Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

Got some positive reporting by one local News Paper

From the Record Searchlight | :

A petition drive has started in Shasta County that, if successful, would put the county’s pending ban on outdoor medical marijuana gardens in the voter’s hands this November.

Over the past week dozens of medical marijuana patients, supporters and even professional signature gatherers have fanned out across the county in the hopes of garnering enough... supporters to have the referendum put on the ballot this fall. Whether they can gather the required 6,544 valid signatures before a February 28 deadline remains to be seen.

The signatures must come from registered voters in the county, and many petitioners are also offering to sign up people to vote on the spot. They are also hoping to gather about 10,000 signatures to ensure they have enough qualified signatures.

“Every person I talked with (at a location) yesterday - with the exception of one - said they didn’t necessarily believe in (using marijuana), but they believed in the rights of voters and have signed the petition,” said Shari Houser, a Redding resident who has been helping circulate petitions. “The Board of Supervisors shouldn’t be able to overturn a law we voted on, and that’s what they are doing. They didn’t even follow the recommendations from the Planning Commission.”

County supervisors last month unanimously voted to ban all outdoor medical marijuana cultivation in the unincorporated parts of Shasta County, and place additional restrictions on in grows. The board opted not to go with recommendations from county planners that would have allowed grows on properties larger than 10 acres.

The outdoor ban is set to take effect on Feb. 28 unless the petition proves successful, in which case supervisors could either choose to repeal the ordinance or send it on for voters to decide in the fall, said Cathy Allen-Darling, the county clerk and registrar of voters.

Board of Supervisors Chairman Les Baugh said he thinks the matter would be destined for voters if enough signatures were raised to get the issue on the ballot.

“You had a unanimous 5-0 vote to move forward (with the ordinance) from listening to what I think is the majority of citizens that don’t want outdoor growing,” Baugh said. “There are a lot of people that believe medical marijuana and compassionate use is something that should be considered, but far fewer people that want it grown next door to them, destroying their neighborhoods.”

The Voter Registrar’s office has approved nearly a dozen Shasta County residents in the past two weeks to register new voters for the petition drive, the office confirmed.

Another 22 professional signature gathers, some from out of county, have staked out in front of businesses around Redding and Anderson in an effort to sign up enough supporters before the deadline.

Members of the San Diego-based California Cannabis Coalition are in town helping coordinate the effort.

Doug Campbell, a Redding resident who said he was an independent contractor enlisted to gather signatures for the petition, said the response to the medical marijuana petition had been strong.

“When a petition pushes hot buttons people aren’t so apathetic about it,” he said. “And people care about this one.”

Campbell, who was also soliciting signatures for three state-wide referendums, collected about 70 signatures on the medical marijuana petition while set up in front of Raley’s Supermarket on Lake Boulevard Wednesday afternoon. But he also said it was too close to tell if the drive could prove successful before the deadline just 14 days away.

“It will be very interesting to see what happens in the final tally,” he said.

Dominick Liso Jr. of Redding said he felt strongly enough about the issue to register to vote in front of Raley’s and offer his signature for the petition.

“It’s people’s rights,” said 24-year-old Liso. “It’s in the (state’s) constitution for people have their medicines and the county is going against that.”

A push for a referendum following Shasta County’s change to medical marijuana grow laws in 2011 fell short of collecting enough signatures to have that issue added to the ballot. Organizers then declined to release the exact signature count, but said the group of volunteers had collected thousands.


Here’s a list of some of the places where signatures are being collected

Safeway, 1070 E. Cypress Ave. in Redding

Walmart, 5000 Rhonda Road in Anderson

Walmart, 1515 Dana Drive in Redding

K-Mart, 2685 Hilltop Drive in Redding

Raley’s Supermarket, 201 Lake Boulevard in Redding

FoodMaxx, 1330 Churn Creek Road in Redding

Trader Joes, 845 Browning St. in Redding

Safeway, 601 Balls Ferry Road in Anderson

Dollar Store, 2385 Athens Ave. in Redding

Queen of Dragons collective, 5044 Shasta Dam Boulevard in Shasta Lake

Grow On, 4530 Westside Road in Redding

Palo Cedro Printing, 9481 Deschutes Road in Palo Cedro

Planet Herb, 2051 Hilltop Drive in Redding
Nope this is for residents only thanks any way.

