shoreline genetics

You guys are funny with your arguments and internet searches. I can settle this once and for all, but you have to be willing to be part of the experiment. Figure out how much weed you smoke in a month or two. Buy that much worth of Mexican bunk if you can find it. Smoke that for two months, and then buy some premature light green hydro from a novice grower. Oh shit the crippy/kryptonite has returned. Next get yourself something with a little bite to it. Maybe it’s a sour cross, maybe a chem, maybe a cheese strain, but oh shit! Roadkill is back!!. The name game has been strong since the 80-90’s....ain’t much changed in that respect in the last. It may not have been as popular, but it was there. Probably something only the desperate sellers used back in the day. There’s probably about10k lbs of Florida crippy smoked in the 90’s for every actual lb that existed.....actually probably more than 10k.
In any case, Shoreline Genetics uses actual Shoreline, which was a specific strain of Roadkill Skunk found in the Houston area of Texas where dude is originally from. I’ve grown the Shoreline Bx1 and Bx3, and there were minor differences. In any case, the smell, taste, and physical description was there, even having a more Sativa structure with an absolutely crushing body as well as soaring heady high.

The Roadkill scent is the main body of it, with NOTES/undertones of cat piss, garlic, and a soft diesel finish. If a roadkill skunk doesn’t constitute a roadkill skunk, I dunno what to tell you. It sheemsh there ish no pleashing you, Mishtuh Powuhzh.
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Well you know some about skunks.
So if that's what you see as skunk.
I'm cool with that.
Looks more like nl#5 x skunk to me.
But not roadkill skunk.
More like Sensi kind skunk.
Lots of strains known as Skunks are at least part Skunk #1 and since the word is descriptive also, it can get confusing. Some very Skunk tasting/smelling herb I have had were not even a Skunk. Leaves and color look Skunk to me.
When did you purchase it? It's been out of stock for 2 years, until I restocked it last month.
Do you have any pics?
Pretty sure it’s all just jealous trolls trying to bog you down. That’s all this dumb shit is. Notice how they’re all either years old with very few comments, or brand new accounts. No one legit has said anything substantial or proved anything they’ve offered in support of their assertions and protests, and others have been eviscerated by proof they are wrong.
The plant to the left looks very much like a Chem 91. However, the plant to the right looks like a serious Stavie. I would assume this could mean the Shoreline heritage.
The one that looks like Chemdog to you is a mix of Shoreline, Chem ‘91, and GMO. It does look a little like Chem ‘91, but you can tell from the sharp serrations and the spacing between the fingers that the Shoreline is in there. The right was a Purple Haze x Malawi plant I open-pollinated the shit out of with Kerala-dominant Oldtimer’s Haze pollen.
The one that looks like Chemdog to you is a mix of Shoreline, Chem ‘91, and GMO. It does look a little like Chem ‘91, but you can tell from the sharp serrations and the spacing between the fingers that the Shoreline is in there. The right was a Purple Haze x Malawi plant I open-pollinated the shit out of with Kerala-dominant Oldtimer’s Haze pollen.
I see zero cookie in her from the GMO. Nice specimen for sure.
Looks like Skunk to me. I know nothing of “Roadkill”.
sorry his texas roadkill was lame, no rks, no gas, no fuel
he better rename those to something else

I just put some in the dirt last night so I'll be posting as they progress. I started a few of these a couple months ago and had to leave town for a few days leaving someone else to take care of them, only to come back to find dead dried up plants. When I left they were great looking plants, and already reeked of pure Roadkill.
If I still had the same phone I could post the pics.
I just put some in the dirt last night so I'll be posting as they progress. I started a few of these a couple months ago and had to leave town for a few days leaving someone else to take care of them, only to come back to find dead dried up plants. When I left they were great looking plants, and already reeked of pure Roadkill.
If I still had the same phone I could post the pics.
I have the Texas Oil Plant coming up, myself. I know that Sour Glue male was stinking my place up, so I have high hopes for Texas Roadkill Skunk x GG#4. I believe that was what this one is.
I had my girlfriend sniff the jar the SoCo was in. She did and immediately went “Ew.” She says it definitely smells like a sweet-acrid kind of body odor. It smells like that, and like someone was rubbing a clove of garlic on themselves, then cleaned their hands off with the fur of a dead skunk. And had a piece of liquor-soaked fruit cake, at the very top of the nose.
Pretty sure these clones are rooted. Today is day 5 or 6 since I put hoods on them, turned on the warming pad, and set them to root. They’re all standing. The Bubba has always kind of leaned over like that, so I’m sure she’s fine, too. I dipped the tips in Olivia’s organic rooting gel and coated that in some powdered Indole-3-Butyric Acid-based rooting hormone.

East Coast Sour Diesel (cuts)
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Katsu Bubba Kush
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