no; cooler = more females warmer = more males.
i should probably say that even with a "higher male count in the summer" i still have a hard time producing them. temps seem to be the main contributing factor, but the others play a part too...
my outdoor plants are usually 50/50-75/25 female/male. they get massive quantities of stress during july/august....
as for records... i'm writing a book (three, actually)
Mind if I pick your brain a little further, then? I have more questions on this temperature bit, which I find fascinating because it's already well known and documented in the animal world (crocodilians, for instance).
First question is; If temperature affects sexual expression, then are we talking about a cumulative effect, or temps during a specific phase of growth? I'm hoping I'm asking the question in a way that makes sense.
What I mean is this, and I'll use my first grow here as an example; I started my unknown variety back in April. They were exposed to several frosts, which did them no real harm but did seem to delay growth. Now, it's been quite warm the past couple of weeks. However, to this point the majority of their growing period has been in cooler temperatures with the exception of one hot week during May when they were still seedlings.
Now I'm starting some known strains, and it's definitely been warm (although the past couple of days have cooled off perfectly). So, they're showing better vegetative growth (again, still just seedlings getting their 2nd set of leaves). However, there's one strain, Papaya, of which I could only get two seeds to germinate and only one actually sprouted.
Based on your experience, can you make a guess as to the male-female ratios I might expect from each batch?
Do these questions make sense?
Also, I've done work as a book editor (I would have sent this via pm, but cannot). If you're in need of proofing I am very good at it. I can check data sets, definitions, have created an entire glossary of scientific terminology (specific to the book). I do not change the author's work, simply ensure it's understandable and correct (grammatically, spelling, punctuation, and so on). If you're interested just send me a message.