I was in the 7th fleet
USS Navasota AO-106
Ships machinist MR3

I kept the fleet supplied with jet fuel and black oil to keep the war effort going.
On a standard west Pac we pumped over 500 barrels of fuel, that's a lot.
View attachment 2995532

That pretty cool. Did you guy have any Mustangs on board? I know they weren't common by then, but it would have been a hell of a thing to see a phantom and a warplane from ww2 on the same ship.
well if the doctors didn't give out 99 plant scripts you guys would be able to grow outdoors still. you all out way out of control down there. and besides the 99 plant limit was never tended for outdoor grows. it does suck for you guys.. does a green house count as a outdoor grow.. something to look into.. seems like every time I go to a dispensary they say weed growing in a greenhouse I the same as growing indoors
you all out way out of control down there.

what? these people are being banned from growing cannabis outdoor all together, how are they out of control?

the county officials who make rules which conflict with the general law of California are those who are out of control. Jeez dude, who's side are you on?

Illegal street dealers HATE medical cannabis and the patients right to grow-their-own, it cuts into their profit.
well if the doctors didn't give out 99 plant scripts you guys would be able to grow outdoors still. you all out way out of control down there. and besides the 99 plant limit was never tended for outdoor grows. it does suck for you guys.. does a green house count as a outdoor grow.. something to look into.. seems like every time I go to a dispensary they say weed growing in a greenhouse I the same as growing indoors

They want us to build a permitted 10K green house and only 4k watts total including a filtering system.
If this is passed you will be breaking the law by just having the finished goods a bag of weed will get you a $1000 fine and misdemeanor charges.
But yea those big grows is the reason according to the BOS that and all the crime.
Outdoor growing has been banned here in Sacramento for a couple of years. Good luck, welcome to the banned club...
well if the doctors didn't give out 99 plant scripts you guys would be able to grow outdoors still. you all out way out of control down there. and besides the 99 plant limit was never tended for outdoor grows. it does suck for you guys.. does a green house count as a outdoor grow.. something to look into.. seems like every time I go to a dispensary they say weed growing in a greenhouse I the same as growing indoors

You don't know much about the actual law if you think a 99 plant scrip holds any legal water on it's own.
Outdoor growing has been banned here in Sacramento for a couple of years. Good luck, welcome to the banned club...

doublejj i try like hell to stay clear of joining clubs and i definitely dont want to be in that club either...its time to fight back wouldnt ya say?
norml, mpp and dpa etc are not the answer here or anywhere imo so its time to stand up and lay the cards down and let the chips fall...
in other words stand up for your natural born rights...
215 was a small reach in the direction of those rights, and then greed driven 420 worked to reign them back in and became the catalyst for all the banning ordinances, learn from that and from the idiocy going on with the Wa.Co. laws etc, and realize that its time to truly speak truth and do the 'right' thing...
make this issue apply to everyone (not just cannabis users) by making it about what it really is about = human rights...
doublejj i try like hell to stay clear of joining clubs and i definitely dont want to be in that club either...its time to fight back wouldnt ya say?
norml, mpp and dpa etc are not the answer here or anywhere imo so its time to stand up and lay the cards down and let the chips fall...
in other words stand up for your natural born rights...
215 was a small reach in the direction of those rights, and then greed driven 420 worked to reign them back in and became the catalyst for all the banning ordinances, learn from that and from the idiocy going on with the Wa.Co. laws etc, and realize that its time to truly speak truth and do the 'right' thing...
make this issue apply to everyone (not just cannabis users) by making it about what it really is about = human rights...

SB 420 is what caused the CA supreme court to remove plant limits. How did that limit instead of expand freedom?
SB 420 is what caused the CA supreme court to remove plant limits. How did that limit instead of expand freedom?

either im confused about your statement or im confused about the law (wouldnt be surprised either way lol)...
the kelly case hinged on 215 (cua) unless im mistaken, and its sb420 that worked to create 'reasonable amounts' etc and also worked to imply that counties could regulate...
215 has no limits because all that is left open in the doctor patient relationship, and 215 was meant to protect all californians equally...
either im confused about your statement or im confused about the law (wouldnt be surprised either way lol)...
the kelly case hinged on 215 (cua) unless im mistaken, and its sb420 that worked to create 'reasonable amounts' etc and also worked to imply that counties could regulate...
215 has no limits because all that is left open in the doctor patient relationship, and 215 was meant to protect all californians equally...

You're right, I haven't slept in about a day and I flipped the two around. I guess if you want to get technical, then sb420 was what was challenged in the courts to bring about no limits short of "medical need". But saying it was more than incidentally responsible would be unfair.
You're right, I haven't slept in about a day and I flipped the two around. I guess if you want to get technical, then sb420 was what was challenged in the courts to bring about no limits short of "medical need". But saying it was more than incidentally responsible would be unfair.

i wish i could agree, i truly do, but in that i personally know many of the personalities that pushed sb420 forward and the dynamic$/motivation$ that fueled that push, and the fact that many of us warned said persons of what the consequences would be (in other words they knew), and based on what has come to be, i simply cannot agree :(
...and until the 'debate' is about the human right to grow plants for ones own personal use, we will always be having this diversionary discussion imo...
well if the doctors didn't give out 99 plant scripts you guys would be able to grow outdoors still. you all out way out of control down there. and besides the 99 plant limit was never tended for outdoor grows. it does suck for you guys.. does a green house count as a outdoor grow.. something to look into.. seems like every time I go to a dispensary they say weed growing in a greenhouse I the same as growing indoors

With due respect I think you're missing the point, a little.
This whole argument is MUCH bigger than cannabis.
The supervisors appear to be subverting the democratic process
and legislating through the back door
under the pretence of zoning.

