Shatter help!

Anything non denatured is my method.
My prefered is the soxhlet exyractor. Everything i use is good grade and can be eaten.
Grain alchohol
Activated carbon
Cellite (diatomaceous earth)
There is literally 100 ways to make better extracts without poison
People have been doing it for centuries
Anything non denatured is my method.
My prefered is the soxhlet exyractor. Everything i use is good grade and can be eaten.
Grain alchohol
Activated carbon
Cellite (diatomaceous earth)
There is literally 100 ways to make better extracts without poison
People have been doing it for centuries
well where would one learn how to do this?if I could get away from butane relatively easy,I would like to give it a shot.
Ask a pharmacist or organic chemist how they might prepare a cannabis extract that fits your specifications. I bet you $1,000 none of them will say butane
Stop putting cannabis in all your Google searches and research how other essential oils are made. There's a whole big world out there the supercritical conspirest have thrown a sheet over so they can sell you stuff.
I just prepared some glacial acetic yesterday that just for fun, i am going to do an extraction with tomorrow. Absolute vinager
Ask a pharmacist or organic chemist how they might prepare a cannabis extract that fits your specifications. I bet you $1,000 none of them will say butane
Stop putting cannabis in all your Google searches and research how other essential oils are made. There's a whole big world out there the supercritical conspirest have thrown a sheet over so they can sell you stuff.
I just prepared some glacial acetic yesterday that just for fun, i am going to do an extraction with tomorrow. Absolute vinager
Some questions to anyone here
If you walked into a restaurant and the sign on the hostess podium read
" we proudly use pure tane brand food grade butane in our recipe. The purest natural gas byproduct money can buy "
Would you eat there?
If you walked into the hospital and they declared
"We now offer medical grade butane therapy to all our paitents"
Would you see that dr.?
Has anyone had their bho tested for anything other than potency and had zero residual solvent?
Some questions to anyone here
If you walked into a restaurant and the sign on the hostess podium read
" we proudly use pure tane brand food grade butane in our recipe. The purest natural gas byproduct money can buy "
Would you eat there?
If you walked into the hospital and they declared
"We now offer medical grade butane therapy to all our paitents"
Would you see that dr.?
Has anyone had their bho tested for anything other than potency and had zero residual solvent?
If you're that concerned for all of us please post a tutorial. I am very interested in trying your method.
I really would love to but to do it well and to do it right would be a lot of work which I am just not up for. And theres much more to learn than i can write down in
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Alls i did over 20 years ago was take a method i already used to extract other non cannabis essential oils and adjusted it for extraction of thc upon the request of a person in serious need of safe effective medication.
Fast quick easy cheap safe way to make concentrates. Press some rosin. Probably more potent than your shatter and taste better too. Smoother safer No heart palpitation and bho sweats no harm to the environment
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heart palpitations and bho sweats?sorry don't have that problem. it's too bad you don't have time to explain.maybe you would gain more traction if you revealed your process.I believe you make a great product.
Its already out there. Not mine but all the pictorials and you tube videos you can stand. I have described my method in more detail on this forum but not everything you need to know. I wouldn't even recommend it for everyone. Its not a one switch machine, takes practice and temperment and the right toys. Not a trim goes in here drugs come out there kind of a thing
My main point is there is a 100 ways other than butane that are better in numerous ways
Its already out there. Not mine but all the pictorials and you tube videos you can stand. I have described my method in more detail on this forum but not everything you need to know. I wouldn't even recommend it for everyone. Its not a one switch machine, takes practice and temperment and the right toys. Not a trim goes in here drugs come out there kind of a thing
My main point is there is a 100 ways other than butane that are better in numerous ways
and I believe you on safer products than butane.I've seen you before on threads promoting your method but not really giving any helpful insight.look I'm not trying to argue,I'm truly interested.but throw us a freaking bone over doesn't do anybody any good yelling about how awful bho is and how great your method is if you're not going to explain it to a degree.what were you extracting 20 years ago (not cannabis)I would like a starting point at least
Essential oils are all throughout nature in numerous plants that have countless uses. You probably already have used them. Start there. I still make coffe with my little 250 ml soxhlet and i was doinf it before walter white did it on breaking bad. Not my idea though
Extracted some alibidium recently ( no not for that for root beer extract)
I make aspirin from my willow tree.
I make vinilla bean extract
Those are just a few things I use the soxhlet for. Its nor the right thing for every extraction and i certainly require alot of other lab gear to make my life work. Im distilling my own ethanol from mash righ now in my fancy glass still. Copper one would do just fine but......

