sure eagle20 is acceptable on ag crops too,sure af not going to use it on my medicine smh.
I never promoted the use of sevin on weed plants or have i ever used it.Ganja couldn't open the link so i forwarded the info to her. Open the link and read it yourself some good info about a product that is used on a plant that is smoked like weed. Written by a person with a PHD not somebody with an MSDS in one hand & a bug sprayer in the other hand