Shake and Bake - Meth

also i have known people that have been on meth a good 10-12 years and they look nothing like these meth heads dirty cunts that dont wash fall apart
We must never forget that it is vitally important for those with the message "dont do drugs" find the failures and hoist them up as examples.

90 percent of anyone who opts to use any substance will be responsible or come away clean from whatever they find "interesting"

The other ten are the ones who od, steal their mother's insulin money, ride their bike an hour for a single hit of crack, stare at the sun on acid, drink so much water when rolling that they die.

When demonstrating the power and majesty of a free enterprise system, folks dont find that three time bk dude and say "this is what can happen to you if you start your own business".

They don't point to the roid rager and say "never work out, never even think to lift weights".

But they gotta find that poor drug using failure and make him the poster boy
If we really wanna know just what exactly goes into the shake and bake method we might aswell just go head and give the full instructions, it's very easy and simple, but still very dangerous, but I'm just gonna lay it all out there for those who are curious and dont wanna pop up on the radar searching Google for meth recipes.

This is the shake and bake method, I got these instructions from a fellow member who will remain anonymous

1.. materials you'll need for 2500mg run.. or two boxes.. one box will work but it's ment for two..
AA lithium batteries .
coffee filters
6-7 foot of 3/8 inch clear plastic fuel line.
heavy tin foil.
hydrochloric acid (muriatic)
freezer gallon zip loc bags.
lye. (sodium hydroxide)
fertilizer high in nitrogen.
like 30.10.10. or something similar .
tree fertilizer stakes or jobe plant stakes these work well.
Coleman fuel or ether (zecol brand)
last a strong plastic bottle..a two liter pop bottle is what I had used in the past.

step 1.. prepair you ephedrine/pseudiphed .. crush into powder ..
step.2 prepair your fertilizer by crushing it as small as possible ..
step .3 fill the bottle up with your fertilizer .. If you found tree plant food stakes use only three of them. if it's regular fertilizer powder use about a cup..
step.4 fill the bottle about a third of the way or shy of half with fuel of choice..
Step.5 add the powdered ephed/pseud. and give it a little swirl to mix it in with the fertilizer ..
step.6 AA lithium batteries. look for the x4 kind. any will work but their the best.. the tricky part is opening them.. either use side cutters and clip the top of the negitive off without hitting the strip in side, then carefully peel the side of the battery until you can pull the strip out.. the strip is wound up around a black carbon strip.. peel these apart discarding the carbon strip.. the lithium strip looks dull and shiny .. with your dry fingers tear the strip in to small pieces and drop them in the bottle .. you'll need two strips for this.. so two batteries ... you can use a plumbers pipe cutter to speed up the processes but you got to take caution and not hit the strip in side..
step.7 after both strips have been added , put in three cap fulls of lye or about a third of a cup..
and one pop/soda cap full of water or peroxide to start the reaction. DONT POUR IT ON THE LITHIUM PEICES ..POUR DOWN THE SIDE OF THE BOTTLE AWAY FROM THE LITHIUM ...once the waters in cap off quickly and start swirling the bottle vigorously but DONT SHAKE..
do this for 45 minutes or until the lithium has turned into copper looking beads.. you'll have to burp the bottle around the 20 minute mark or you risk blowing up the bottle.. carefully open it away from heat sources and your face..the gas released is ammonia from the nutes..
step.9 filtering and gassing off..
to filter, squeeze the sides of the bottle to prevent most of the fertilizer from pouring out.. then get a funnel and place it in a clean bottle or in the zip loc bag.. place three coffee filters is the funnel and POUR the reacted fuel through the filters .. once done pour the clean fuel(liquid pseudo meth) in to a zip loc freezer bag..
step.10 gassing off the fuel..
first take the tin foil and pull off one foot squares .. then fold them into tight ribbons big enought to fit into the reaction bottle.( I'll get to the reaction bottle in abit)
now find a clean bottle two liter size , it can be glass but it can explode throwing shards every where..
now with you 6-7 foot tubeing bore a hole the cap so the tubing fits in snuggly.. the glue it on the outside of the cap or tape to it tightly.. now fill the CLEAN bottle a third full with the hydrochloric acid..
now take the gallon freezer bag and hang it up head high( you May have to warm the bag up in a bath of hot water. it make for a better reaction if its warm) and place one end of the hose/tubing in the bag just above the fuel/gas.. with the other dead with the cap in hand, drop two to three foil ribbons in the bottle with the acid in it and cap quickly .. the foil reacts with the acid marketing a dry hydrochloric gas.. you'll soon see the smoky gas filling up into the zip loc bag.. you'll have to hold the end of the hose tightly into the bag or it will blow out also holding the bag closed so it don't blow out as well.. be sure you don't get a kink in the tubing with this is happening..
as the hydrochloric smoke fill the bag you should see the meth crashing out of the fuel in salt form
. once this is done .. take the bag of fuel and meth over to some clean three coffee filters and funnle through them the fuel and meth . the filters will catch the meth.. be sure to save the fuel because it can be gassed off again ..
the way I did it was the carefully clip the corner of the bag and then POUR through the three filters..
and ta dah.. meth... you can wash with high grade acitone to remove any bullshit that came through with the gassing process ..acitone won't desolve meth .. becarefull..
I've been taking Vyvanse or Lixdexamphetamine for over 10 years now. I'm 28. Lixdexamphetamine converts to pure amphetamine after going through your digestive tract so it's basically taking amphetamines. I take 30mg once a day, 5 days a week when working, and I take breaks on weekends.

