Shatter E-CIG Oil, Yes, it works!

its not real hard go on ebay and order " the rite stuff " or get some peg 400 USP where ever you want, and melt your shatter or flake in a shot glass mix and enjoy, it will cost you less then the co2 oil I bet, and at one gram to 5ml its way stronger then open vape oil
if you have enough put some oil in a test tube or a shot glass and add water, the water will turn white from the peg and the thc will sink to the bottom,, its a great way to check strength peg mixes with water,,,,,,thc does not, then you can dab the white water off with a paper towel, and see whats left.
have fun
its not real hard go on ebay and order " the rite stuff " or get some peg 400 USP where ever you want, and melt your shatter or flake in a shot glass mix and enjoy, it will cost you less then the co2 oil I bet, and at one gram to 5ml its way stronger then open vape oil

When i tried it wouldnt mix right, i couldn't get the shatter out of the shot glass it just stuck to the sides... yeah the co2 is 60 a gram..buts sooo good... i just want to eat it.. ive had friends that smoked there whole life and now all they want is the co2 oil they won't even touch flowers anymore
When i tried it wouldnt mix right, i couldn't get the shatter out of the shot glass it just stuck to the sides... yeah the co2 is 60 a gram..buts sooo good... i just want to eat it.. ive had friends that smoked there whole life and now all they want is the co2 oil they won't even touch flowers anymore
it is the future, no mess no attention, great for hiking, i have converted most of my friends to oil in an e cig, how did you heat it and what were you dissolving it with?,, you can decarboxilate it and make chocolate(not after you mix it wit anything like peg)
it is the future, no mess no attention, great for hiking, i have converted most of my friends to oil in an e cig, how did you heat it and what were you dissolving it with?,, you can decarboxilate it and make chocolate(not after you mix it wit anything like peg)
plus you could turn that 60 dollar gram of shatter into 250 bucks worth of oil in 10 minutes, guaging by cost of commercial oil like open vape
it is the future, no mess no attention, great for hiking, i have converted most of my friends to oil in an e cig, how did you heat it and what were you dissolving it with?,, you can decarboxilate it and make chocolate(not after you mix it wit anything like peg)

I used a shot glass in a pan of hot water on the stove, i guess its called a double boil..but i used VG and not PG that might have been the problem. But i thought VG was more healthy so i went that route.

I sell my shatter cheap if its hard rock candy type I usually only charge 40.. If its the northern cali wax I only charge 25

I do make make special orders for people of a particular strain nug run. I usually charge 60 for this is more for the high end clients.

I heard really good results for soaking kief in PG then straining it..supposely it works in the cartomizer really good too.

But I'm going to have to say nothing will touch the Co2 oil.. nothing it is the best of the best.1405570972189.jpg1405570972189.jpg
However it is that you end up making it, you can refill the mark ten e-cigs by pulling out the four holed cap, removing the rubber piece behind it, and re-soaking the wick that is inside it... I used vegetable glycerin with qwiso hash heated in a water bath off and on for over a week...yeah, it sucked and a lot of the hash didn't get absorbed. I added about 5 ml of blueberry nicotine oil (PG/VG mix) to my 20-30ml of VG and 2.5g of qwiso hash. I'm not saying it blows my mind or anything, but it's way better than smoking a dirty cigarette, the mark ten is super discreet, and the cost to refill it is very low. There's a video on youtube about refilling the cartridges, but man, you need some patience for all the commentary.
I used a shot glass in a pan of hot water on the stove, i guess its called a double boil..but i used VG and not PG that might have been the problem. But i thought VG was more healthy so i went that route.

I sell my shatter cheap if its hard rock candy type I usually only charge 40.. If its the northern cali wax I only charge 25

I do make make special orders for people of a particular strain nug run. I usually charge 60 for this is more for the high end clients.

I heard really good results for soaking kief in PG then straining it..supposely it works in the cartomizer really good too.

