Sex life

Yeah I just revealed my grow to some chick I knew from way back, yeah it got me laid.. now I am kinda in a tough spot, she has a man long-distance. So my only two options are, one..Make her my woman, or Two.. destroy her.

Dear Budzski, I am very disappointed in you...
I'm used to people dropping me now..

Disappointed at getting himself in a position where he thinks he could be busted, using weed to get some shallow girl into bed with him, sleeping with a girl who is in a relationship and finally contemplating homicide. Wow.
Hahahhaaa.. Get out from behind your computers and actually meet humans face to face once in a while..!!!
This shit is too funny.. Does everyone now meet chicks over internet..???
You are all probably Studs that chicks should be crawling over a mile of broken glass to get to..!! hehehe..
Whee, doggies

I still think they must be cursed anti sex life sheets. Haven't had any fun for over a year and even before that sporadically or one-sided. I blame the cursed stripes.

thats crazy.. dont take this the wrong way but i would sleep in you for days!
A little while ago I found myself chortle gently. She looked over and asked, "what is it?"
to which I responded, "it isn't every night that you find yourself in bed with a beautiful girl-"
to which she finished my sentence, "-taking bong loads" as she exhaled out a massive hit.
We both laughed a little and the night gently went on. I'm in a very comfortable space in life right now.
I'm still young and things are moving very nicely.

reminds me of Cat Steven's though
A little while ago I found myself chortle gently. She looked over and asked, "what is it?"
to which I responded, "it isn't every night that you find yourself in bed with a beautiful girl-"
to which she finished my sentence, "-taking bong loads" as she exhaled out a massive hit.
We both laughed a little and the night gently went on. I'm in a very comfortable space in life right now.
I'm still young and things are moving very nicely.

reminds me of Cat Steven's though

Like this very much. Cute little mental movie formulated to your words...

Theexpress, it's not just crazy, I'M going crazy because I have no sex life... Err, thankyou though x
Like this very much. Cute little mental movie formulated to your words...

Theexpress, it's not just crazy, I'M going crazy because I have no sex life... Err, thankyou though x

I bet your one of those really hot stoner chicks. Ugh why must the world be so cruel and only put stoner whales in my state.
True, Ohmy. A girl who is sweet and nice to be around and won't take your money.... But has a naughty side. I miss her... WHY DID SHE HAVE TO GET A BOYFRIEND!
You charmer xx

Good god, that is some barefaced deception right there... Right, lynch her and I wish you luck finding another 105 lb 33-22-35 Trini girl. I guess the same way I only have asshole men around me you have crazy women... That's sad... But try to be open guys... I am, just saying yes and seeing where it goes. Still haven't been on a date yet :wink:
Looks like you are flirting again...