should sex be a right?

It is actually, since the US is such a vast importer of food. You have your head so far up your ass you don't even realize that it is the poor people who feed you.

Like Monsanto?

What responsibility does the other countries of the world have regarding starvation considering that it is happening in their own countries?
What responsibility does the other countries of the world have regarding starvation considering that it is happening in their own countries?
If they refuse to bow to US economic demands, they are hit with sanctions, regime change, political assassinations, drones and even military invasions. I'm not talking about Monsanto, I'm talking about how you benefit from imperialism.
If they refuse to bow to US economic demands, they are hit with sanctions, regime change, political assassinations, drones and even military invasions. I'm not talking about Monsanto, I'm talking about how you benefit from imperialism.

It is your contention that the US extorts so much food from countries that their citizens starve. Yet you cling to the ideas of a bigger government.

How do you correlate the two? LOL!!! Yes, the criminal government cares about you and is going to protect you from the bad people. Seriously?
It is your contention that the US extorts so much food from countries that their citizens starve. Yet you cling to the ideas of a bigger government.
There you have it, just a complete and utter failure. First off, the US extorts the entire world of ALL resources leaving most of the world desperate as fuck and no, I do not cling to the ideas of big gov't, that would be you since you rely completely on privatization and heavy handed policing in order to sustain status quo or even some regressive old version of it.
There you have it, just a complete and utter failure. First off, the US extorts the entire world of ALL resources leaving most of the world desperate as fuck and no, I do not cling to the ideas of big gov't, that would be you since you rely completely on privatization and heavy handed policing in order to sustain status quo or even some regressive old version of it.

I am for smaller government including military. You got me confused for someone else.
Since we are gonna talk about policies again let me start.

The great policy of china.... Now that is a HUGE policy...

The Berlin policy. You got shot trying to cross over that one.

The wailing policy in Jerusalem... Another very special policy!!!
how are you going to build and patrol a wall on the southern border, block all muslims from entering the country, and vastly expand the military (as your candidate donald trump wants to do) without a massive military, police, and bureaucratic government?

you are unremittingly stupid.
Landmines at the border and predator drones with heat sealing missiles honed to 98.6 f.

Don't let anyone in from a country with violent movements. Don't let individuals in from any country with Islamic sounding names. Simple.
When your arguments fall flat and you've failed to defend your principals, just do like this dipshit and turn it into a silly waste of time.


Landmines at the border and predator drones with heat sealing missiles honed to 98.6 f.

Don't let anyone in from a country with violent movements. Don't let individuals in from any country with Islamic sounding names. Simple.
When your arguments fall flat and you've failed to defend your principals, just do like this dipshit and turn it into a silly waste of time.

It's sovereign territory. We have every right to defend it with deadly force if we so choose.

Just litter the place with claymore land mines miles deep. Put signs up in Spanish. No one need die. They would have to take the steps that proved fatal.
nothing prevents anyone from doing charity. i just said that, dipshit.

despite this, people would still go hungry based on those free market, private, voluntary acts alone. so we need more, otherwise people starve and die.

this is not an assumption, this is fact.

good thing people sign withholding agreements, eh?

Except your withholding agreements argument is absurd. Since if people start a business, they must first have government permission and government will take their money whether they signed a piece of paper or not.

The word duress is the word you are conveniently ignoring.

By the way you suck at arguing, Toby McNanny State.