Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

im pretty sure a lawsuit is happening here in shasta county if anyone lives in shasta county i urge you to make it too this event and let your voice be heard this is OUR medicine and the only way to get this changed is everyone to come TOGETHER....
Pretty cool couldn't stay long but signed petitions and listened to some speakers.
Didn't see any new reporters there but their just a bunch of hand puppets any way!
Sorry to read all the hub bub you guyz are experiencing in Shasta. I thought it was insane when I first read that you can not grow indoor now this.
Pretty cool couldn't stay long but signed petitions and listened to some speakers.
Didn't see any new reporters there but their just a bunch of hand puppets any way!
i guess krcr came early and left with the quickness lol, o well we should have known no news reporter is gonna give a shit about a medical marijuana patient losing there rights, WHATS NEW lol.......but it was a good event glad you got to make it, i stayed till about 5 learned some good information but i really would have liked to have someone that came up and explained information about how there gonna get the ban Lifted, but were see the ban goes in effect in 30 days from jan 28th so we shall see but like i was telling them seems concidences that the same meeting they banned outdoors they approved a 20 million dollar for a new jail....the irony of it all
Sorry to read all the hub bub you guyz are experiencing in Shasta. I thought it was insane when I first read that you can not grow indoor now this.
they changed it all around you can grow INDOORS now but you cant get to use the Free Sun what they did banned outdoors/indoor 12 plant limit....fuckin stupid well people we want more house fires cause we cant take the smell outside hahahahaha
Screw them a$$holes I'm still going to grow out side and see them in court.
I did meet a few good lawyers there and signed up for the cause.
Good time for me to retire and take up a new living or hobby hummmm..
they changed it all around you can grow INDOORS now but you cant get to use the Free Sun what they did banned outdoors/indoor 12 plant limit....fuckin stupid well people we want more house fires cause we cant take the smell outside hahahahaha


Residential ban outright?
Screw them a$$holes I'm still going to grow out side and see them in court.
I did meet a few good lawyers there and signed up for the cause.
Good time for me to retire and take up a new living or hobby hummmm..

Be careful with the confiscatory laws. I am so sorry.
Some of the folks we met there.


Farmer Tom


Dennis Peron, author of CA Prop215


Clint Werner and Farmer Tom..
fucking bullshit why is California cracking down!!! FUCK THEM ALL, THEM as in the people who think they can speak for the poeple
I can't take credit for the pictures and I really wish I'd stayed till 6.
Just being in the same room and talking to some of them was awesome!!
Glad to see more talk on the ban. Trying to collect as many websites and information to spread around. I have 40 acres up in the trinity reserve of shasta county anybody else up there?
I really hope some "Big Shot" lawyer will turn this shit around. I understand why people cant grow 99 under medical pretenses. But that shouldn't give way to a complete ban... wtf
why is california backtracking, I dont understand why we dont harness this industry and spread the wealth around.... how can they not see the economical disadvantages to pushing cannabis out of their counties

its simple really,
215 (cua) was a reach for basic human rights...
sb420 was a reach for $...
cali started going backwards the day sb420 was signed into law because it worked to undermine 215 and lead to counties passing land use and zoning ordinances to 'regulate' cultivation and dispensaries etc...and such was all do to some folks wanting to get rich off med can so those frogies went a courting to the state legislature and got married up with sb420...we've all been paying dearly for it ever since...
I'm sure it's coming. We should get the Fresno verdict soon. If anyone hears where signatures are being collected please share.