I can tell you that it has changed my life for the better 1000000%. I've always been an intellectual since age 18 but I found it harder and harder to work or concentrate on anything for longer than 30m, unless I was obsessed about some topic, then I'd spend days and nights researching all about that topic and going down that rabbit hole. I suffer from this obsessive mental issue hardcore and the only thing that relieved my symptoms to be able to do simple things like brush my teeth every morning, go to work, do chores, laundry, or have a routine was amphetamine. It was like I could feel normal again, doing those things made me feel good again.
If we really wanna know just what exactly goes into the shake and bake method we might aswell just go head and give the full instructions, it's very easy and simple, but still very dangerous, but I'm just gonna lay it all out there for those who are curious and dont wanna pop up on the radar searching Google for meth recipes.

This is the shake and bake method, I got these instructions from a fellow member who will remain anonymous

1.. materials you'll need for 2500mg run.. or two boxes.. one box will work but it's ment for two..
AA lithium batteries .
coffee filters
6-7 foot of 3/8 inch clear plastic fuel line.
heavy tin foil.
hydrochloric acid (muriatic)
freezer gallon zip loc bags.
lye. (sodium hydroxide)
fertilizer high in nitrogen.
like 30.10.10. or something similar .
tree fertilizer stakes or jobe plant stakes these work well.
Coleman fuel or ether (zecol brand)
last a strong plastic bottle..a two liter pop bottle is what I had used in the past.

