Should Muslim people be allowed to hold political office

Why would that be? If a woman campaigned and managed to win a seat in parliament, why care how they dress?

When I see women in the grocery store wearing the Niqab, it's no big deal.
I think they look like cool ninjas when wearing the full burqa. If a women wants to cover her face I have no problem with that. If they are wearing it due to the wishes of their husband and she is forced to, i then have a huge problem with it.
If a woman campaigned and managed to win a seat in parliament, why care how they dress?
Exactly that^^!! But they do!! Western women need to abide by dress regulations. So if a Muslim person wants to take a seat in a western government then same should apply to her as it does to me.
I think they look like cool ninjas when wearing the full burqa. If a women wants to cover her face I have no problem with that. If they are wearing it due to the wishes of their husband and she is forced to, i then have a huge problem with it.
Jesus that’s a whole other kettle of fish!
I’ll make my stance a little clearer.

In all honesty I couldn’t give a shit if they wanna wear face veils in parliament/congress as long as their identity is properly verified each and every time they enter.
Makes sense doesn’t it?
What if a bus is wired to blow up if it drops below a certain speed and the person who wired it is a Muslim that always tells the truth but still isn't a great person? You know the type? On the one hand it is great that they always tell the truth, but on the other hand they blow up buses via elaborate schemes that are rooted in evil. What about those kind of Muslims being in office?
if we're gonna use one incident to judge an entire group boy do i have some bad news for you about whites
I corrected myself above. It’s not the attire that bothers me it’s the identitity verification of the person underneath.
Agree on the "not give a shit part" I would think that the countries where these things are common would have already figured that out.