Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

Should the USA along with NATO defend Ukraine with troops.

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.6%

  • Total voters
"War is the American way of life," said US historian Paul Atwood, noting that the US was born, grew, and became a superpower out of war, slavery, and human slaughter.

In its more than 240-year-long history since declaring independence on July 4, 1776, there have only been 16 years in which the US was not at war. From the end of World War II (WWII) to 2001, the US has initiated 201 of the 248 armed conflicts in 153 locations, accounting for over 80 percent of total wars fought. Since 2001, wars and military operations by the US have claimed more than 800,000 lives and displaced tens of millions of people.

Experts and observers reached by the Global Times said that the US, ignoring the objective reality of its own shambolic democratic record, instead attempts to use "democracy" as a pretext to wage war and as a cover for its numerous crimes such as causing humanitarian disasters and destroying sovereign order, is the real culprit threatening the world.

The US' obsession with exporting war will leave the US with an indelible shame, experts noted."

laughing at you. The US is not going to send troops into Ukraine. We are finally not doing the stupid thing. Thanks for pointing that out.

I'm not sure why you have such a problem with sanctions. We should have done this long ago. Oh, yeah, that's right, you are a neo-nazi and oppose democracy. I don't know why Germany doesn't just shoot your kind in the back of the head. We see you.
Then why make such a seemingly self-destructive move.
That’s the main question for me too. If he’s this self-destructive, what’s the end game. Not like I really care where the eastern border of Ukraine exactly starts or ends, and interviews with regular Ukrainian show they already gave up on the areas that are now basically Russia again. But in yesterday’s speech Putin clearly suggested the entire government of the Ukraine is illegitimate, repeating his view Ukraine is not really a nation and it’s created by communist Russia. Seems he thinks he can replace Ukraine’s government with one that will take orders from him again.

After fully securing the areas they recognized yesterday he will move on if nobody stops him. Crimea is out of water and the nearest supply is in an area of Ukraine that doesn’t want to be Russian.

Not sure if he’s still cunning though, seems he’s getting old and going through his bucket list. After his latest speech it’s obvious my earlier comment about him thinking he’s the reincarnation of Catherina the Great isn’t that far off.

Could the endgame be the elimination/destruction of the USA?
Or more specifically, the destruction of the influence/power the USA has in regions where Russia and China want more. I don’t think China is eager to partner up with Russia in an actual war, but they do both have the same problem (US restricting them) so I’m sure they will team up in other ways, already have. China, however, has a lot more to lose. Cutting off trade with China would be costly for the west but devastating for China and those many now rich Chinese will not be pleased, just like the many millions who will lose their jobs. But then I talked with a few crazy rich chinese and they are absolutely convinced the camps in China are nothing more than propaganda from the US. I’ll watch the video you posted tonight.
I'm not sure why you have such a problem with sanctions. We should have done this long ago. Oh, yeah, that's right, you are a neo-nazi
sure sure seems like u know your stuff

our Neo-Nazi's are rather pro-West & anti-East and seek ties to the US Nazi & KKK which they share their Christian bigot view. They also adore the liberty ur system grants to these types and many of them are obsessed with weapons and violence.
^^ we don't allow such symbols/gestures here ^^

If u ever get to read a book on EU history it may fathom u the Russians have been an integral part to Europe for a long time and only in newer times driven more & more eastwards.

IMO trading & cooperation, breaking down walls is more helpful in the long run than sanctions, propaganda & shits.
What is Putin's endgame, that is the question.

Two things can be said that everyone can agree on is that he is cunning & ruthless.

Then why make such a seemingly self-destructive move.

This sticks in my head (it's long but definitely worth watching)

Could the endgame be the elimination/destruction of the USA?

That Ukraine is just a 1st move to a clear objective that will be worth the cost?

They both hate us so why not partner and focus on getting rid of the competition.

A "New World Order", so to speak

If China gets more involved, things are going to get really weird/really fast.

Just a thought.
Curious to why you would suggest it is a seemingly self-destructive move?

Putin played the shit out of the entire world (excluding China/North Korea/Iran) and is going to get away with it mostly. Yes there will be sanctions, but who cares, Putin can sell enough of his gas/oil to places like China to keep things going until the rest of Europe folds because of ridiculous energy prices. He has what the rest of Europe needs, they will have no choice but to give in at some point. For the most part he timed this perfectly. When other fossil fuels are being restricted everywhere else, he made his move.


There is no doubt in my mind that China/NK/Iran knows exactly what his play was going to be and are backing it. As sick as they are of the USA, what do they really have to lose by backing Russia?
Curious to why you would suggest it is a seemingly self-destructive move?

