Share Your Experience with Miracle Plants other then Cannabis


Well-Known Member
I believe Mother Earth has many secrets waiting to be discovered, one of which I found out myself by chance, Urginea maritima, called Bear Onion in Turkish...

I had problem with my gum, bleeding and retracting. I cut a piece of this miracle plant's onion, chewed it and spit (never swallow it, its poisonous). 2 days later, all the bleeding is gone and retraction stopped. 2 weeks later I chewed another piece, as my gums started bleeding a little, and since then, more than a year, my gum feels like a teenager. My dentist couldn't believe the improvement.

I had rash and acne problem at my groin, tried all medication, but it reapperead evertime. I cut a piece of this onion and rubbed it all over my groin, the rash and acne are gone forever, It itches 15-20 minutes, but its bearable...

This plant is written in the books of Ibn-i Sina 1000 years ago, and the orthodox medicine has done a great job hiding its miracle...

Please share your experience with other plants in this thread, so everyone knows...


Active Member
So happy to see this thread. Have had very recent (current) experience with this plant. For those of us who use Rx pain medication, (opiate or opikid) under medical supervision or those self medicating with these substances. I've found what I think is one of the best kept secrets around for battling dependence on them.

Last Thursday I received a call from my docs office saying that my appt. has been pushed back from today (memorial day) to Wednesday. My issue is that he writes only enough meds to cover appt date to appt date. I've been taking my current meds for the last 10 yrs. (30 mg. oxycodone x 5 daily) Being out for 2 days is just not a viable option for me. I was bitching about my situation to friend and later received a call from him saying he had poked around online a bit and found a possible alternative to being out of meds for me.

I am not promoting a product of anyone in particular on the open forumn but will now after having used it advocate the substance itself til the day I die. An herbal supplement called Kratom. I found it at a head shop. Anyway, imho this stuff is a miracle. No withdrawal symptoms pain is relieved equivalent to my actual medication and my understanding is it is dramatically less addictive than opiates and opioids. There are many different varieties of the herb, the one I used is Maeng Da. If anyone is interested I can provide more details via PM.

Apparently serious investigation into pharmaceutical viability for this herb is just now getting underway. What a fucking tragedy for those addicted to opiates and those trying to get clean that so little is publicly known about this stuff. It is not an opiate but its alkaloids are opiate receptor agonists just like the far more addictive alternatives. I really do find it amazing that its effects are indistinguishable from my actual meds (at least in the dose I am using anyway).

Again, I'm not plugging anyone's product just the substance. I thought people should be aware.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, Kratom is an awesome plant. Gives me a sense of well being and more productive. Some people don't do well with it so if you take too much it'll make you nauseous. Hopefully it maintains its legal status, though there are some U.S. States that have already banned it.

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
Hi.My experiences with medicinal herbs.Currently medicating with Kratom.UK status LEGAL.
Preferred strain is green malay.Some strains have a rep for being either stimulating or sedating.this one has it all.depending on your dosage.I potentiate with turmeric powder caps.I find it brings out the sedating effect .I find find potentiating with GF juice bring a more
stimulating effect.Im sure some users may disagree.
Kratom certainly has some analgesic effects.Also can be a great motivator for doing work.Can be good for delaying ejeculation.

Too much will cause dizzy spells and nausea-or worse.Always start with a very low doe if you are new.Some people cant
tolerate it .
My current dose is just 2 grams per dose (standard leaf).Usually consuming 10 grams daily.My dose is low because
my vendor sells very potent green malay.

I have used it on and off for years.Sometimes i use it to get off opiates.Pain free and easy.
It is probably a threat to the pharma Industry-hence the real reason for trying to ban it.I cant see that
its a threat to society-just to detox

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
Also a good alternative to opes.100 grams of blue poppy seeds .potentiate with a spoonfull of ground nigella sativa seeds.
When ive used this method,I have never increased dosage,or developed a tolerance.
There is withdrawl symptoms after regular use.
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supreme bean

Well-Known Member
BTW.poppy seeds tend to vary alot in potency from one batch to another.I find 100 gram too much recently.If you are
stupid enuf to mix seeds with tablets you could OD.

downtown brown

New Member
So, where do you find poppy seeds?
I'm on lots of meds for pain relief (Oxycontin 30 mg. twice daily as well as Oxycodone 20mg. 3x daily). I go to pain management clinic monthly and am always subject to being drug tested. I stared smoking again in hopes of pain relief and the possibility of coming off these meds. Luckily I haven't been test recently. But, I will be. I have frozen some clean urine that I take with me to every apt. I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't work.

What say you??

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
I buy seeds in the supermaket.they also grow wild in the UK.there is no law a gainst growing yer own here.unless it to make drugs.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I am on 125mg of methadone, no insurance so costs 110$ a week! I have been clean two years, and am sone going to my clinic everyday (60min round trip.) I saw something about kromptin? Anything else anyone could advise?

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
So, where do you find poppy seeds?
I'm on lots of meds for pain relief (Oxycontin 30 mg. twice daily as well as Oxycodone 20mg. 3x daily). I go to pain management clinic monthly and am always subject to being drug tested. I stared smoking again in hopes of pain relief and the possibility of coming off these meds. Luckily I haven't been test recently. But, I will be. I have frozen some clean urine that I take with me to every apt. I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't work.

What say you??
Ive heard poppy seed will give a pos drug result.

supreme bean

Well-Known Member
Im not talking aboit some hardcore iv habit here.I can medicate to noddy land on just £2 max.$3 i think.per day