Should racism be accepted if......

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For sure but we still shouldn’t generalize the whole race as trash, such as “whites are trash”. Why not focus on the ones we can do something about, like the dirty pigs and shit bags like the KKK, trump etc?
Whites aren't trash but there is white trash and they are a huge drag on this country. Look at @strictlyflavours.

Here is something you may not realize about Latino immigrants if not all immigrants. They do come to this country with an idealized view of the country and white people, only to be disappointed by white people's racism and hypocrisy. There are plenty of good white people like the lady who helped my mom get a job after her divorce and helped her learn English at the YWCA. The problem is because white people are a majority and good people in general are few and far between you will run into a lot more disappointing white people than good white people.
Whites aren't trash but there is white trash and they are a huge drag on this country. Look at @strictlyflavours.

Here is something you may not realize about Latino immigrants if not all immigrants. They do come to this country with an idealized view of the country and white people, only to be disappointed by white people's racism and hypocrisy. There are plenty of good white people like the lady who helped my mom get a job after her divorce and helped her learn English at the YWCA. The problem is because white people are a majority and good people in general are few and far between you will run into a lot more disappointing white people than good white people.
Still whining on another thread. I had an arguement with this joker which I just repeatedly called him stupid which he just got angrier and all he did was refer to me as racial slurs calling me “cracker” “white trash” that my friend is racism. And because I called you out on it and called you a racist your throwing a huge paddy trying to enforce it through this community with your lil pals like unclebuck. Like I said it’s pathetic.
Still whining on another thread. I had an arguement with this joker which I just repeatedly called him stupid which he just got angrier and all he did was refer to me as racial slurs calling me “cracker” “white trash” that my friend is racism. And because I called you out on it and called you a racist your throwing a huge paddy trying to enforce it through this community with your lil pals like unclebuck. Like I said it’s pathetic.

What's a paddy? I don't speak cracker or white trash. Are you British? Or Canadian? Either way we have better weed here.
Still whining on another thread. I had an arguement with this joker which I just repeatedly called him stupid which he just got angrier and all he did was refer to me as racial slurs calling me “cracker” “white trash” that my friend is racism. And because I called you out on it and called you a racist your throwing a huge paddy trying to enforce it through this community with your lil pals like unclebuck. Like I said it’s pathetic.
It’s hard being white nowadays eh? I feel your pain bro.
White trash is a racist slur[1] used in American English to refer to poor white people, especially in the rural southern United States. The label signifies a social class inside the white population and especially a degraded standard of living.[2]
No it’s not get over it whining sack of shit. Tired of you pussy white boys giving us a bad name.
.this is what I mean you have a disagreement with one of them then you get bombarded with their pathetic movement of like 4 of them trying to argue with you at the same time ...just pointless
Some of us are REAL MEN and can see the error of our ways as a race. Some of us can have empathy for others and say hey it’s been unfair too long, How about we pay attention to making things even.
.this is what I mean you have a disagreement with one of them then you get bombarded with their pathetic movement of like 4 of them trying to argue with you at the same time ...just pointless
You’re whining about how hard it is being white. Get over yourself.
Some of us are REAL MEN and can see the error of our ways as a race. Some of us can have empathy for others and say hey it’s been unfair too long, How about we pay attention to making things even.

I've had to check my mom on her privilege. She isn't White American but she is upper class light skinned Peruvian. She grew up with servants until my grandparents got divorced. She has also looked down on indigenous people and black people. It sucks when the tables are turned In a new country and you're the one looked down upon but some people lack the perspective and have to be checked. Checking someone's racism and privilege isn't racism.
Fair enough I suppose, I still think we knew enough that we did not need to drop it on a packed city of people. I mean we could have used a smaller version and attacked there armories, bases etc. I was referring to the atrocity of dropping it on a city of civilians instead of soldiers.
It was a tough call. I think the biggest thing it came down to was just how dirty their attack on us was and the desire to end the war immediately. Suicide bombers are common these days, back then wars were fought under a set of "rules". Civilians died at Pearl Harbor. Americans ALL wanted blood. Kamikaze soldiers lead us to believe the Japanese would fight until their last man, woman, and child was dead. It was believed that an incredible display of power like the atom bomb would take out enough of them at once to convince the rest of them to surrender. Simply taking out one base with the bomb wouldnt be enough. News of a couple bases getting blown up would not spread. News of cities disappearing was unstoppable. It took only 8 days for an unconditional surrender from Japan. The war efforts could then all be focused to Europe. Had we not bombed Japan, how much longer would it have taken to win in Europe? How many more Jews would have died? How much more damage would Hitler have done? People spend their whole life learning about the world wars.... It was a crazy fucking time. Boys as young as 12 years old were enlisting to fight by their own free will. How many 12 year olds are trying to go fight in the middle east right now or even give any fucks about whats going on over there? Crazy times. Even after 9/11; None of my teenage friends were wanting to go fight, my 16 year old self included. I only remember one or two kids that ended up serving in the military.
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I never mentioned anything about race or even being white. This is the thing it’s all about race with you and your buddies that’s the fucking problem. If everybody stopped highlighting races and stereotyping them like you do this would never ever be an issue

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