Shanti Baba - plagiarism is a crime


Active Member
sounds like the far left leaning local media. and the people they protect. if you even ask a qwestion, they call you names. racist! how dare you qwestion our godliness!!?? so they attack and destroy. and they wont stop. this kind of attitude has infiltrated our society for long enough. and this is what our young are learning bright and early! noone wants, or feels that they need to take responsibility for their OWN ACTIONS. lets blame someone else. none should get mad just because you ask qwestions. if you are claiming something thats quality is not what it should be, then stop until you have fixed the problem. i hope my fem lemon skunk seeds are ok.


Apart from selling you bunk seeds I don't see what the big deal is.
I couldn't care less what he copy's and pastes aslong as it is truthful.

Did shantibaba replace the seeds?
no, i got banned. he probably would have replaced eventually even if I am not in position to wait 3 months for a replacement.
My problem is that his credibility has now faded away for me now. His claim that he works with Neville is bogus. Abuse of trust that people have in him.

If you claim to be a plant biologist (the best in the cannabis field has been claimed by him) and plagiarize all your grow tips in several magazines, I think people have the right to know that he is on a lower level than the companies he puts down.
man i cant believe you ratt bastards. i sure am glad i dont know you fuckers. info, is info. take what you need leave the rest. you guys disgust me


Well-Known Member
man i cant believe you ratt bastards. i sure am glad i dont know you fuckers. info, is info. take what you need leave the rest. you guys disgust me
It's not the info he has the issue with, it is the plagirism and the credit stealing which the OP has issues with, and the shitty gear he received.



man i cant believe you ratt bastards. i sure am glad i dont know you fuckers. info, is info. take what you need leave the rest. you guys disgust me

What disgusts you? You need calm down. Did you know that "facts" that have been published as the result of individual research are considered the intellectual property of the author. People study, invest money and time to research and write reports. When someone just takes that "info" and copy's it and paste's it, then publishes in commercial magazine to make a profit by selling more products, its considered a crime and in the US is punishable by 1 year in jail.

All he had to do is reference his sources, but then people would see that he copied the entire report instead of using the info's to make his on conclusion.

and we're the ratt bastards? Woolleyboy please, let me take a step back give you another chance to explain what you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
if you turn it in then yes you are a rat. do you realy have nothing better to do then run and tattle on someone? if so your nothing but a snitch you will run to the cops for anything.
What disgusts you? You need calm down. Did you know that "facts" that have been published as the result of individual research are considered the intellectual property of the author. People study, invest money and time to research and write reports. When someone just takes that "info" and copy's it and paste's it, then publishes in commercial magazine to make a profit by selling more products, its considered a crime and in the US is punishable by 1 year in jail.

All he had to do is reference his sources, but then people would see that he copied the entire report instead of using the info's to make his on conclusion.

and we're the ratt bastards? Woolleyboy please, let me take a step back give you another chance to explain what you are talking about.


if you turn it in then yes you are a rat. do you realy have nothing better to do then run and tattle on someone? if so your nothing but a snitch you will run to the cops for anything.
I didn't turn it in. And by the way, telling someone, that someone else stole their property is not the same as telling the cops someone is growing. If you were my neighbor and you stole my car, according to your logic, I would just need to keep silent and let the big outlaw do his thing. So if I stole your car and someone else told you about it, you wouldn't confront me.

So now its my fault for pointing out that a master breeder is actually a copy paste expert?


Well-Known Member
I think RAT is being used a little out of context considering the situation, plagerism is stealing and notifying the publisher that an article has been plagerized is the right thing to do, IMHO. Now that being said I wonder why the publisher could not of caught this?



Well-Known Member
as long as the info is good who cares where it comes from.

i share info i have read online or in magazines all the time as long as its sound info, its no different he read something that he thought was good info and shared it just to lazy to rewrite it. if he re wrote it there would be no issue but it would still be the same info so who cares


Well-Known Member
as long as the info is good who cares where it comes from.

i share info i have read online or in magazines all the time as long as its sound info, its no different he read something that he thought was good info and shared it just to lazy to rewrite it. if he re wrote it there would be no issue but it would still be the same info so who cares
Good sentiments indeed, but this is not the way article publication and authorship works.