But I'm going to have to say nothing will touch the Co2 oil.. nothing it is the best of the best.View attachment 3205616View attachment 3205616
nice stuff but you should try peg 400, i am working on a co2 extractor just slow going due to high cost of thick stainless steel weldless pipe,,,,so bho will do untill its done,,,i shake everything with dry ice through 200 micron bag then wash the hash i get with butane it is like winterizing first and 2 cans of tane does the work of 6 if your washing buds
However it is that you end up making it, you can refill the mark ten e-cigs by pulling out the four holed cap, removing the rubber piece behind it, and re-soaking the wick that is inside it... I used vegetable glycerin with qwiso hash heated in a water bath off and on for over a week...yeah, it sucked and a lot of the hash didn't get absorbed. I added about 5 ml of blueberry nicotine oil (PG/VG mix) to my 20-30ml of VG and 2.5g of qwiso hash. I'm not saying it blows my mind or anything, but it's way better than smoking a dirty cigarette, the mark ten is super discreet, and the cost to refill it is very low. There's a video on youtube about refilling the cartridges, but man, you need some patience for all the commentary.
if you make it rite you can use it in any e cig tank no special equipment needed,,go on e bay and search " the rite stuff " try it out it is peg 400 usp ,,, if you like it you can get more wherever ////vg sucks(can barley absorb thc), pg gives you a mix that will clog your wick if you dissolved enough to even be worth vaping, peg not ppg or vg,,works great every time
For reclaim, when I use PG USP, I will let it separate and pour off the PG USP. Then I will winterize the product or re winterize and filter.

It still comes out kind of nasty. Then I will add PEG400 NF USP with some NF Organic flavoring to take the edge off. It really makes all the difference.

If you are already using PEG400 NF USP you may just want to filter it and add some NF Organic flavoring.

I am sure there are a lot of e-cigg shops that sell the NF Organic flavoring. Here is one place very affordable too.
For reclaim, when I use PG USP, I will let it separate and pour off the PG USP. Then I will winterize the product or re winterize and filter.

It still comes out kind of nasty. Then I will add PEG400 NF USP with some NF Organic flavoring to take the edge off. It really makes all the difference.

If you are already using PEG400 NF USP you may just want to filter it and add some NF Organic flavoring.

I am sure there are a lot of e-cigg shops that sell the NF Organic flavoring. Here is one place very affordable too.
i must ask what you mean by reclaim
i must ask what you mean by reclaim

After vaping for a while, you will learn what desired reclaim is when it comes to e-ciggs.

For example: You fill your vaporizer with oil, it runs low and you refill it, runs low again and you refill it, possibly replace the coil. Either way, the oil continues to get thicker and more dirty. there are elements in the oil that just won't vaporize. There are other examples I could provide on why you would want reclaim. Such as, you fill up a new clearomizer and the heating coil goes bad right away. You want to get your oil back and much is stuck in the wicking. That is what I mean by reclaim.

Hope this helps you understand where I am coming from.

I do recall someone mention cold water helps separate PEG and THC. That could be handy if it works. I like to get the most out of my product at the best it can possibly be.
After vaping for a while, you will learn what desired reclaim is when it comes to e-ciggs.

For example: You fill your vaporizer with oil, it runs low and you refill it, runs low again and you refill it, possibly replace the coil. Either way, the oil continues to get thicker and more dirty. there are elements in the oil that just won't vaporize. There are other examples I could provide on why you would want reclaim. Such as, you fill up a new clearomizer and the heating coil goes bad right away. You want to get your oil back and much is stuck in the wicking. That is what I mean by reclaim.

Hope this helps you understand where I am coming from.

I do recall someone mention cold water helps separate PEG and THC. That could be handy if it works. I like to get the most out of my product at the best it can possibly be.
i understand just never heard the term,, and yes water mixed will turn white stir it gently and soak up the white water with a paper towel or a syringe you will see the thc drop out to the bottom,, then let it dry,,,,you can heat it to dry it but its best to just let it sit a day
vg will not absorb enough of the good stuff and is pretty much just for added vapor cloud,, and peg works way better then ppg, nice clear, great tasting, strong,,,with the peg i found i use one 5ml bottle with 1 gram shattered. just melt the shattered in shot glass on coffee warmer ( i use a pic induction cook top myself at 140-160 ) and heat the peg in a shotglass next to the shatter then mix them real good suck up with a childs medicine syringe squirt back into bottle and fill my tanks, i puff it alot and it last a long time

