Well-Known Member
I know how to take care of myself so other people don't have to pick up the tab. It's called self accountability.
you just described the whole idea behind insurance.
I know how to take care of myself so other people don't have to pick up the tab. It's called self accountability.
I don't do welfare, of any kind. I have been to the dr 4 times in last 2 decades and I have paid out of my pocket. I know how to take care of myself so other people don't have to pick up the tab. It's called self accountability.
i heard some people think cucumbers taste better pickled.
the subsidies and "bronze plans" and all the rest of the crap doesnt change shit.
i looked at insurance costs last year, and i couldnt afford it, now they are even more, and the plans offered which i COULD afford are BULLSHIT.
even $2/month for a plan that doesnt do shit is $2/month wasted.
tell ya what, you send me $1/month and ill say a prayer for your good health, and light a candle for you. if you get sick or injured afterwards, not my problem, it was God's Will that you suffer for your sins.
you just described the whole idea behind insurance.
That's awesome. I am all about self-accountability. I've had 3 broken bones, 2 sets of stitches - one for 9 in the leg, and 12 in the neck from a stilletto "accident" outside a gay bar in LA. I've paid for all these things myself. I am self accountable.
izzat all?
thats your whole list of Manly Injuries?
sounds like you play for the Packers.
Chicks dig scars bro. go get wanged up, or youll never be able to jump off the Dude Train.
Hahaha. Foozeball is the devil. I'm a lifer on the Dude Train, Dr. Kynes PHD. You are welcome to jump on the tracks anytime, sweets. Pinworm cares not for the worries of the female mind. Wait...Don't quote that. Sounds evil. Lawls.
EDIT: You said Wang.
izzat all?
thats your whole list of Manly Injuries?
sounds like you play for the Packers.
Chicks dig scars bro. go get wanged up, or youll never be able to jump off the Dude Train.
sorry bro, i cant be gay.
Or just personal savings, in the case of a fiscally responsible individual. Not everyone in America is someone who doesn't work AND save; or someone who expects the populous to split the bill for their recreational accidents. I spent years amassing the money I would have spent on health insurance premiums (Back when you could opt out) and always finished the year in the black simply saving the money.
Is it wrong that pout turned me on?
now if only every american could be like you and just not use the health care system, we'd fix health care!
why doesn't everyone just save up for their unexpected cancer diagnosis?
you sir, are a genius. i know you are as smart as this.
And if we went full retard communist, no one would ever have to worry about even getting a hang nail again!
iff ann coulter were much dumber
iff ann coulter were much dumber, that's your writing style.
D.A.R.E. speak. I member that one. They brought in this "fake lung" (an apparatus that ingested a cigarette in 20 seconds, and showed the "destruction" there within)
Only made me want a fucking cigarette that much more.
It gave the parents a sense of accountability for their own ugliness, and also a way project their inadequacies on the kids/teens that they have fucked up for life.
I think the whole point of D.A.R.E. is to get dumb shit kids hooked on dangerous drugs that no one would even want to try if the real safe ones were legal. Nothing wrong with LSD if made properly. George Dubbya Bush did more LSD in one sitting than Timothy Leary made in his lifetime when he volunteered for the MK Ultra Project. But, there are lots of analogs and improperly made batches of shit that's supposedly LSD that can really fuck you up or even kill you. All because drugs are bad.
No. Drugs aren't bad. People who can't handle the shit are bad. If you have a addictive personality and you become a lazy son of a bitch on drugs, that's your problem. The drugs didn't make you do that, it was already in you.