Should racism be accepted if......

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Finally and thank you!

A simple No, these types of comments should not be accepted would have sufficed but thanks for acknowledging it anyway.
So how will you do your part? Was your bullshit constructive in any way? Will you call out Trump and acknowledge the racist conditions and responsibility white people hold for the nation's current state?
What have Whites done to further civil rights without being prodded, sometimes violently, by the disenfranchised? Nothing.

So you now waiver slightly on your stance about White Genocide and your argument is that white people have done nothing, ever, to make any improvements for minorities or to obtain any form of justice for them when wronged?

So you are asking me to list organizations that counter your diluted thought process? Okay how about movements such as BLM or ANTIFA which all have white people participating,

how about any of these organizations, do you think there might be white people who are actively participating in them?

You sound confused man.

Who are you trolling anyway, myself? Yourself?

I think I am doing my part by educating racists such as yourself and putting the focus on the administration instead of sowing division, like you insist on doing.
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You and I have been saying the same thing, except with a different use of words, you seem to understand that this propaganda is being used against the Black race in a disruptive manner, even to the point of being described as pure Evil rising up against you, I see White Genocide being used in reverse through this continued provocation back onto Black people, that's why I said this movement will harm/kill innocent people, it is a movement that will cause lives on both sides to be lost in a sacrificial manner in order for this genocide to take place, why?

Because sterilization and genocide through rape and sexual procreation is a war declaration, you'd have to be stupid to not catch on to my logic behind why I'd be forced to explain it to you this way, but when you start to get morbid towards who another race of beings are then, you aren't calling for peace, there's nothing delicate or gentle about genocide, and you are asking to sacrifice people of your own race in order to get your way, that's evil in my eyes & mind.

Both White people and Black people need to come to terms with this reality: foreign nationals/provocateurs/societies are using our history of racial division within this nation to disrupt us as a whole, and cause further collapse of our Society, you can already see it with Covid also, they are slowly defeating us through various forms of inward manipulation by peeling off old scabs and uncovering old wounds, as well as releasing new media and even footage of provocating crimes and so forth, even when the footage comes from paid actors and individuals who have sworn over their allegiance to the foreigners who who wish to break us down through many differing forms of racial and social indifference, and clearly their objective is manifesting itself, can you not see this?

Racism is a manipulative form of population control when enough useful idiots are in full agreement with their said destruction.
So you now waiver slightly on your stance about White Genocide and your argument is that white people have done nothing, ever, to make any improvements for minorities or to obtain any form of justice for them when wronged?

So you are asking me to list organizations that counter your diluted thought process? Okay how about movements such as BLM or ANTIFA which all have white people participating,

how about any of these organizations, do you think there might be white people who are actively participating in them?

You sound confused man.

Who are you trolling anyway, myself? Yourself?

I think I am doing my part by educating racists such as yourself and putting the focus on the administration instead of sowing division, like you insist on doing.
No I'm saying your all benevolent white people theory is garbage. White people didn't change shit without minorities having to take action first. When did white people out of the good of their heart change shit on their own? What have you done to improve things other than saying hurting or having sex with white people bad ( in your mind probably the same thing) now what have you accomplished with this post. And if I'm not mistaken antifa are the ones throwing Molotov and the KKK is framing BLM for looting and rioting. So again white people 2 steps forward 1 step back and we'll eventually get there in spite of them.
It took Pearl Harbor for the Americans to join WW2 not Nazi genocide.

It took multiple assassinations to change civil rights laws not the goodness of white people's hearts.

Remember the silent majority. Yup mostly still silent. Go grab a history book and stop wasting people's time with your pointless complaints.
No I'm saying your all benevolent white people theory is garbage. White people didn't change shit without minorities having to take action first. When did white people out of the good of their heart change shit on their own? What have you done to improve things other than saying hurting or having sex with white people bad ( in your mind probably the same thing) now what have you accomplished with this post. And if I'm not mistaken antifa are the ones throwing Molotov and the KKK is framing BLM for looting and rioting. So again white people 2 steps forward 1 step back and we'll eventually get there in spite of them.

So again your argument is that no white people ever did anything to Change injustices against minorities unless there hand was forced by members of the minority race?

Did reversing slavery not count or was that only because black peolpe were pushing for it?

The Underground Railroad to freedom, was that hand also forced by a minority race?

How uneducated are you? Do you expect me to keep entertaining your madness While you ignore the points being made.

Stop blaming the whole race and wishing the demise of it.

You are not helping the cause at all and are too stubborn to admit that you are wrong.
So again your argument is that no white people ever did anything to Change injustices against minorities unless there hand was forced by members of the minority race?

Did reversing slavery not count or was that only because black peolpe were pushing for it?

The Underground Railroad to freedom, was that hand also forced by a minority race?

How uneducated are you? Do you expect me to keep entertaining your madness While you ignore the points being made.

Stop blaming the whole race and wishing the demise of it.

You are not helping the cause at all and are too stubborn to admit that you are wrong.
You are providing cover for racists and are too stubborn to admit that you are wrong.
You are providing cover for racists and are too stubborn to admit that you are wrong.

Yet another person who does not care about the fall out of pitting one race against another race or several regardless of consequence, as long as some racists get triggered spew further racial slurs back and leave the site

Or worse they take that anger out on the local minority community in the area.

Good strategy you have there.

Sorry I won’t apologize for calling. out the madness and encouraging change where it counts.
Yet another person who does not care about the fall out of pitting one race against another race or several regardless of consequence, as long as some racists get triggered spew further racial slurs back and leave the site

Or worse they take that anger out on the local minority community in the area.

Good strategy you have there.

