sevin dust

! I have My Opinion, I ALSO DO THIS IN MY LIFE, “”I DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING I READ , I DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING I HEAR EITHER!! I MAKE MY ON DECISIONS IN MY LIFE, I ALSO READ REVIEWS AND READ A LOT OF LITERATURE OWN THINGS I DO, NOT “”ALL”” BUT, MOSTLY EVERYTHING””Experience with lots and lots of “”Mostly All Vegetables, and “”Pretty Much”” “All” the Time! And that Is “”MY OPINION”” And THEIR are 1000’s and 1000’s of other People’s THAT HAVE THEIR OPINIONS AND EXPERIENCES With SEVEN DUST! and HOW THEY USE IT!! “And SOME LIKE SEVEN DUST! SOME NEVER USED IT! AND SOME PEOPLE LIKE YOU? WOULD’NT NEVER USE IT!! There are lots of differences in how words are used like for Ex.? Pretty Much , Most Definitely, ALL The Time, Most of the Time. Pretty Much all the Time!! Definitely Use All the Time!! “Pretty and Beautiful” are Used differently Everyday!! They are 2 different expressions,!! Each word has its own different meaning!!, and are differently in Sentences, just using them for examples, that’s all!! My GrandFather is 94 years old!! I’m 54 I’ve been around my GrandFather as long as I can remember! He has owned he’s own Farm, raising different live stock, etc. My Father and Grandfather , cousin’s , Uncles, Great Uncles, put it this way, some do their share, some do “more” than others, and then there are ‘some’ family members have been doing it “”all”” their lives!! It doesn’t mean they have been doing it “All” with My GrandFather “All of his Life!! Approximately, He has about 3200 Acres “not All”” but “” Mostly All the land is used for the live stock, but “some” is used to grow Lots and Lots of different Vegetables!! You name it? we probably put it “mostly”“but “not all” the Time, On our Dinner Tables!! But “Mostly every Night”” but not “All” the Time through the Year!! I Have Used SEVEN DUST FOR I KNOW OVER 15 Years are MORE on Growing MJ and Vegetables, I use it the way I Described and IF I said Mix it the Soil, “ Common Sense will Tell you it’s Going to Be Washed in The Soil Anyway!! No Matter How You Use it!! Whatever!!“”” MAYBE LEARN HOW DIFFERENT WORDING AND EXPRESSION’S ARE USED IN DAILY TALKING!! Don’t “JUMP” to FAST to Conclusions? “, because, You are Ready To Pounce on Someone’s Opinion and Use it like, OMG!! “SEVEN DUST IS USED ON EVERYTHING!! AND HE IS COMPLETELY WRONG WHAT HE IS SAYING!! DID’NT I SAY IN MY OPINION?!’ And I GAVE EXAMPLES OF ALL DIFFERENT WORDS AND SAYINGS! I believe I did. “Much” and “Most”of My GrandFather’s Life, he has been using Seven Dust For “Most of All” his Life,? But NOT ALL HIS ENTIRE LIFE!! Lol, I really Hate The FACT that I have to DEFEND MY OPINION AND MY EXPERIENCE ON a DAM PRODUCT FOR PESTY LITTLE BITTY PAIN in the ASS LITTLE PEST!! “LMMFAO!! USE IT OR DON’T USE IT!! I THOUGHT THIS FORUM WAS FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME, to HAVE OR TO GIVE MY OPINION!! WE AS MEN!!! I BELIEVE AS MEN, WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS, DO OUR OWN RESEARCH, SHARE OUR OWN EXPERIENCE’S!! “”” But Why Criticize someone’s Opinion, Their Experience’s , Their Wisdom!! (“There’s is always, Always a Mr. Know it More!! , Mr. Correct all the Time!! Mr. His is Knowledge is Better!! Mr. Don’t Read Everything First!! Mr. The Jump Conclusion Man! “”ALL-WAYS THE ONLY HIM MAN KNOWS MORE THAN EVERYBODY ELSE!!
