should insurance company's have to cover the obese

Please, you can go first.I would love to here it.

Why should I? Your friend from the right pretty much eviscerated all the stupidity covered in your previous brain-fart of a post. PS - Farts are jazz to assholes.

if you go to a hospital for anything that can be solved by a bandaid or tylenol you SHOULD be raked over the coals.

last time i went to the ER (9 years ago) i waited next to kids with the sniffles, idiots with minor cuts and scratches, dipshit junkies trying to get vicodin, and a dumbass with gas pains.

i sat there for 4 hours waiting, while dumb bitches demanded antibiotics for their kid's cold, gasbag finally let off his massive fart, and dumbasses with minor cuts were given bandaids, until finally i saw a croaker, who, upon hearing my symptoms, shit a brick, started ordering cat scans x-rays and blood tests, and began arguing with the desk nurse about how triage is supposed to work.

it turns out people who appear to be having a stroke should be seen before kids with the sniffles and junkies trying to get a fix.

our medical system is fucked up, but how it is paid for is the LEAST IMPORTANT ISSUE.
Welcome to the National Triage line.

If you are bleeding out from a rape/murder please press 56779340 now.

If you are a victim of a hate crime please press 6678394000399940003 now.

If you are experiencing gas pains please dial 3399499495000506---5-49949494050ffskkfja-niner-34993499 now.

If you are currently minutes from death, please be patient, as your call is very important to us, but currently all our operators are busy with Gas pain calls.

having an RN you can call for free anytime would seriously cut down on a lot of trips to the ER for unnecessary things.

there's a reason why triage lines already exist.
having an RN you can call for free anytime would seriously cut down on a lot of trips to the ER for unnecessary things.

there's a reason why triage lines already exist.

I actually agree brother. It totally would. I was searching for some humor in the sadness. I fail. ::::hangshead-skulks-away-to-time-out::::
Why should I? Your friend from the right pretty much eviscerated all the stupidity covered in your previous brain-fart of a post. PS - Farts are jazz to assholes.

So you think that someone should be able tell you, as an insurance company owner, who and what you can insure, and how much to charge ?
You cannot diagnose people over the phone unfortunatly

It's tough. But, I firmly believe the guy who gets his balls caught in a rat-trap can probably diagnose himself over the phone.

Other infirmities, however, I imagine would be a lot tougher to diagnose via Ma Bell.
well Fuck if that is all it takes to not be FORCED to support the program I'll start on the wieghtgainer2000 right away! Thanks for the tip.
It's tough. But, I firmly believe the guy who gets his balls caught in a rat-trap can probably diagnose himself over the phone.

Other infirmities, however, I imagine would be a lot tougher to diagnose via Ma Bell.

balls in a rat trap?

i have to suspect this was not chosen at random.

is there something you want to share with the group?

this is a safe space**

**no, it's not.
well Fuck if that is all it takes to not be FORCED to support the program I'll start on the wieghtgainer2000 right away! Thanks for the tip.

Free healthcare for the rest of you, and your children's life. Your welcome.
balls in a rat trap?

i have to suspect this was not chosen at random.

is there something you want to share with the group?

this is a safe space**

**no, it's not.

Let's just say experimentation has lead me down some interesting roads.
Free healthcare for the rest of you, and your children's life. Your welcome.

not it's not.

medicaid is NOT a solution
those who are employed but barely scraping by, or those with no kids who simply dont qualify, the insurance market is even tougher now, since they have us over a barrel.

if i couldnt afford ~$120/month for a policy last year, why do you suspect i can afford ~$150/ month now?
Free healthcare for the rest of you, and your children's life. Your welcome.

I don't do welfare, of any kind. I have been to the dr 4 times in last 2 decades and I have paid out of my pocket. I know how to take care of myself so other people don't have to pick up the tab. It's called self accountability.
not it's not.

medicaid is NOT a solution
those who are employed but barely scraping by, or those with no kids who simply dont qualify, the insurance market is even tougher now, since they have us over a barrel.

if i couldnt afford ~$120/month for a policy last year, why do you suspect i can afford ~$150/ month now?

I heard bronze package is only like $2 a month for a 2 person household making $30,000 or less.

EDIT: This include co-payments on meds and etc. cheap deductible....yadda yadda (all this in my area code)
Correct, but would i be safe to say that they work for the insurance companies and their estimates are not set in stone.

i was just being facetious, true. and while their estimates may not be set in stone, their formulas pretty much are.

You cannot diagnose people over the phone unfortunatly

you can treat symptoms and, i have even had a prescription for a muscle relaxant made over the phone since no doctor appointment was available for 3 weeks (yay, private insurance!).

you can at least keep some of the riff raff away from the ER. imagine video triage via skype. RNs, EMTs, PAs, and MDs on every call floor. call centers at the national, state, county, or local levels. you just need a building and some phones and computers. easy stuff.
I heard bronze package is only like $2 a month for a 2 person household making $30,000 or less.

i heard some people think cucumbers taste better pickled.

the subsidies and "bronze plans" and all the rest of the crap doesnt change shit.

i looked at insurance costs last year, and i couldnt afford it, now they are even more, and the plans offered which i COULD afford are BULLSHIT.

even $2/month for a plan that doesnt do shit is $2/month wasted.

tell ya what, you send me $1/month and ill say a prayer for your good health, and light a candle for you. if you get sick or injured afterwards, not my problem, it was God's Will that you suffer for your sins.