Sherbinski's Community Journal

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
View attachment 5339940

Day one of week #3, I think stretch is over so I'm likely going to repot sometime this week to 2 gallons so they don't complain as much about a later afternoon watering and I still have a good distance between them and the light. I need to get in there and clean the underskirt etc.....
I might have to try the small pot thing. Your stretch is a lot less than mine.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
You are in coco right? What size pots do you end up in for the final pot?
I always flower in 2 gallon pots. I usually choose to up pot from my pints to 2 gallon for flower but after witnessing their stretch I went with 1 gallon to reduce it. I also put them into 12/12 about 2 weeks before they were sexually mature enough to flower. Luckily it worked or I'd be having to supercrop and I hate doing that. Oh and I don't usually top. I topped these very early for 4 colas to reduce apical dominance.


Well-Known Member
I flipped the Gelatos on September 15. I think they are doing great at this point, a couple weeks behind LG. I still wish the expert wasn't in there, too short and wide and kind of pressed up against the tent. Only my sick need for symmetry keeps her alive! Acai is front left, expert is front right.20231031_072204.jpg20231031_072152.jpg20231031_072141.jpg

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member