Shulgin Index

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hello friends ... I have found something interesting ... to be released ... soon.

What is The Shulgin Index?

The Shulgin Index is the latest work by Alexander ("Sasha") Shulgin, the world's most prolific explorer of the chemistry and effects of psychedelic drugs.

The Index is a comprehensive survey of the known psychedelics, and will be published in two volumes.

VOL 1 is: "Psychedelic Phenethylamines and Related Compounds"

The first volume presents:

* A structure-oriented survey of psychedelic phenethylamines, amphetamines, phenylpiperazines, and other similar compounds.
* Treatments of 126 main compounds with detailed physical properties, synthesis and analytical chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacological properties, and legal status. Fully referenced with over 2,000 citations.
* Sub-tables of lesser-studied structural homologues and analogues. Over 1300 total compounds covered.
* Extensive cross-referencing tables for rapid location of key information.
* An invaluable resource for researchers, physicians, chemists, and law enforcement.

VOL 2 (available at a future date) will be: "Psychedelic Tryptamines and Related Compounds"

If you would like to order/find out more ... have a look HERE
These, will make a great addition to my library !

Thank you Sasha !
flip69 thank you for bringing this to my attention !

I am very excited about the up coming movie about Sasha and Ann Shulgin, titled



This movie is a documentary about Dr. Alexander “Sasha” Shulgin, the rogue chemist who discovered the effects of MDMA (aka Ecstasy) and over 200 other mind-altering drugs. Shulgin’s alchemy has earned him the title “The Godfather of Psychedelics,” and a reputation as one of the great chemists of the 20th century.

Working from a lab in his home, and using himself and his wife Ann as test subjects, Shulgin's discoveries have brought him into conflict with the law but made him a worldwide underground hero. The two books they co-authored, “Pihkal” and “Tihkal”, have built a foundation for cutting-edge neuroscience and medical research.
read more ...

This is some footage from the screening ...
I look forward to seeing this piece when it is available on DVD.
Perhaps this is a good contender for our RIU movie night ?




Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Well, I hope so .... Sasha is getting old now ... so perhaps he is going to give us some more toys to play with.
Also, a little birdie told me that these two new volumes are going to be a little bit more in depth obviously building on PiHKAL and TiHKAL ... with many additionalZzZ.

So here is hoping for some excitement when this comes out !
Kids .. get your lab kits ready !



Well-Known Member
Well, I hope so .... Sasha is getting old now ... so perhaps he is going to give us some more toys to play with.
Also, a little birdie told me that these two new volumes are going to be a little bit more in depth obviously building on PiHKAL and TiHKAL ... with many additionals.

So here is hoping for some excitement when this comes out !

The reality of him releasing another book is insane. It could honestly change the world in months of its release, if not faster. You can read how fast 5-MeO-DALT was being manufactured in China after he sent the synth instructions to one person. Its so rad.


Well-Known Member
finally a thread about the great sasha shulgin. he is one of the greatest things to happen to psychedlics in my opinion. and im gonna be checking out his new work for sure. thanks.


Well-Known Member
finally a thread about the great sasha shulgin. he is one of the greatest things to happen to psychedlics in my opinion. and im gonna be checking out his new work for sure. thanks.
I don't know about anyone else but there is a deep sense of joy that comes over me simply knowing this man is alive...much less still working. The vice site is down but you can watch and listen to him and see his lab and what he has been up to here...


Well-Known Member
My thoughts exactly ichi. 1300 compounds with full synth???? Looks like we've only just begun to crack the seems of this rc trend that is really picking up steam. Meph illegal?! So what!! We'll have toys to last a lifetime.


New Member
so let me get this right... this guy has made new drugs us humans dont know about and hes putting them all in a book. with synth manuals?


Well-Known Member
Read up on him. He's done it before with pihkal and tihkal. It's not what you think though. The average persons not going to crank these out in their closet. But china and isreal will. I love the Internet.


Well-Known Member
so let me get this right... this guy has made new drugs us humans dont know about and hes putting them all in a book. with synth manuals?
wait, wait...It gets better. They are totally legal drugs. (maybe could get hit under the analog act)


Well-Known Member
Keep up the threads Puffer, I'm deeply and profoundly amused by them. Can't wait to delve into these two new marvelous books... I'm a neird guru for trip reports :)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I find this profoundly amusing !



Ahh ... Tiny Tim ... bless his heart !


"Do the cooking by the book ... biatch !! ....Yeahh !"



Well-Known Member
Aha, I heard that he was releasing some new works, but I didn't know there was a doc about him too!!

rrep! Thanks Puffer!!

EDIT: Argh.. can't give ya rep yet :( too soon