Shake and Bake - Meth

This is a weed or psychedelic forum take your meth and piss off to bluelight or something idk about others here but im kinda sick of people posting shit here about coke opium meth or whatever point is this is the wrong place in my opinion ...

I always saw it a s a harm reduction area. Lots of younger folks drop in, figure it pot is good and mushrooms are great then maybe "they" were lied to about everything and heroin is perpetually your friend and amphetamine does nothing more than help you clean your mom's house and its just fine to eat 5 2 mil bars of xanax so you can wake up in a scrupulously cleaned jail cell remembering nothing of how you get there
lithum in a plastic bottle full of NP solvent . . . .

Yea thats a great idea

nothing wrong with hydriodic acid redux check erowid
i never understood why they would use ammonia nitrate, lye and lithium. just the ammonia part anyway. like is it a catalyst... i was obsessed with chemistry since i was a teen, only used it mostly for making concentrates and brewing homemade wine if that counts.

after watching countless youtube vids on making random compounds and how its done, along with wikipedia and various chemistry books i read over the years (mostly uni books) there is 2 ways to make that illegal product, just from i drew on paper in the form of doodles. in my area that drug is unheard of so it some was to land in town there would be people lining up in front of the cop station to rat them out for brownie points (half the dealers around here are informants) so i would never attempt to make it.

theres a very similar product on the market thats close to it, nobody never uses as there is no restrictions on it and it seems to be very easy to reduce. its got a few OH groups attached to carbon. everything else is the same in structure.. and there is a material out there thats a good reducer and is very common, not exactly sure if there needs to be a catalyst but one can be found (idk which would work as i never played with this idea). but on paper it looks potential.
I always saw it a s a harm reduction area. Lots of younger folks drop in, figure it pot is good and mushrooms are great then maybe "they" were lied to about everything and heroin is perpetually your friend and amphetamine does nothing more than help you clean your mom's house and its just fine to eat 5 2 mil bars of xanax so you can wake up in a scrupulously cleaned jail cell remembering nothing of how you get there

I get your point and agreed harm reduction is important but i still wish it wasnt on here was all if you wanna learn synthesis theres other places online
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Bahaha. Blast from the past. Never ended up trying this out! It's come down to about $100 a gram here, still wouldnt bother with it. Defo have better things to waste my time with these days!

But yeah, i dont differentiate between soft/hard drugs anymore, and would generally classify them based on risk instead.
Bahaha. Blast from the past. Never ended up trying this out! It's come down to about $100 a gram here, still wouldnt bother with it. Defo have better things to waste my time with these days!

But yeah, i dont differentiate between soft/hard drugs anymore, and would generally classify them based on risk instead.
inbox if u want a recipe
haha cheers guys, ive never done meth pure before, we have quite a bad problem here in nz with meth but the media/goverment calls it "P" or pure. Ive only ever tried it cut down with glucose quite heavily. But interested in learning about the processes, and if the s n b method is that easy then it would be worth it to me on the once every 6 months me and my friends want a few lines.

Forzaitally - I havent considered meth as a hard drug, yeah ive seen all the faces of meth etc, but i would consider opiates harder? I would never touch a needle and cocaine isnt heard of here in new zealand unless you are a millionare of sorts, even then your more likely to use P than coke. Ive definately taken my fair share of acid and shrooms :)

The physicians i at the Free ClinicsHaight Asbury/San Francisco in the 60s said the people that were the worst off, were the meth users.

That means worsse than anything else.

You know the chemicals they use in the shake, and bake method are carcenogenic, without exception???

If you want pure meth, find some Desoxyn.

lithium, draino crystals, Coleman camping fuel, lye, acetone, iodine, ammonium nitrate, dont sound very good for you.

You aint responsible by any stretch of the imagination if you snort this shit.
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The physicians i at the Free ClinicsHaight Asbury/San Francisco in the 60s said the people that were the worst off, were the meth users.

That means worsse than anything else.

You know the chemicals they use in the shake, and bake method are carcenogenic, without exception???

If you want pure meth, find some Desoxyn.

lithium, draino crystals, Coleman camping fuel, lye, acetone, iodine, ammonium nitrate, dont sound very good for you.

You aint responsible by any stretch of the imagination if you snort this shit.

Oh yeah, no doubt they are bad. My chemistry knowledge has come a loooooong way since the decade ago I made this post, and I'm now smart and lucky enough to know the sources od substances i choose to use. However, i barely even smoke dope anymore
Even if the meth were pure, there just isnt much percentage in using it.

All drugs offer a spectrum, benefits vs retractions. Harm vs help.

Mushrooms are probably on the plus column, you can potentially get more out of them than they extract from you.

Pot is in my opinion a slight positive in that the bad just isnt all that bad.

We could go through each and every substance. Heroin? Negative but it does offer pain relief and succor from existential desperstion.

Cocaine? A negative but ever so slightly, the plus is artificial joy
And appreciation for community.