When I put my outdoor plants out I cover in sevens dust then let it rinse off and sprinkle around it as grow progresses I also use rid-all for rodents and pests
I don’t use after I first put them in the ground I wouldn’t put it on buds or anything like that just young plants that first get planted outside
! I have My Opinion, I ALSO DO THIS IN MY LIFE, “”I DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING I READ , I DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING I HEAR EITHER!! I MAKE MY ON DECISIONS IN MY LIFE, I ALSO READ REVIEWS AND READ A LOT OF LITERATURE OWN THINGS I DO, NOT “”ALL”” BUT, MOSTLY EVERYTHING””Experience with lots and lots of “”Mostly All Vegetables, and “”Pretty Much”” “All” the Time! And that Is “”MY OPINION”” And THEIR are 1000’s and 1000’s of other People’s THAT HAVE THEIR OPINIONS AND EXPERIENCES With SEVEN DUST! and HOW THEY USE IT!! “And SOME LIKE SEVEN DUST! SOME NEVER USED IT! AND SOME PEOPLE LIKE YOU? WOULD’NT NEVER USE IT!! There are lots of differences in how words are used like for Ex.? Pretty Much , Most Definitely, ALL The Time, Most of the Time. Pretty Much all the Time!! Definitely Use All the Time!! “Pretty and Beautiful” are Used differently Everyday!! They are 2 different expressions,!! Each word has its own different meaning!!, and are differently in Sentences, just using them for examples, that’s all!! My GrandFather is 94 years old!! I’m 54 I’ve been around my GrandFather as long as I can remember! He has owned he’s own Farm, raising different live stock, etc. My Father and Grandfather , cousin’s , Uncles, Great Uncles, put it this way, some do their share, some do “more” than others, and then there are ‘some’ family members have been doing it “”all”” their lives!! It doesn’t mean they have been doing it “All” with My GrandFather “All of his Life!! Approximately, He has about 3200 Acres “not All”” but “” Mostly All the land is used for the live stock, but “some” is used to grow Lots and Lots of different Vegetables!! You name it? we probably put it “mostly”“but “not all” the Time, On our Dinner Tables!! But “Mostly every Night”” but not “All” the Time through the Year!! I Have Used SEVEN DUST FOR I KNOW OVER 15 Years are MORE on Growing MJ and Vegetables, I use it the way I Described and IF I said Mix it the Soil, “ Common Sense will Tell you it’s Going to Be Washed in The Soil Anyway!! No Matter How You Use it!! Whatever!!“”” MAYBE LEARN HOW DIFFERENT WORDING AND EXPRESSION’S ARE USED IN DAILY TALKING!! Don’t “JUMP” to FAST to Conclusions? “, because, You are Ready To Pounce on Someone’s Opinion and Use it like, OMG!! “SEVEN DUST IS USED ON EVERYTHING!! AND HE IS COMPLETELY WRONG WHAT HE IS SAYING!! DID’NT I SAY IN MY OPINION?!’ And I GAVE EXAMPLES OF ALL DIFFERENT WORDS AND SAYINGS! I believe I did. “Much” and “Most”of My GrandFather’s Life, he has been using Seven Dust For “Most of All” his Life,? But NOT ALL HIS ENTIRE LIFE!! Lol, I really Hate The FACT that I have to DEFEND MY OPINION AND MY EXPERIENCE ON a DAM PRODUCT FOR PESTY LITTLE BITTY PAIN in the ASS LITTLE PEST!! “LMMFAO!! USE IT OR DON’T USE IT!! I THOUGHT THIS FORUM WAS FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME, to HAVE OR TO GIVE MY OPINION!! WE AS MEN!!! I BELIEVE AS MEN, WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS, DO OUR OWN RESEARCH, SHARE OUR OWN EXPERIENCE’S!! “”” But Why Criticize someone’s Opinion, Their Experience’s , Their Wisdom!! (“There’s is always, Always a Mr. Know it More!! , Mr. Correct all the Time!! Mr. His is Knowledge is Better!! Mr. Don’t Read Everything First!! Mr. The Jump Conclusion Man! “”ALL-WAYS THE ONLY HIM MAN KNOWS MORE THAN EVERYBODY ELSE!!

What in the actual fuck ?