Should little boys be allowed to play with toy guns???


Well-Known Member
Garden Knowm
I wish that I could change your AV...

you don't deserve the DUDE!!
With an Dictatoristic attitude like yours you dont deserve to be a Moderator at, Unless of course its a moderators job is to criticize people with whom they disagree.

The Dude didnt go around judging other people and telling them how to live their life like you do, You could learn alot from the Dude.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I holeheartedly agree thats why I only stalk and kill the guilty ones.:mrgreen:

BRO - are you on crack, you reported me for making a joke about your AV...


I am the most lenient moderator on the site... I have banned 4 or 5 people since the site opened... IT was a joke when I said you don't deserve the DUDE AV..

c'mon bro sack it up..


NOW you really don't deserve the DUDE AV..

Have some ballz and change your AV to


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Garden Knowm

With an Dictatoristic attitude like yours you dont deserve to be a Moderator at, Unless of course its a moderators job is to criticize people with whom they disagree.

The Dude didnt go around judging other people and telling them how to live their life like you do, You could learn alot from the Dude.
How was I a dictator?

It was a joke.. cause I think the dude is cool and I think your almost cool...


yes, I could learn a lot form the dude.. and I am learning a lot from you too


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
MAYBE i am a dick.. but I am no dictator... shit, i don't even own a gun..



YES, i was judging your worthiness to posses the DUDE as your AV.. please accept my apologies for suggesting that you are not worthy of the DUDE..


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey smirgen.. no hard feelings bro.. i was just busting your ballz.... if you think I am a dick.. that's cool.. but we still want you to feel at home on these boards.... I'll lay off.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its fine for kids to play gun fight but it also takes a parent to show them the guns capabilities. I own guns was raised around guns and in the past had hunted.I feel guilty now adays to go hunting as I dont need the food and I was never a trophy hunter. In a weird twist I now hand feed the squirels, rabbits and birds in my yard.Anyways.A child should be taught about guns shown how to handle and how to care for them. Take them to a range show them what a shot gun does to a water melon or a rifle or hand gun to a melon.Set up targets of cans and such so that the power of the shot can be seen through the metal tears of the can. Teach them the correct way to handle it and how it should or shouldnt be used.As long as you teach them young to respect the weapon as an item that can take life from a being but it can not give it back they learn and respect firearms. The issue with guns are those who are not taught the proper firearm care and powers. People in cities who grow up seeing guns as a weapon to get someone who they dont like or to use to intimidate.Care, education and parental guidence make guns safe and kids responsible...Guns dont kill people .people kill people


Well-Known Member
Garden Knowm
Hey smirgen.. no hard feelings bro.. i was just busting your ballz.... if you think I am a dick.. that's cool.. but we still want you to feel at home on these boards.... I'll lay off.
Wow You could have fooled me GN, especially with your follow up posts continuing to "Bust my Balls" as you say , You have to understand that I'm not accustomed to sites where Moderators are allowed to threaten you and respond rudely if you say things that while legal are not in accordance with aforementioned Moderators beleifs.

I now realize that this site is different and that the moderators do not have to remain neutral and are allowed to antagonize members if they choose to do so.

As for the post of yours that I reported please understand that I couldnt resist the Irony that you as a moderator would be receiving a complaint about one of your own posts.

P.S. Thanks for making me feel at home:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I think that if you took the guns away from kids they would just pretend to have gun made out of a stick.
Hiding reality away from them will change nothing in fact this is why we have all of the problems that we do in the world from trying to take things away from "children" and hide them under the carpet.
As long as we say things like lets ban guns we will always have a ruined society.

Until we can say well why did he do that with the gun that he had we will get no where.
Take the guns away people will use knives,take the knives away people will use forks,take the forks away people will use spoons.
Sounds stupid to you ill bet but have you ever seen a guy who has had his eyes spooned out?

In a sick society everyones sick banning anything is not the way as if i wanted to mass murder people personally i would just steal a juggernaut and drive along the pathway,much more deadly and unstoppable than any gun.
Maybe we should ban everything and live in a ball of cotton wool in case someone gets hurt.:mrgreen:

But no seriously guns don't kill people any more than spoons do.
People kill people with whatever weapon they choose be it a spoon a huge truck a gun or a flower vase,its all about the state of our world and nothing to do with the actual weapon.


Well-Known Member
What if all glorification of the gun were removed, films and tv programs could no longer show guns or anything, so basically the newer generation growing up would not have been introduced them from a young age.


Well-Known Member
What if all glorification of the gun were removed, films and tv programs could no longer show guns or anything, so basically the newer generation growing up would not have been introduced them from a young age.
Yes i agree that guns have been glorified and that this can be a leading problem with guns but the point is still that you and me have watched hundreds of gun shows when we were kids and still now and we don't go out shooting people.

Why didn't they all kill each other in the days of john wayne?
Guns were much more glorified in the old western films than they are now.
The social problems of hopelessness frustration lonesomeness and anger are what drives todays people that have lost the plot.

Until we as a society change how we deal with these people by understanding why they became like it we will never move forward.
IMO anyway:mrgreen:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
In a weird twist I now hand feed the squirels, rabbits and birds in my yard.

sissy!!! :hump::hump::hump:


i hand feed poon

AND i also poured a can of coke down an ant hole in LUBBOCK TEXAS last year... I thought that was a pretty benevolent act..

AND finally, no reason to ever go to LUBBOCK, TEXAS