should sex be a right?



when you start a business, you do not need to ask permission. you simply matriculate with some simple paperwork and you are done.

part of that paperwork is an agreement wherein you agree to pay taxes. if you don't want to pay taxes, then don't start a business.

simple as that.

the government cannot take taxes from you unless you agree to do so first.


What if you start a business and don't feel like doing some "simple paperwork" ?

Will you be left alone, Poopy Pants?
I would love to have RON PAUL for are president or his father there both TRUE AMERICANS.Ron has did great thing in ky, and still doing so to get laws changed for the people and not the fucking government.He is a true American herow in the eyes of most ky, people..

Something isnt ridiculous just because you say it is. You actually need to explain how that is wrong.

If you started feeding the world's poor, their birth rate would increase.

More people put more pressure on the structure that supports them. That structure relies upon the earth's resources.

You're in check mate on this argument and do not even realize it.
Yeah, there's no check mate here.
I understand the concerns we have with our global population and dwindling resources. You and I are at a humanitarian impasse, that's all. I don't find it kind, loving or remotely reasonable to let other humans starve because of my own geopolitics.

By the way, you couldn't be more wrong. Look up birth rates in underprivileged communities vs privileged communities and learn something about human nature and the influence of education.
Yeah, there's no check mate here.
I understand the concerns we have with our global population and dwindling resources. You and I are at a humanitarian impasse, that's all. I don't find it kind, loving or remotely reasonable to let other humans starve because of my own geopolitics.

By the way, you couldn't be more wrong. Look up birth rates in underprivileged communities vs privileged communities and learn something about human nature and the influence of education.

So either you dont help and let them figure it out themselves. (which liberals consider cruel) or you artificially introduce yourself into another society in the guise of good and provide sustenance until eventually you are talking about controlling the population to limit the cost.

Our healthcare system is undergoing this transformation. Soon it will be considered ok for the government to control your body since it is paying the bills for it anyway.
So either you dont help and let them figure it out themselves. (which liberals consider cruel) or you artificially introduce yourself into another society in the guise of good and provide sustenance until eventually you are talking about controlling the population to limit the cost.

Our healthcare system is undergoing this transformation. Soon it will be considered ok for the government to control your body since it is paying the bills for it anyway.
I know Mr thick was talking about global hunger, but we're actually discussing our own society, here in America. We were talking about what right those in our own society have to sustenance required to live.
My opinion is that whether it is global or America it should be the same.

If you reward bad behavior the bad behavior increases.