~*SICC's West Coast AeroGarden Grow*~

hey SICC your going to be disappointed! lol im building a DWC for my next grow, its a 114L tank so plenty of root room got a very nice pump for it too. ill finish up this grow inside the AG and hopefully post alot of pics soon if i ever find my camera charger, until then peace bro
yea sicc im followin u too. kush is the way my nigg. im like a week an 3 days into veggin some kush and bagseed. narkush from seeds man an hindu from nirvana. check me out bro
yea sicc im followin u too. kush is the way my nigg. im like a week an 3 days into veggin some kush and bagseed. narkush from seeds man an hindu from nirvana. check me out bro

ey wussup man my bad i havent hit u up man shits been busy ya know?? i hit u up definetly this week tho i got chu
hey sicc whats the latest on yours....

Everything is lookin good, update is tommorrow ;)

yea sicc im followin u too. kush is the way my nigg. im like a week an 3 days into veggin some kush and bagseed. narkush from seeds man an hindu from nirvana. check me out bro

Fa sho i'll stop by, im right behind you, tommorrow is week 1

hey SICC your going to be disappointed! lol im building a DWC for my next grow, its a 114L tank so plenty of root room got a very nice pump for it too. ill finish up this grow inside the AG and hopefully post alot of pics soon if i ever find my camera charger, until then peace bro

haha not even do ya thang, im planning on doin somthing different down the line as well, jus keep me posted


Day 7 from seed

Week 1

Whats up all, my other OGK seed cracc'd and i transplanted it into the AG this morning, the OOG has left the shell but is lookin a lil weird, so far the best plants are obvisouly the ones growing haha, will let the OOG and the OGK go there thang, nothing really new except the plants growing haha. I keep re adjusting my light, i will lower it and raise it back up, just whatever i seem fit, like to keep it at different hieghts. So if anything, the MS, BK, and the TW will be ones i picc to grow unless the OGK and the OOG do better, but there gonna be like a week behind the others. Again will be getting the rest of my supplies this friday. All is goin good :mrgreen:


We will start off with the MS and the BK again first, both are standing tall, there goin about the same pace, the BK is a lil shorter than the MS, and the leaves are a lil longer, there growing so fast ;)


Here is the OOG and the TW. The OOG has finially left the shell :-| will be just letting it grow and see what happends, the TW is the Tallest and had the longest leaves, the pic is a lil blurry, all these pics are from my phone, so it looks a lil light greenish, it was just the lighting, so far im pretty happy, i love the whole "set and forget"

yeah ive got my fingers crossed and i am currently giving a offering to god out of my bong with the use of my lungs.im sure they will man
hahaha, yea im sure they will, i was hoping if anything the med seed and tw would die or somthing, not my kush :(
yeah i hope ur kush dosent die. here is an idea why dont u just take out the med and out in soil i know u like hydro but just to get it out and give the others room idk it is just an idea just experiment if u want but thats what i would do
Yea thats what i was going to do was have the med seed and the tw be the plants to take the fall is anything, but i mean if they do better than the kush then im obvisouly gonna have to keep the healthy ones, dont want to go through extra shit for my first official grow you feel me