step 1.. prepair you ephedrine/pseudiphed .. crush into powder ..
step.2 prepair your fertilizer by crushing it as small as possible ..
step .3 fill the bottle up with your fertilizer .. If you found tree plant food stakes use only three of them. if it's regular fertilizer powder use about a cup..
step.4 fill the bottle about a third of the way or shy of half with fuel of choice..
Step.5 add the powdered ephed/pseud. and give it a little swirl to mix it in with the fertilizer ..
step.6 AA lithium batteries. look for the x4 kind. any will work but their the best.. the tricky part is opening them.. either use side cutters and clip the top of the negitive off without hitting the strip in side, then carefully peel the side of the battery until you can pull the strip out.. the strip is wound up around a black carbon strip.. peel these apart discarding the carbon strip.. the lithium strip looks dull and shiny .. with your dry fingers tear the strip in to small pieces and drop them in the bottle .. you'll need two strips for this.. so two batteries ... you can use a plumbers pipe cutter to speed up the processes but you got to take caution and not hit the strip in side..
step.7 after both strips have been added , put in three cap fulls of lye or about a third of a cup..
and one pop/soda cap full of water or peroxide to start the reaction. DONT POUR IT ON THE LITHIUM PEICES ..POUR DOWN THE SIDE OF THE BOTTLE AWAY FROM THE LITHIUM ...once the waters in cap off quickly and start swirling the bottle vigorously but DONT SHAKE..
do this for 45 minutes or until the lithium has turned into copper looking beads.. you'll have to burp the bottle around the 20 minute mark or you risk blowing up the bottle.. carefully open it away from heat sources and your face..the gas released is ammonia from the nutes..
step.9 filtering and gassing off..
to filter, squeeze the sides of the bottle to prevent most of the fertilizer from pouring out.. then get a funnel and place it in a clean bottle or in the zip loc bag.. place three coffee filters is the funnel and POUR the reacted fuel through the filters .. once done pour the clean fuel(liquid pseudo meth) in to a zip loc freezer bag..
step.10 gassing off the fuel..
first take the tin foil and pull off one foot squares .. then fold them into tight ribbons big enought to fit into the reaction bottle.( I'll get to the reaction bottle in abit)
now find a clean bottle two liter size , it can be glass but it can explode throwing shards every where..
now with you 6-7 foot tubeing bore a hole the cap so the tubing fits in snuggly.. the glue it on the outside of the cap or tape to it tightly.. now fill the CLEAN bottle a third full with the hydrochloric acid..
now take the gallon freezer bag and hang it up head high( you May have to warm the bag up in a bath of hot water. it make for a better reaction if its warm) and place one end of the hose/tubing in the bag just above the fuel/gas.. with the other dead with the cap in hand, drop two to three foil ribbons in the bottle with the acid in it and cap quickly .. the foil reacts with the acid marketing a dry hydrochloric gas.. you'll soon see the smoky gas filling up into the zip loc bag.. you'll have to hold the end of the hose tightly into the bag or it will blow out also holding the bag closed so it don't blow out as well.. be sure you don't get a kink in the tubing with this is happening..
as the hydrochloric smoke fill the bag you should see the meth crashing out of the fuel in salt form
. once this is done .. take the bag of fuel and meth over to some clean three coffee filters and funnle through them the fuel and meth . the filters will catch the meth.. be sure to save the fuel because it can be gassed off again ..
the way I did it was the carefully clip the corner of the bag and then POUR through the three filters..
and ta dah.. meth... you can wash with high grade acitone to remove any bullshit that came through with the gassing process ..acitone won't desolve meth .. becarefull..
So what if your out of meth and starting to come down from a week long bender, seems like a lot of effort
If we really wanna know just what exactly goes into the shake and bake method we might aswell just go head and give the full instructions, it's very easy and simple, but still very dangerous, but I'm just gonna lay it all out there for those who are curious and dont wanna pop up on the radar searching Google for meth recipes.

This is the shake and bake method, I got these instructions from a fellow member who will remain anonymous

1.. materials you'll need for 2500mg run.. or two boxes.. one box will work but it's ment for two..
AA lithium batteries .
coffee filters
6-7 foot of 3/8 inch clear plastic fuel line.
heavy tin foil.
hydrochloric acid (muriatic)
freezer gallon zip loc bags.
lye. (sodium hydroxide)
fertilizer high in nitrogen.
like 30.10.10. or something similar .
tree fertilizer stakes or jobe plant stakes these work well.
Coleman fuel or ether (zecol brand)
last a strong plastic bottle..a two liter pop bottle is what I had used in the past.

