Many commonly mistake feminized seeds as meaning predetermined sex as with mammals...........
"68] Soon thereafter, Schaffner disputed Hirata's interpretation, [69] and published results from his own studies of sex reversal in hemp, concluding that an X:A system was in use and that furthermore sex was strongly influenced by environmental factors [66]" environmental sex determination is known to occur in many species. [79] Many researchers have suggested that sex inCannabis is determined or strongly influenced by environmental factors. [66] Ainsworth reviews that treatment with auxin and ethylene have feminizing effects, and that treatment with cytokinins and gibberellins have masculinizing effects. [60] It has been reported that sex can be reversed in Cannabis using chemical treatment. [80] A PCR-based method for the detection of female-associated DNA polymorphisms by genotyping has been developed.
Can I spray a hormone on yiu and turn yiu into a male? Or female? No not at all.... The fact that we can do this was the first bit of proof of the x:a system in cannabis
"1. Level of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed: A heightening of the standard level of nitrogen makes for more female cannabis plants originating from the weed seeds. A lowering of the nitrogen level shows more male cannabis plants. A heightening of the level of potassium tends to show more male marijuana plants, while a lowering of the potassium level shows more female marijuanaplants. A combination of a higher nitrogen level for the period of a week or two and a lowering of the potassium level is recommended.
2. Humidity and moistness of the seedbed: a higher humidity makes for an increase in the number of female cannabis plants from weed seed, a lowering for an increase in male cannabis plants. The same is valid for the moistness of the seedbed.
3. Level of temperatures: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female marijuana plants, higher temperatures for more male marijuana plants.
4. Colour of light: more blue light makes for female cannabis plants from seed, more red light makes for more male cannabis plants.
5. Hours of daylight: few hours of daylight (e.g. 14 hours) makes for more female individuals, a long day (e.g. 18 hours) makes for more male cannabis plants."
I veg and flower under hps..color of light isn't as big a factor...neither is daylight hrs in my opinion, I run 24/0 in my veg room and immediately throw in the 12/12 flower room...
Heat humidity then nutes in that order imo
... Iwould run 20/4 if I could, my plants prefer it....just not as easy
My ratios will be cut to bout 80% just by having temps bout to germ effectively I keep temps about 80. Once they pop the surface Itake it down to high 60's low 70's for 2-3weeks. This marker has been observed by myself and others as when sexing takes hold in the plant and it will take on a lanky male appearance
With that said I veg 24/0 and just throw into 12/12..I don't believe given everything else is on point, that lighting is a significant factor in sexing.. but I have noticed a higher female count with plants receiving less light, specifically the intensity of light/saturation and not necessarily the time received
It took nearly a year to get my ratio from ~93 to ~96% I believe a solid 98-99% females is possible. I've certainly had it happen but not I'm not consistent enough