I cant teach everything you want to know i just hope to inspire others to learn more on their own and make their own decisions and devise their own methods. And then cross reference your idea and see if there is anyone that has done it before and published a paper on it. Learn from them
Or like i said ask a pharmacist or chemist or your local medical compounding facility. they would look at it from a totally differant angle with no bias. Not just a google search. How would you have done this before the internet?
A long time ago there was the greatest teacher ever who taught by only askinf questions and gave no answers. Find out who that is learn about him and I'll start sounding like less of a jerk
Essential oils are all throughout nature in numerous plants that have countless uses. You probably already have used them. Start there. I still make coffe with my little 250 ml soxhlet and i was doinf it before walter white did it on breaking bad. Not my idea though
Extracted some alibidium recently ( no not for that for root beer extract)
I make aspirin from my willow tree.
I make vinilla bean extract
Those are just a few things I use the soxhlet for. Its nor the right thing for every extraction and i certainly require alot of other lab gear to make my life work. Im distilling my own ethanol from mash righ now in my fancy glass still. Copper one would do just fine but......

I cant teach everything you want to know i just hope to inspire others to learn more on their own and make their own decisions and devise their own methods. And then cross reference your idea and see if there is anyone that has done it before and published a paper on it. Learn from them
Or like i said ask a pharmacist or chemist or your local medical compounding facility. they would look at it from a totally differant angle with no bias. Not just a google search. How would you have done this before the internet?
A long time ago there was the greatest teacher ever who taught by only askinf questions and gave no answers. Find out who that is learn about him and I'll start sounding like less of a jerk
I didn't think you sounded like a jerk until your last paragraph.glad youre happy with your own product.peace
Essential oils are all throughout nature in numerous plants that have countless uses. You probably already have used them. Start there. I still make coffe with my little 250 ml soxhlet and i was doinf it before walter white did it on breaking bad. Not my idea though
Extracted some alibidium recently ( no not for that for root beer extract)
I make aspirin from my willow tree.
I make vinilla bean extract
Those are just a few things I use the soxhlet for. Its nor the right thing for every extraction and i certainly require alot of other lab gear to make my life work. Im distilling my own ethanol from mash righ now in my fancy glass still. Copper one would do just fine but......

I cant teach everything you want to know i just hope to inspire others to learn more on their own and make their own decisions and devise their own methods. And then cross reference your idea and see if there is anyone that has done it before and published a paper on it. Learn from them
Or like i said ask a pharmacist or chemist or your local medical compounding facility. they would look at it from a totally differant angle with no bias. Not just a google search. How would you have done this before the internet?
A long time ago there was the greatest teacher ever who taught by only askinf questions and gave no answers. Find out who that is learn about him and I'll start sounding like less of a jerk
You dont sound like a jerk you sound like someone who wants attention and isnt trying to help the op... do us a favor and help the op or go fly a kite thanks pal
wow i hope that was sarcasm, blasting BHO into an electric skillet is going full retard and its a miracle u havnt burned urself or ur kitchen up by now.

Butane shouldn't be used near any heat or electric source, if you are stupid enough to use the stuff inside you better have it away from any electric appliances/motors.
I purge into a pot on top of an electric skillet but it has rubber connectors around the plug on the skillet air sealing and sparks inside. They make em just gotta get right one
Lipid n fat...winterize before blasting educated blaster have longer life spans
Agree fully winterizing is key to making the bet possible product using fully frozen dry/wet trim makes a difference. I also freeze my butane cans to make it less volatile as boiling point is at 32°. I also use mason jars instead of tubes and i can blast fresh frozen or frozen dry all day never an issue one run and done
Non polar solvents extract mostly lipids fat wax which require more work and more solvents more time and so on
You have fell for the super critical conspiracy. Just because people trying to sell you butane by the case and vacuum purge chambers told you and your friends its the best way dont make it so.

Ever had a residual solvent test done?

After all this work time money and effort you have spent you will produce a oil thats maybe 70% thc and taste like a burnt piece of plastic. Whats the other 30% ? Its not terpenes i know that
Lol 70% is amateur as fuck I came in 3rd in fort Collins 710 cup for 78.6% thc on a trim run of my og kush. There's nothing harmful left in mine at all I can take a light or torch or whatever run it over all of it never have a single spark. I also purge at 92° for 72 hours in actual vac ovens.