And comparing a cannabis grow in a rural area
to a town centre pig farm
(as one of the supervisors did as justification)
is irrelevant nonsense.

I'm British and we'll not have legal cannabis until we can point at America
and use you as an example of new thinking.
(Ironic we you consider we entered this War n Drugs under US pressure).

It needs to be clear that the only people that can sign this petition have to be REGISTERED voters RESIDING (or registered in) Shaftya County-- oops, "Shasta" county hah. You have to be registered to vote with a residential address in shasta county for your signature to be valid. ohhh and they WILL be checking buttholes... What the supervisors are betting on is that there will be too many growers from out of town, and too many who are scared to register for fear of giving up their addresses. They are counting on all the chicken shits. So if you live in shaftya county, and you are truly a 215 grower from here, get off your chicken shit ass and come to my store to register to vote ONLINE, and sign the petition on my counter. I am at Palo Cedro Printing (9481 Deschutes Road in Palo Cedro next to Dutch Bros. Coffee).
With due respect I think you're missing the point, a little.
This whole argument is MUCH bigger than cannabis.
The supervisors appear to be subverting the democratic process
and legislating through the back door
under the pretence of zoning.

And comparing a cannabis grow in a rural area
to a town centre pig farm
(as one of the supervisors did as justification)
is irrelevant nonsense.

I'm British and we'll not have legal cannabis until we can point at America
and use you as an example of new thinking.
(Ironic we you consider we entered this War n Drugs under US pressure).


such is exactly why in our county they used the 'urgency ordinance' maneuver and stated in an open meeting that is was to subvert the great public interest that would undoubtedly force a referendum...they were quite brash about it, but now their time limit for how long such an ordinance can be in place is almost up so they passed a ban on outdoor grows in the townships and expansion zones, we then promptly forced a referendum and as a result the stupidvisors chose to put their offering on the june ballot...not likely to pass...
It needs to be clear that the only people that can sign this petition have to be REGISTERED voters RESIDING (or registered in) Shaftya County-- oops, "Shasta" county hah. You have to be registered to vote with a residential address in shasta county for your signature to be valid. ohhh and they WILL be checking buttholes... What the supervisors are betting on is that there will be too many growers from out of town, and too many who are scared to register for fear of giving up their addresses. They are counting on all the chicken shits. So if you live in shaftya county, and you are truly a 215 grower from here, get off your chicken shit ass and come to my store to register to vote ONLINE, and sign the petition on my counter. I am at Palo Cedro Printing (9481 Deschutes Road in Palo Cedro next to Dutch Bros. Coffee).
Same thing, with whats up in butte county rite now! But check out this fucking bullshit: Where i live, and chico, its already bullshit rules that are seperate from butte county ordinance(way different/strickter). But yet, if and when a new referendum makes the ballot in Nov., where i live, and chico get to vote on what will effectively NOT affect us. Good news(i think)is that Chico is pretty liberal and will vote in the growers favor, but all the god fearing bible beating conservatives that live where all the huge outdoor grows are, will probably vote against the growers. Not trying to hijack this thread again, i sware :bigjoint:
It needs to be clear that the only people that can sign this petition have to be REGISTERED voters RESIDING (or registered in) Shaftya County-- oops, "Shasta" county hah. You have to be registered to vote with a residential address in shasta county for your signature to be valid. ohhh and they WILL be checking buttholes... What the supervisors are betting on is that there will be too many growers from out of town, and too many who are scared to register for fear of giving up their addresses. They are counting on all the chicken shits. So if you live in shaftya county, and you are truly a 215 grower from here, get off your chicken shit ass and come to my store to register to vote ONLINE, and sign the petition on my counter. I am at Palo Cedro Printing (9481 Deschutes Road in Palo Cedro next to Dutch Bros. Coffee).

First welcome to the board.
But I want to thank you for copying all those petitions for the cause!
When they start checking names boy will they be surprised to find that
(I'll do my impression of a BOS) 25% of the signatures are from people
that don't smoke don't grow but just plain fed up with their way of doing business.

I have a good feeling this will pass even tho we have less than 30 days to gather signatures we will
by I hope a land slide.

Next time I'm driving by I'll stop by and thank you in person!!