New Member
It speaks but makes no sense. not yet in the company of men.
Case in point your posts are much of the same... Except I don't want to be in the "company of men" you prefer...
It speaks but makes no sense. not yet in the company of men.
States don't have rights. People do. The business model of any government is to to limit rights and use force to make people do things that benefit the growth of that particular government. All the rest is window dressing.
States don't have rights. People do. The business model of any government is to to limit rights and use force to make people do things that benefit the growth of that particular government. All the rest is window dressing.
That's not true. Corporations and dogs have rights. States are sovereign entities with Constitutional Rights. The Feds are intruders.
If they have only 5 people left in the State, for some un-godly reason, they still get 2 Senators.
So, you are going to leave?
So, you are going to leave?
How the fuck are white people treated like second class citizens in Alabama or any other of those states that have had a history of unjust treatment to others????? People like yourself claim to be some kind of victim , while in fact you are the furthest thing from. I suggest you get off your vegan foodstamp wanting ass and do something with your life instead of pretending to be some helpless, white, hungry victim. No fault but your own as to why your life is the way it is.Rob is right for once. The Constitution is bullshit. If it were this supreme thing, it would prevent garbage like the voting rights act which treats whites as second class citizens in 9 states. I understand their reason, to keep us in line or even worse will happen to the other 41.
WE is the whole problem. The first step is fixing the I. WE is just a blame game, which only makes it easier for THEM to dominate US for our own good because the WE has become too stupid and can't understand that.
WE is the whole problem. The first step is fixing the I. WE is just a blame game, which only makes it easier for THEM to dominate US for our own good because the WE has become too stupid and can't understand that.
How the fuck are white people treated like second class citizens in Alabama or any other of those states that have had a history of unjust treatment to others????? People like yourself claim to be some kind of victim , while in fact you are the furthest thing from. I suggest you get off your vegan foodstamp wanting ass and do something with your life instead of pretending to be some helpless, white, hungry victim. No fault but your own as to why your life is the way it is.
So, if you pass the civil service exam, do you suddenly become THEM? Who is them and how do we stop them? The 2nd A?
(What are they doing again?) That's a big step. Put the I back in WE? WIE (kidding)
Who is there to blame? Everyone in the world blames WE.
You are not exempt.
...garbage like the voting rights act which treats whites as second class citizens in 9 states...
again who is dominating YOU ????
WE is the whole problem. The first step is fixing the I. WE is just a blame game, which only makes it easier for THEM to dominate US for our own good because the WE has become too stupid and can't understand that.
You're one deluded liberal. I've never said how I wanted on food stamps. What I did say is how unfair programs like food stamps are for this poor mistreated white man.
I don't qualify for food stamps. But I'm poor as fuck. Yet those jive dudes who pull up to the handout window and collect their check in a much fancier car than I drive.
They're the ones pretending to be the helpless victim. They need to be allowed to fail. They're using part of my tax money to drive artificial demand which causes prices to increase.
All I did was point this out. I'm happy with my life, but I'd be even happier if the Darwin Award winners didn't get FREE shit as their prize.