Sorry I won’t apologize for calling. out the madness and encouraging change where it counts.
From your own stupid as shit attempt to drag me into this thread proving you are full of shit about me on this topic:

The only one 'pitting one race against another' is Trump and his troll army. BLM is not racist, Trump trolls and the people who fall for this bullshit are the ones that are willing to believe that nonsense.

And while I do agree with you about 'racism' being used to trigger white people when they are called it for saying racist shit, I also think you are providing the actual racist cover by being goaded into even responding the way you are.
So again your argument is that no white people ever did anything to Change injustices against minorities unless there hand was forced by members of the minority race?

Did reversing slavery not count or was that only because black peolpe were pushing for it?

The Underground Railroad to freedom, was that hand also forced by a minority race?

How uneducated are you? Do you expect me to keep entertaining your madness While you ignore the points being made.

Stop blaming the whole race and wishing the demise of it.

You are not helping the cause at all and are too stubborn to admit that you are wrong.

You are as obtuse as a diagonally sliced square pizza. This is the last time I'm addressing your moronic drivel.

Exactly yes.

White people haven't made change unless minorities have made it uncomfortable for them. Feeling it yet? You're talking to a minority you thick skulled moron. Don't try to tell me that you're helping by arguing with my experiences. You don't have the perspective. You're butt hurt by the inevitability of white people losing their majority status by virtue of their mpotence or ignorance. The only way I've contributed to white genocide is by taking women away from you incels but what you don't understand is your awful behavior and stupid ideas aren't helping you get laid by any race. Let it go or have more sex. Come up with an idea that doesn't involve exploiting or hurting minorities (like your stupid argument here).

Again you have no point. White people aren't being shot. Buck hasn't convinced anyone to take action. We're just giving hateful white people such as yourself a taste of your own hate speech. Sucks if it burns. Again a hit dog hollers right?

I'm pretty sure my brother being illegally stopped by police since childhood, my mom being treated like shit by her white employers, and me being followed by security in every store has bought me enough perspective and karma.
From your own stupid as shit attempt to drag me into this thread proving you are full of shit about me on this topic:

The only one 'pitting one race against another' is Trump and his troll army. BLM is not racist, Trump trolls and the people who fall for this bullshit are the ones that are willing to believe that nonsense.

And while I do agree with you about 'racism' being used to trigger white people when they are called it for saying racist shit, I also think you are providing the actual racist cover by being goaded into even responding the way you are.

l agree that Trump and others within our governing bodies are the problem and by no means am I writing a manuscript on how racists should avoid these twisted methods of triggering them.

I have been saying that all along but don’t expect me to ignore the down side and fallout of outing these racist in that way.

A racist does not need to be triggered by further hate ( nor do I see the productivity of it) , they expose themselves every time they endorse Trump.
l agree that Trump and others within our governing bodies are the problem and by no means am I writing a manuscript on how racists should avoid these twisted methods of triggering them.

I have been saying that all along but don’t expect me to ignore the down side and fallout of outing these racist in that way.

A racist does not need to be triggered by further hate ( nor do I see the productivity of it) , they expose themselves every time they endorse Trump.
Nope, but they need cover by getting all the other white people all angst-y to be able to get Trump enough cover by the racist shit he says that they can stomach voting for the guy.
So again your argument is that no white people ever did anything to Change injustices against minorities unless there hand was forced by members of the minority race?

Did reversing slavery not count or was that only because black peolpe were pushing for it?

The Underground Railroad to freedom, was that hand also forced by a minority race?

How uneducated are you? Do you expect me to keep entertaining your madness While you ignore the points being made.

Stop blaming the whole race and wishing the demise of it.

You are not helping the cause at all and are too stubborn to admit that you are wrong.
Who reversed slavery? Whites just did that without any probing by people of color? What does history know? Wow I got the white race wrong this whole time. They're amazing!!
So you now waiver slightly on your stance about White Genocide and your argument is that white people have done nothing, ever, to make any improvements for minorities or to obtain any form of justice for them when wronged?

So you are asking me to list organizations that counter your diluted thought process? Okay how about movements such as BLM or ANTIFA which all have white people participating,

how about any of these organizations, do you think there might be white people who are actively participating in them?

You sound confused man.

Who are you trolling anyway, myself? Yourself?

I think I am doing my part by educating racists such as yourself and putting the focus on the administration instead of sowing division, like you insist on doing.

I think I am doing my part by educating racists such as yourself and putting the focus on the administration instead of sowing division, like you insist on doing

Thanks for Whitesplaining racism to me.
So again your argument is that no white people ever did anything to Change injustices against minorities unless there hand was forced by members of the minority race?

Did reversing slavery not count or was that only because black peolpe were pushing for it?

The Underground Railroad to freedom, was that hand also forced by a minority race?

How uneducated are you? Do you expect me to keep entertaining your madness While you ignore the points being made.

Stop blaming the whole race and wishing the demise of it.

You are not helping the cause at all and are too stubborn to admit that you are wrong.
You're retarded. Again ending slavery is like setting a building on fire then Putting it out . It doesn't make you a hero, it makes you an arsonist.

I'm pretty sure the underground railroad was started by black people running away, not white people breaking them out.
In 1849, Tubman became ill again, which diminished her value as a slave. Edward Brodess tried to sell her, but could not find a buyer.[36] Angry at him for trying to sell her and for continuing to enslave her relatives, Tubman began to pray for her owner, asking God to make him change his ways.[37] She said later: "I prayed all night long for my master till the first of March; and all the time he was bringing people to look at me, and trying to sell me." When it appeared as though a sale was being concluded, "I changed my prayer", she said. "First of March I began to pray, 'Oh Lord, if you ain't never going to change that man's heart, kill him, Lord, and take him out of the way.'"[38] A week later, Brodess died, and Tubman expressed regret for her earlier sentiments.[39]

Oh my God White Genocide
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