Should racism be accepted if......

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That post should be flagged and removed. Uncle Buck is..... Im not even gonna go there. I dont block him because sometimes I get a good laugh, otherwise I would have long ago.
It is interesting though that this type of speech is now being accepted because of the actions of few.
I like how the troll sucks me into his bullshit thread.

When we can have a proportional amount of voting access in our minority communities any worry of a white people genocide is just someone showing you how much you should use your ignore feature.
I suppose and I respect what is being sought to achieve in America and around the world. does seem to be becoming more accepted. I mean @UncleBuck openly admits he is all for genocide of whites. It’s a scary thought even if it’s just for a reaction, hearts and minds right.
like this one.... i laughed for a solid 8 seconds. keep em comin.

What history do you want to erase? The fact that whites have been responsible for the vast majority of the advancement of the human race? Yeah I could see where a communist would want that erased.
Yeah I mean I get that members of the white race have done horrible shit. I still don’t think that type of shit should be open season. As DIY says there is a bigger audience at hand. Not too mention the accomplishments of the race.
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