Should little boys be allowed to play with toy guns???

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What if all glorification of the gun were removed, films and tv programs could no longer show guns or anything, so basically the newer generation growing up would not have been introduced them from a young age.
How would you enforce this "removal"?
Would you use men with guns and badges to do it?


Well-Known Member
cute post.
for as long as man has been on this earth it has been directed into his DNA to hunt provide for and protect his family. to ask him to do otherwise would be like asking a dog to be a cat or a cat to be a dog. very unnatural and destructive to the human mind. just as little girls play with baby dolls and love and swoon over babys and puppy dogs and kitty cats. it is built through centurys of DNA selection to love and care for the family it is should not even be disrupted .


Active Member
In my area, all you have to do is look at population statistics and then read the local police blotter. Pretty sure its a poverty thing, but your odds are best when you profile based on what is actually happening.

crime is not a black thing... but being afraid of the black man is an american thing... of course i am generalizing...


Well-Known Member
I killed a animal and felt bad so i gave my gun away..HA ha ha ha

Now thats pretty fucking funny,But i can eat the animal that is pre-packaged and it is all right.

That is what is wrong with this country we are so disconnected from our food it is silly.

All the faint hearted ones will die off first in a disaster scenario...


Yea they should play with toy guns thats the whole part of being a kid having fun. People have just blown shit way out of proportion nowadays. They're trying to make the youth grow up too fast. If kids dont have fun when they are young what type of adult do you think that will create? A bitter man thats for sure.


I've played with guns my whole life does that mean I am going to run out and shoot someone? No. First toy guns until I was 4 then I got my first pellet gun. got my first shotgun by the age of 8. As long as you take the time to teach the kids about right and wrong with guns usually there isnt a problem. God put Man in control over everything on earth. Animals are here to be hunted to feed us. People are too dependent on butchers, supermarkets, farmers nowadays that they dont know how the fend for themselves. Give me my gun and the woods and i'm a happy man(even happier if I come back with something dead). I see animals for what they are nourishment for my body. And if it came down to my dogs life or my life, sorry but my dog is my buddy and all but if it came down to me starving to death he would be dinner too. Cats and Dogs were once wild animals too until someone decided to domesticate them.