Shrooms ROI


Well-Known Member
How much street value is there in shrooms when compared to weed? Return on investment with regards to growing indoors with associated costs (electricity, soil, nutrients, ect.)?

Why do people take it? What are its effects?
If you ask me theres nothing better then growing shrooms and giving them away why should anyone charge for knowledge that the sacred children give us. Now for the prices i found in the NW you can score for about 20 an eighth (or 100 a zip) and down in like the SW its 10 a g(or like 200-250 a zip crazy money lusting people.) But I still believe they should be givin away.
yup i do 10bucks a gram all the way up(make your money quick), but i also do share with my friends. nothing better then tripping with your buddys with your own shrooms!
If you ask me theres nothing better then growing shrooms and giving them away why should anyone charge for knowledge that the sacred children give us. Now for the prices i found in the NW you can score for about 20 an eighth (or 100 a zip) and down in like the SW its 10 a g(or like 200-250 a zip crazy money lusting people.) But I still believe they should be givin away.
thats about the same here i dont fuck with them bad trip
mine where allwas free had a friend in west palm that picked them and gave them to me and my friends
Erowid they are of my favorites, and relatively easy to gro.....but then I am just doing it all for personal enjoyment....don't buy...don't know prices...don't care what it costs to gro....the satisfaction is in the process and the result.....and knowing you have not acquired something you did not want in your herbal medicines... :mrgreen:
Why do people take it? What are its effects?
Love shrooms. You grow them to eat them. Effects are different amongst individuals. Prices around where I live are about $25 1/8
I've never grown them
I don't think they need light or nutrients...they're fungus....
And from my experience, they sell like hotcakes
Well I know you can get kits to grow them...they sell them online or at head I said I've never done it though so I couldn't tell you but I'm sure you could do some research on the internet and find out

Google is your friend
Hey go to the the have everything you'll need to know from strains of mushrooms to the best way to set up grow boxes. Oh its alot cheaper to buy everything yourself and build a kit and just order a spore syringe if you want to go guerrilla get the plantasia strand there really open to temprature (highs and low) and just grow them all over your neighborhood. Check out ive had great luck with them cheap spore syringes and always shipped on time. Please dont buy a kit just buy everything seperate at like wal-mart you get ripped off buying those kits in my opinion (but if your lazy I guess there good) well good luck and i hope you start growing soon.
Hey go to the the have everything you'll need to know from strains of mushrooms to the best way to set up grow boxes. Oh its alot cheaper to buy everything yourself and build a kit and just order a spore syringe if you want to go guerrilla get the plantasia strand there really open to temprature (highs and low) and just grow them all over your neighborhood. Check out ive had great luck with them cheap spore syringes and always shipped on time. Please dont buy a kit just buy everything seperate at like wal-mart you get ripped off buying those kits in my opinion (but if your lazy I guess there good) well good luck and i hope you start growing soon.

I don't know how to get rid of them. Even if I went through the trouble and they weren't tampled on by whoever graces the area in which they are planted, I don't think I'd produce enough to even be interested. I thought I could give them away as a bonus when handing off weed. I think most people who smoke are not interested in these things.

Am I wrong? If so, do people actually BUY these things? It seems like no work at all for personal consumption.