Anyone who has completed any level of university education will attest that this is just plain wrong, period.



as long as the info is good who cares where it comes from.

i share info i have read online or in magazines all the time as long as its sound info, its no different he read something that he thought was good info and shared it just to lazy to rewrite it. if he re wrote it there would be no issue but it would still be the same info so who cares

There is a big difference between SHARING information on a forum or even in magazine, and referencing your sources.

If you GET PAID to write articles for a magazine, and simply copy and paste someone else's research without mentioning them and even pretending is you original work and then cash in on it, sorry but that's fraud in my book.


Well-Known Member
I got the ban hammer from MNS also.
But for mentioning seeds from his ex partner Nevile.

Wanna hear some dirt?
shanti an nev are not working together any more.
If you don't believe me. CHeck MNS home page an you'll see he deleted NEvils name.

Shanit quit payn nev royalties on his strains, I hear he owes nev 200,000 +.
So Shanti is the one selling unathorized strains of Neviles, not vice versa as he would like you to believe.
I believe MNS seeds production has been outsourced to Spanish breeders.

Now I hear shanti is working with rob Clarke , who hopes to use shanties Cbd strains with the thc removed as medicine.
The DEA is hoping to replace grown marijuana for this Cbd stuff.


Well-Known Member
It could be the magazine that's illicitly using both Shantibaba's name + the UN report. I wouldn't jump to conclusion so fast.

Red Ganja

Well-Known Member
There is a big difference between SHARING information on a forum or even in magazine, and referencing your sources.

If you GET PAID to write articles for a magazine, and simply copy and paste someone else's research without mentioning them and even pretending is you original work and then cash in on it, sorry but that's fraud in my book.
First of all WITHOUT reading the full article in context only small minded people and shanti-haters would be inclined to judge. Does Shanti say THESE ARE MY COPYRIGHTED IDEAS or is it sharing common held truths?

I know it irks a lot of people that growers with decades of experience give props to Shanti and acknowledge his contribution and worth to the cannabis community! And yes, there are people, myself included who speak up and stand by Shanti and his genetics. And NO, we do not believe that EVERY SINGLE SEED he produces is gold, BECAUSE we have seen him replace seeds. In fact, had the original poster, who "I" also have problems with someone who starts up an account to bash someone. Had zero interest in the internet before this? admits even HE probably would have had the seeds replaced.
But that aside, it is also very suspect that because there was a problem with the seeds, NOW Shanti is a LAWBREAKER who should be despised because he spread some information without proper credit? REALLY?

Is this your 1st time to the rodeo? Is that the first marijuana publication you have read? Misrepresentation, plagiarism and more are STAPLES of the Marijuana Magazines, and I believe it was Mila who stood up at the 2002 High Times Cannabis Cup and called out Kyle Kushman for using HER bubble melt pics to promote Bubbleman in High Times Magazine!

Personally, knowing Shanti for as long as I have (NOT personally) I would think either he submitted credits to the magazine (who left them out) Like that has NEVER happened before! or he didn't think he was representing them as HIS ideas therefore didn't think they were necessary. But whatever I don''t think that EVEN if he KNOWINGLY cut and pasted valuable information and presented it as his own idea, that is it such a major fraud that it calls into question his excellent genetics or his impeccable standing! PERIOD!

I am NOT the plagiarism police. I am a grower. A grower who has grown Shanti genetics since Greenhouse days. Shanti is a god in the cannabis community. Just as Neville is a god. And if someone wants to tell me that Shanti doesn't pay Neville anymore, as if somehow that is another reason to HATE Shanti, sorry, I am no longer 15 years old. Neither physically nor mentally. You know how I respond to that. 1) I say, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, you have revealed yourself, and that information is priceless. No, NOT the gossip that you gave me.... And 2) The last time I checked both Neville and Shanti were over 21. Last time I checked, I was not married to either of them. I wish them the best, but I have a hard enough time with my world! Should either of them verify that to me and ask me for advice, then I can ponder it.

So, I think until all the facts are clear, this is not something that interests me, and when all the facts are in, it is not something that affects me. If you are the type of person that wants to condemn someone because it suits your agenda, a "possible" plagiarism example is ALL you need to fuel that agenda. BUT, if you are a THINKING person, you would think of the implications of such an offense rising to the level of who cares, a million to one shot!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
how does any man pass something off as his own knowingly and purposefully lying and then go on looking his associates and colleges in the face . . .. what a joke