How do you mix them real good?
Thanks in advance...great info
How do you mix them real good?
Thanks in advance...great info
for a real good mix try " the rite stuff " on ebay , it is peg 400 usp it mixes one 5Ml bottle to one gram concentrate,,melt the concentrate in a shot glass on a coffee warmer or if you have an induction cook top put a pan on it put the shot glass in the pan and set the temp for 140f to 150f put the rite stuff in another shotglass and let it get warm, add the rite stuff a little at a time over about 10 minutes and keep stirring it with a dab tool, it will glob up on the dab tool for a couple minutes ,,when you get it dissolved most of the way , take a childs medicine syringe ( or a flavor injector from bband beyond) and suck up the oil and then flush it into the glass a couple times this mixes it real nice,, put it back in the rite stuff bottle , and put it in any e cig tank,,,after u get used to the mixture you can get the peg400 in larger bottles if you need them,, i will be putting a video on youtube real soon,,i am heading into the mountains tomorrow and wont have phone or internet for a couple days,,,, goin off the grid
Another verification.
I bottle ebay.
The right stuff.
1 gram hash oil
I filtered it just because.
Heated with coffepot burner.
Works well
if i am going to decarb my bud before i shake it with dry ice and run it to make bho,,,,should i still cure it the same( slow dry one week hanging, then burped every day for another week or two in large jars) before decarb? or should i just decarb after a week of hanging?? anybody try either way?
So I can't just fill up a tank with C02 oil? It has to be diluted with glyc?


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So I can't just fill up a tank with C02 oil? It has to be diluted with glyc?
you can but it works much better mixed for a 1 gram co2 oil stik ,,mix 50/50 it will still give you a dab like hit. with just co2 oil i have found that it works well but the voltage and current settings are very high to soften it up and let it flow often causing elements to burn out fast leaving you stranded,, changing coil is very messy and you will lose about 1/2 gram of oil,,,hope this helps, if you have lots of oil by all means just fill her up and vape happy, use a bottom fed tank
Hi all. I've read these forums as well as other websites and forums on this subject and I decided to give it a whirl with a $30 gram ($36.34 w/ tax) of wax. Did it in the garage away from the family on a large electric pancake/breakfast skillet. The temp dial goes from warm then 200F up to 450F.

I put a measuring cup filled just a little ways with water and a meat thermometer in it to monitor temps, and a small clear glass shot glass next to it. Right on the skillet. No water, no pan. Set it at 250F at first and it would barley get the water past 105F. So I cranked it up to 450F on the dial and within a few minutes the water was measuring 140F. The shot glass was definitely hotter though by the feel of it. Seems right considering its a much smaller piece of glass with only 1 ml of PEG at first. I added and heated just the 1ml of PEG first as I've read on various sites and threads that some have had a problem with the hash sticking if starting with melting the hash first so I decided to start with just a thin 1ml layer on the bottom of the shot glass to avoid sticking. It worked great. The wax melted and liquefied with a little stirring after only 30 seconds probably, but it was begging for more juice. So I added 4 more ml and continued stirring. Slowly, carefully, not like a mad man trying to mimic a blender. With 5 ml total it became a lovely golden yellow clear. I mean clear as in you could see no trace of any solid wax. Seemed well infused with the PEG. Since I had some pure PG laying around I decided to add 1 ml of that for its sweetness and to stretch out my $30 gram of wax as far as I could. So it became a 6ml 1 gram batch and I could not be happier with the results.

I used a 5ml syringe with a lure lock needle to suck it up and squirt it back out several times to encourage the best mix I could then pulled up 2 ml and put it in the new Innokin iClear16 i bought just for the job. Spent a whopping 3 bucks and change on it. It works and vapes like a champ. Seems to wick the juice just fine. There's a slight hint of the hash flavor and a slight medical/sterile/clean flavor I can't describe. It's the PEG I'm sure. As a 3+ year veteran e-cig user for nicotine I'm used to PG so I'll bet it's the PEG I'm tasting. Not at all bad and overall a very acceptable vape. No huge lung explosion and not harsh or tight on my throat. There is a small and thin cloud upon exhale. A big enough one for me. Part of the allure of this for me is the stealth and it's much easier accomplishing that without exhaling a huge cloud with your meds.

What tickles me most is at retail store prices I just made $300 worth of "liqweed" for $36 bucks. :hump:


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