Sheriffs sue Colorado over legal marijuana

Only because you benefit from the gov't having stolen the land you own from its original inhabitants.

I like that you used the word inhabitants. Does that mean I now endorse everything else you've said ?

Hey. easy on the bark dude, that was my last piece.
No you don't, you seem really bitter and upset, like you're a slave who is being raped.

I'm smiling and happy right now, my breakfast is being prepared by a wonderful woman (I make the coffee and do the dishes) and I spent time yesterday with my kids, my elderly mom and a young grandson that just got some bottom teeth.

I even ate some sugary birthday cake yesterday, rare occurrence, but I did it. A hike up a hill later today, on property that I "own" will burn that off.

You seem unable to answer simple questions and smell like cheetohs.
Yes really. The word libertarian was coined by a socialist. You're not just quoting socialists in order to describe your philosophy but the actual pioneers of your philosophy are so reproachable that you refuse to quote them.

Daniel Boone was a pioneer. I liked his buddy Mingo, the Cherokee guy in the 1960s T.V. show. He sounded an awful lot like that Ed Ames guy too when he talked though. That doesn't mean I have a stack of Ed Ames records on the Victrola does it?

Which pioneers do you like?

Which opinions have you assigned to me now?
I'm smiling and happy right now, my breakfast is being prepared by a wonderful woman (I make the coffee and do the dishes) and I spent time yesterday with my kids, my elderly mom and a young grandson that just got some bottom teeth.

I even ate some sugary birthday cake yesterday, rare occurrence, but I did it. A hike up a hill later today, on property that I "own" will burn that off.

You seem unable to answer simple questions and smell like cheetohs.
Its amazing how as we grow older we start to realize life is about relationships and balance instead of money and things.
You seem unable to answer simple questions

what's the most peaceful way to kick someone out of your store based on their skin color?

were blacks harmed back when it was legal to kick people out of stores based on skin color, like you advocate for?

does reduced competition, barriers to entry, and higher prices cause harm?
what's the most peaceful way to kick someone out of your store based on their skin color?

were blacks harmed back when it was legal to kick people out of stores based on skin color, like you advocate for?

does reduced competition, barriers to entry, and higher prices cause harm?

I'm happy to engage you in conversation, despite your inability to respond in a reasonable way and answer my questions intelligently.

The most peaceful way to create a human interaction, is to have the consent of both parties, or all parties involved, if more than two parties. Failing that, the most peaceful way is to leave others alone and not force an interaction or impose on somebody else or their property. Do you agree with that ? Can you refute it?

If you assert that reduced competition can hamper things, why do you believe in a monopolistic central authority and Nanny State ?
It seems like you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. That's not a good argument method.

Some people could certainly be harmed when racists act in an actionable way and go to somebodies property and misbehave, it works the same way when a central authority or a person forcing a human interaction goes to property that they don't own and usurps the rights of the owner. You fail to see that, because you cede ultimate authority to your Nanny State, even when it becomes contradictory. Your default position is contradiction.

You also fail to differentiate or address in your weak ass argument that there are two separate things going on.

One thing, is when anybody goes to property they don't own and forces an interaction. This could be a racist, a floor shitter or Martin Luther King or the Nanny State. In all of those instances, the person forcing the interaction on property that they don't own is an aggressor and is wrong. Again, we agree it's wrong when a racist does it, you fail to address when another entity does it...again a contradictory argument on your part.

The other thing is, it isn't an actionable harm when the only thing going on is what a person thinks or doesn't think, if they are remaining on their own property. You and your policies advocate victimizing that person by encouraging another person or entity (Nanny State) coming to that property and assuming some form of unjust ownership over it.
You advocate the initiation of aggression in that instance. You sure are inconsistent.

I also realize you won't address my points ,because you can't. Good luck.
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