Putin played the shit out of the entire world (excluding China/North Korea/Iran) and is going to get away with it mostly. Yes there will be sanctions, but who cares, Putin can sell enough of his gas/oil to places like China to keep things going until the rest of Europe folds because of ridiculous energy prices. He has what the rest of Europe needs, they will have no choice but to give in at some point. For the most part he timed this perfectly. When other fossil fuels are being restricted everywhere else, he made his move.


There is no doubt in my mind that China/NK/Iran knows exactly what his play was going to be and are backing it. As sick as they are of the USA, what do they really have to lose by backing Russia?
Practically the only policy Trump initiated that Biden continued were his trade sanctions against China. Your problem, althor is you are stuck in 19th century power politics. It's no longer a matter of who has the biggest guns, it's the economy, stupid.
Practically the only policy Trump initiated that Biden continued were his trade sanctions against China. Your problem, althor is you are stuck in 19th century power politics. It's no longer a matter of who has the biggest guns, it's the economy, stupid.
Yet you didnt refute a single thing I said.

Why did you even bring Trump up? I most certainly didnt? You must have that trump syndrome thing I hear idiots get.
Yet you didnt refute a single thing I said.

Why did you even bring Trump up? I most certainly didnt? You must have that trump syndrome thing I hear idiots get.
Your problem is you are stuck in 19th century power politics. Your analysis was stupid because it isn't framed in the modern world. Those sanctions are a big deal and you just blather on about China, Russia, and for fucks sake, North Korea.

All of those nations are run by kleptocratic dictators who are running their economies into the ground. Sanctions are part of the reason. Destruction of capital through corrupt acts by corrupt rulers is the main one. Witness the banking scandal going down in China. The US is moving forward with personal sanctions against Putin and his gang of crime bosses aka oligarchs. Biden retained policies of using sanctions against Chinese government in retaliation for unfair trading practices. China's and Russia's economies are already unstable. If you think economic sanctions are futile actions, then you are not simply ignorant but stupid too.

If you are interested in learning more about the people whose dirty money will be frozen and perhaps confiscated, I recommend that you check out a copy of Kleptopia from your local public library. In this world, money, not guns, are power and trillions of their money is now at risk.
Blood pudding,
Me Mum would make it from scratch
Fucking awesome :)

I'll give you the recipe (serves 8)

5- gallons fresh sheep blood (order at a butcher with the guts :) )
8 - medium sheep stomachs, washed
6'- Sheep intestine (for links if you want/I like the stomach/juicy/yum yum :)
6'- Yarn
1- large sewing needle
4- cups oatmeal
4- cups barley
3- large yellow onions- chopped
4- celery sticks- chopped
1- pint Jameson Irish whiskey
3- bottles (1 each for the Father/Son/Holy Ghost) Guinness Extra Stout
I oz herb sautéed in butter & a little white wine. (optional)

Add all ingredients (except the string & 1 Guinness & a 1/2 of the a 5-gallon bucket & stir until blended

In a large pot 1/2 filled with water, 2 Guinness & the whiskey, 2 large onions halved/2 bay leaves/4 cloves garlic/12 peppercorns/1- tbs Kosher salt
Bring to a simmering boil and to this you will add your stomachs after filling them with the mixture.
Fill each stomach & sew the opening shut.
You can simply tie off the intestine, that's fine.
Boil the stomachs for 45 min to an hour & remove
Let cool & then refrigerate for about an hour to firm them.
I then add 1/2" slices to the pan I cooked my rashers/tomatoes & eggs in.
That's it.
You now can drink that last Guinness & sip the whiskey and enjoy the True Irish Breakfast for/of Champions.

It's REALLY good & I'm not shitting you.

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Q: What would trump do?
A: wait til each country destroy on another then send resources to them if they name their country Trumprussia and Ukraine Trump
sure sure seems like u know your stuff

our Neo-Nazi's are rather pro-West & anti-East and seek ties to the US Nazi & KKK which they share their Christian bigot view. They also adore the liberty ur system grants to these types and many of them are obsessed with weapons and violence.
View attachment 5090219
^^ we don't allow such symbols/gestures here ^^

If u ever get to read a book on EU history it may fathom u the Russians have been an integral part to Europe for a long time and only in newer times driven more & more eastwards.