step 1.. prepair you ephedrine/pseudiphed .. crush into powder ..
step.2 prepair your fertilizer by crushing it as small as possible ..
step .3 fill the bottle up with your fertilizer .. If you found tree plant food stakes use only three of them. if it's regular fertilizer powder use about a cup..
step.4 fill the bottle about a third of the way or shy of half with fuel of choice..
Step.5 add the powdered ephed/pseud. and give it a little swirl to mix it in with the fertilizer ..
step.6 AA lithium batteries. look for the x4 kind. any will work but their the best.. the tricky part is opening them.. either use side cutters and clip the top of the negitive off without hitting the strip in side, then carefully peel the side of the battery until you can pull the strip out.. the strip is wound up around a black carbon strip.. peel these apart discarding the carbon strip.. the lithium strip looks dull and shiny .. with your dry fingers tear the strip in to small pieces and drop them in the bottle .. you'll need two strips for this.. so two batteries ... you can use a plumbers pipe cutter to speed up the processes but you got to take caution and not hit the strip in side..
step.7 after both strips have been added , put in three cap fulls of lye or about a third of a cup..
and one pop/soda cap full of water or peroxide to start the reaction. DONT POUR IT ON THE LITHIUM PEICES ..POUR DOWN THE SIDE OF THE BOTTLE AWAY FROM THE LITHIUM ...once the waters in cap off quickly and start swirling the bottle vigorously but DONT SHAKE..
do this for 45 minutes or until the lithium has turned into copper looking beads.. you'll have to burp the bottle around the 20 minute mark or you risk blowing up the bottle.. carefully open it away from heat sources and your face..the gas released is ammonia from the nutes..
step.9 filtering and gassing off..
to filter, squeeze the sides of the bottle to prevent most of the fertilizer from pouring out.. then get a funnel and place it in a clean bottle or in the zip loc bag.. place three coffee filters is the funnel and POUR the reacted fuel through the filters .. once done pour the clean fuel(liquid pseudo meth) in to a zip loc freezer bag..
step.10 gassing off the fuel..
first take the tin foil and pull off one foot squares .. then fold them into tight ribbons big enought to fit into the reaction bottle.( I'll get to the reaction bottle in abit)
now find a clean bottle two liter size , it can be glass but it can explode throwing shards every where..
now with you 6-7 foot tubeing bore a hole the cap so the tubing fits in snuggly.. the glue it on the outside of the cap or tape to it tightly.. now fill the CLEAN bottle a third full with the hydrochloric acid..
now take the gallon freezer bag and hang it up head high( you May have to warm the bag up in a bath of hot water. it make for a better reaction if its warm) and place one end of the hose/tubing in the bag just above the fuel/gas.. with the other dead with the cap in hand, drop two to three foil ribbons in the bottle with the acid in it and cap quickly .. the foil reacts with the acid marketing a dry hydrochloric gas.. you'll soon see the smoky gas filling up into the zip loc bag.. you'll have to hold the end of the hose tightly into the bag or it will blow out also holding the bag closed so it don't blow out as well.. be sure you don't get a kink in the tubing with this is happening..
as the hydrochloric smoke fill the bag you should see the meth crashing out of the fuel in salt form
. once this is done .. take the bag of fuel and meth over to some clean three coffee filters and funnle through them the fuel and meth . the filters will catch the meth.. be sure to save the fuel because it can be gassed off again ..
the way I did it was the carefully clip the corner of the bag and then POUR through the three filters..
and ta dah.. meth... you can wash with high grade acitone to remove any bullshit that came through with the gassing process ..acitone won't desolve meth .. becarefull..

I'm not sure if this is another miss leading information!? because in the gassing
Ribbon aluminium foil + hydrochloric acid give hydrogen gas!! not hydrochloric gas
There is a lot of YouTube video on this reaction!! So I'm not sure if you don't understand what you saying Or you intentionally giving misinformation
Meth abuse is bad m’kay? RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreaI fuckin bad because addiction destroys your humanity. Bob Marley personally said to me, “marijuana will make you rebel and the other drugs will turn you into a beggar” while he was doing an interview on TV that I saw years later. I have the kind of obsessive compulsive disorder that can result in me mutilating my fingers and hands. Anybody wanna see a picture? With me, a low dose of amphetamine or opiates can really have a positive effect on the ocd and anxiety during a freak out. I know that we all have trauma and damage we are trying to heal from. If you are stuck in a state of stress due to depression, pain, anxiety, abuse or any other situation that is causing you illness, please talk to a doctor and ask about medication and alternative therapies like hallucinogens if you need to. If you are hurting yourself, please stop because I love you. I know how bad it hurts. I know what it’s like to be so far down you think you’ll never reach the surface again and that’s why I love every one of you.