Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

That's why I'm fighting to keep my right to grow my own meds.
These ass holes are going to loose, they have no idea the storm they've brought down on themselves.
And it's going to cost them their jobs, and bring in a healthier Shasta County.

I wish you all the best. I wanted to be there. Just can't take that risk right now.
Here’s a list of some of the places where signatures are being collected
Safeway, 1070 E. Cypress Ave. in Redding
Walmart, 5000 Rhonda Road in Anderson
Walmart, 1515 Dana Drive in Redding
K-Mart, 2685 Hilltop Drive in Redding
Raley’s Supermarket, 201 Lake Boulevard in Redding
FoodMaxx, 1330 Churn Creek Road in Redding
Trader Joes, 845 Browning St. in Redding
Safeway, 601 Balls Ferry Road in Anderson
Dollar Store, 2385 Athens Ave. in Redding
Queen of Dragons collective, 5044 Shasta Dam Boulevard in Shasta Lake
Grow On, 4530 Westside Road in Redding
Palo Cedro Printing, 9481 Deschutes Road in Palo Cedro
Planet Herb, 2051 Hilltop Drive in Redding
East Valley Delivery put this up...
We're holding our second growers coalition meeting Sunday the 16th at 6pm every patient is urged to come out and be counted please make your voice heard.

Where Good Times Pizza in Palo Cedro CA
When Sunday Feb 16th 6pm
With the crap like this going on all over Cailf. PLEASE if you see a petition sign the damn thing.
You need to be a registered voter of Calif. to be able to sign.
If your afraid that it will put you on the list for jury duty don't, it already is if you have a State ID or Drivers Lic.
And if you do find your self in a jury and not agreeing on the law that's being imposed on some one
you can nullify the Jury by saying not guilty to this because in my eyes it's a unfair unjust law and hang the jury!
how is the fight going? was at walmart yesterday shopping real quick. heard at least 10 people talking about this ordinance, all types of age groups which was surprising to me. anyway when i was leaving a lady, that didnt look like a lady i would normally sign a petition for started talking as i walked by. as soon as i heard MMJ petition me and my girl turn around and signed right away. im not sure why the women taking the petition sigs couldnt have dressed a little better or just not look like a straight bummy. probably would help in the look of GROWERS. anyway hope all gets solved out here in the WILD WILD WEST
don't know how long you guys have to get signatures but the cannibis cup would be a good place too.
Stooped over in my garden.
There's several groups getting involved thru Face Book.
We're looking for residents of Shasta County that are registered voters in Calif.
to sign petitions to recall the Board of Supervisors and we have 2 or 3 qualified people to
vote into office, we're even looking for a pot friendly Sherriff to elect.
tomorrow there should be some thing to sign to put this on a back burner and I believe
force them to put it on a ballot to be voted on by the citizens of Shasta Co.

This is a zoning law put on the books in a Back room arrangement.
They can find us $1k, file leans and charge you with a misdemeanor.
Even if and when California were to pass legalization, we in Shasta County will still be breaking the law by
growing weed, storing weed in your home in ANY amount.
So check out FB and get involved if you live in Shasta county.

Shasta County..
Come on vacation..
Leave on probation!!!!

New here, and Hi from Shasta county... working my hiney off to register voters and signatures... You aren't alone. :-P
how is the fight going? was at walmart yesterday shopping real quick. heard at least 10 people talking about this ordinance, all types of age groups which was surprising to me. anyway when i was leaving a lady, that didnt look like a lady i would normally sign a petition for started talking as i walked by. as soon as i heard MMJ petition me and my girl turn around and signed right away. im not sure why the women taking the petition sigs couldnt have dressed a little better or just not look like a straight bummy. probably would help in the look of GROWERS. anyway hope all gets solved out here in the WILD WILD WEST
There's pro signature gathers and maybe but heck their out there getting people to sign. :)
Last I heard was good but they lost phones and the internet.

Dirt is gonna have to get in his 3 piece.
I thru that away back in 83. But I cut my main off, see above for reason for temporary loss of
urge control. LOL

don't know how long you guys have to get signatures but the cannibis cup would be a good place too.
we don't have long and the signers have to be residents of Shasta Co. to count.

New here, and Hi from Shasta county... working my hiney off to register voters and signatures... You aren't alone. :-P
Welcome! Thank you so much!!
Oh crap.. you replied, and I didn't see it... surfr... Thanks. I'm somewhat confused about navigating this site. Working on it though.
I'm in Siskiyou county, can I vote on this somehow, or is it restricted to votes in Shasta? I'm sure I could drum up a few more votes in that county regardless, but this is bullshit.
By the way dirt, I keep seeing a Vietnam campaign ribbon in your sig. If you don't mind me asking, who did you serve with and when? Feel free to answer outside the thread since it's unrelated; it was a general curiosity.
I'm in Siskiyou county, can I vote on this somehow, or is it restricted to votes in Shasta? I'm sure I could drum up a few more votes in that county regardless, but this is bullshit.
Nope this is for residents only thanks any way.

By the way dirt, I keep seeing a Vietnam campaign ribbon in your sig. If you don't mind me asking, who did you serve with and when? Feel free to answer outside the thread since it's unrelated; it was a general curiosity.
I was in the 7th fleet
USS Navasota AO-106
Ships machinist MR3

I kept the fleet supplied with jet fuel and black oil to keep the war effort going.
On a standard west Pac we pumped over 500 barrels of fuel, that's a lot.