IMO trading & cooperation, breaking down walls is more helpful in the long run than sanctions, propaganda & shits.
Peace and trade are always good, however there is the problem of Vlad and his régime, you don't have a partner for peace and prosperity, you have a nuked up mafia don on your borders. His goals are not peace and prosperity, but the resurrection of a totalitarian nightmare and amassing power. It's about trying to hold onto an imaginary empire of buffer states and controlling them by intimation and outright military invasion. It's also about the unrelenting criminal activity and screwing with our democracies, the use of weapons of mass destruction as weapons of assassination and countless other crimes against humanity. It also about retribution for past misdeeds that went unpunished.

If you have principles, sometimes you must sacrifice your peace of mind and some prosperity to adhere to them. Courage is the queen of all the virtues, for without courage none of the others are possible. Vlad is pulling a Munich in the Ukraine, he already occupied Crimea in violation of the UN charter. Appeasement is not the answer to Putin, any more than it was to Hitler.
until the rest of Europe folds because of ridiculous energy prices. He has what the rest of Europe needs, they will have no choice but to give in at some point.
The claim “the rest of Europe will have no choice” because they “need“ Russia’s gas is absurd. Not every country depends on it equally. With the exception of Germany, the parts that depend least on it or can easily replace it with importing LNG or other options hold most of the economic and political power.

As for Putin’s supposedly great timing, 80% of the yearly gas is used from Oct-Feb in my country, NL, which is relatively up north, next to major russian gas importer Germany.

Plenty of claims going around Russia reduced gas export already, you’re suggesting it’s already cut off which is even further from the truth. Unless something recently changed and I didn’t catch that, Russia is meeting its contractual obligations. What they are not doing is sending extra, which they’ve done for a long time and was used to fill gas fields in Europe as a cheap buffer.

On that note:

Dutch government raising taxes on gas indefinitely to force people to ditch gas entirely. Russia doing the climate a favor by motivating other european countries to do the same. Replace all gas based power plants (20% of electricity generation) and indirectly the need for Russian gas will be reduced to zero.

All completely hypothetical anyway. If Russia would really show to be a completely unreliable gas supplier, the EU won’t make the same mistake and depend on Russian hydrogen.
Me Mum would make it from scratch
Fucking awesome :)

I'll give you the recipe (serves 8)

5- gallons fresh sheep blood (order at a butcher with the guts :) )
8 - medium sheep stomachs, washed
6'- Sheep intestine (for links if you want/I like the stomach/juicy/yum yum :)
6'- Yarn
1- large sewing needle
4- cups oatmeal
4- cups barley
3- large yellow onions- chopped
4- celery sticks- chopped
1- pint Jameson Irish whiskey
3- bottles (1 each for the Father/Son/Holy Ghost) Guinness Extra Stout
I oz herb sautéed in butter & a little white wine. (optional)

Add all ingredients (except the string & 1 Guinness & a 1/2 of the a 5-gallon bucket & stir until blended

In a large pot 1/2 filled with water, 2 Guinness & the whiskey, 2 large onions halved/2 bay leaves/4 cloves garlic/12 peppercorns/1- tbs Kosher salt
Bring to a simmering boil and to this you will add your stomachs after filling them with the mixture.
Fill each stomach & sew the opening shut.
You can simply tie off the intestine, that's fine.
Boil the stomachs for 45 min to an hour & remove
Let cool & then refrigerate for about an hour to firm them.
I then add 1/2" slices to the pan I cooked my rashers/tomatoes & eggs in.
That's it.
You now can drink that last Guinness & sip the whiskey and enjoy the True Irish Breakfast for/of Champions.

It's REALLY good & I'm not shitting you.

View attachment 5090258

We go from this:


To this:


abalone steaks. fresh from the shell, cleaned, sliced, pounded, breaded, fried and eaten hours after being taken from the sea.

Can't take them any more. They are a threatened species due to die-offs from oceans warming up. Man, I miss it. Fork tender, flavor cannot be described. Def not like chicken. Close to calamari except more tender.
Nearly 400 concentration camps, millions in it, getting raped, sterilized and killed. A genocide that is going on right now in the country who‘s Fox news propagada you just posted. Your own country declared war on the US in support of the nazis. Germany’s largest ally against Russia.

Except for the accusation the US, which you “often associate with NATO“ is the provoker who divided Ukraine and Russia and forced the latter to react by attacking. And comparing aiming actual nukes at a country to imaginary missiles in the Ukraine that would be within range to justify aka defend Russia’s ”re”-action. What you call poor japs were actually atrocious nazis.

And people think disinformation caused Brexit… anyone know where I can get a good deal on 4000miles of fencing?
No, I take back my apologies. You are clearly posting a response to disinformation.
Maybe Putin will fall out of a window. It happens in Russia.
Followed by Medvedev, who tried to save putin