But meth? What other than a sparkling clean space under your sink, has the substance to offer a life?

Contemplation? Exuberance? Insight? Relaxation? Guidance? Fellowship?

Just eventual sores, a gaunt look and premature organ failure.

Find something else, anything else.
Even if the meth were pure, there just isnt much percentage in using it.

All drugs offer a spectrum, benefits vs retractions. Harm vs help.

Mushrooms are probably on the plus column, you can potentially get more out of them than they extract from you.

Pot is in my opinion a slight positive in that the bad just isnt all that bad.

We could go through each and every substance. Heroin? Negative but it does offer pain relief and succor from existential desperstion.

Cocaine? A negative but ever so slightly, the plus is artificial joy
And appreciation for community.

But meth? What other than a sparkling clean space under your sink, has the substance to offer a life?

Contemplation? Exuberance? Insight? Relaxation? Guidance? Fellowship?

Just eventual sores, a gaunt look and premature organ failure.

Find something else, anything else.
I take speed about once every 3 months for exactly that reason, to clean my apartment and get the big shit done, I get 20 pills and toss my buddy who gets them 6, I do those 10 pills (I'll usually sell a few) over the course of 3 or 4 days getting a few hours rest on the 2nd and 3rd night, I can eat like a horse on them and the food is so fucking Delicious that that alone makes them worth doing. It gives me a very easy peaceful feeling of well being of course for the first eight hrs the stress comes and goes in waves but after that you just feel good and your focused you're in the zone and you have motivation, I'm schizophrenic and motivation is a serious issue for me.

My buddy who gets the pills does 5 or 6 a day everyday for 20 years now, you can see it in both him and his girlfriend they both look like death warmed over, I was taking them 3 days a week for 6 months but that's cuz I was getting them for free we were working together, I've also did blow every day 1.75 every single day and in the last week I did an oz, $10,000 gone in 3 months, and from my personal experience the blow is much scarier, more stressful draining and addictive, you don't crave speed like you do coke and after a few days of blow you just feel like garbage. I've never done crystal tho so I cant relate to that.

Edit: keep in mind that a few million people taking Pervatin almost defeated 4 world superpowers and almost conquered the world.
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This is a weed or psychedelic forum take your meth and piss off to bluelight or something idk about others here but im kinda sick of people posting shit here about coke opium meth or whatever point is this is the wrong place in my opinion ...
Yeah wtf keep this clean you damn moron do what u want to your body but shake n bake meth... This is where our country and people are worthless because these drugs are so fucked up!! Get off this site unless your talking mj I hate people who do meth it's so unsanitary and your a disgusting mother prick for bringing your problems here scummmmmmmmm baggggg
I take speed about once every 3 months for exactly that reason, to clean my apartment and get the big shit done, I get 20 pills and toss my buddy who gets them 6, I do those 10 pills (I'll usually sell a few) over the course of 3 or 4 days getting a few hours rest on the 2nd and 3rd night, I can eat like a horse on them and the food is so fucking Delicious that that alone makes them worth doing. It gives me a very easy peaceful feeling of well being of course for the first eight hrs the stress comes and goes in waves but after that you just feel good and your focused you're in the zone and you have motivation, I'm schizophrenic and motivation is a serious issue for me.

My buddy who gets the pills does 5 or 6 a day everyday for 20 years now, you can see it in both him and his girlfriend they both look like death warmed over, I was taking them 3 days a week for 6 months but that's cuz I was getting them for free we were working together, I've also did blow every day 1.75 every single day and in the last week I did an oz, $10,000 gone in 3 months, and from my personal experience the blow is much scarier, more stressful draining and addictive, you don't crave speed like you do coke and after a few days of blow you just feel like garbage. I've never done crystal tho so I cant relate to that.

Edit: keep in mind that a few million people taking Pervatin almost defeated 4 world superpowers and almost conquered the world.
Meth offers no benefit 0 to noneeee tell me a benefit it offers? LOL
Yeah wtf keep this clean you damn moron do what u want to your body but shake n bake meth... This is where our country and people are worthless because these drugs are so fucked up!! Get off this site unless your talking mj I hate people who do meth it's so unsanitary and your a disgusting mother prick for bringing your problems here scummmmmmmmm baggggg
Stfu you little douchebag, get the fuck outta here
This is a weed or psychedelic forum take your meth and piss off to bluelight or something idk about others here but im kinda sick of people posting shit here about coke opium meth or whatever point is this is the wrong place in my opinion ...
Lol good answer im into micro dosing shrooms but no benefit from meth stay away from. Heroin I get it makes u feel good but only for so long then addicted to it and your chasing to not be sick and wasting money it's a dumb drug to get involved in from a using stand point. Selling I get some people need to. I took my son through Chi-raq / Chicago and it's sad I feel for these people my son's gonna be a police detective and he's gonna work there and he isn't gonna jam people up but wants to help because it's a life ruining drug! Sorry!!!!