sick in the northeast cant find meds

cool thank's...they look good cool how old is that one..and do you grow that biger one indoor's...
da plantDOC
I vegged for a few days under CFL's then outside, but because of late start to spring this year they're a month behind my usual grows...they're 96 days... but we've only had about 25 days of just sun, so they stretched more then I like....
but all healthy now.......... had a few problems but fixed them...

* this isn't a hijack...put them up for Doc..
WELL yesterday i got a dime for $30 buck's...but to me that a deal.. for some releaf...i know some people mite think am stupid for byeing it...but i have sleped for day's pryer!! OH and it was shwag on top of the fucking sick price...up in like main they have some reary good cammabis comeing over the border...of can!!!
so if eney one has this problem whare you are feel free to let us know how your weed is and if it's in hight demand and the price of it!!!! da plantDOC
yea its 20 bucks a gram with no come down on price with weight.. I think it is to expensive, Im used to paying 300. for a oz of dank with a name... but ill take what I can get until my harvest is done!! btw Im glad to hear you finally got a lil something!!!
Well... if you are in MA... that's just a short car ride to Rhode Island where they have MM laws in place so I imagine they have dispensaries there where you can get your medicine.
YA me to but i rolled ut up into a fat blunt....and went in the hot tub and fell asleep for 2hrs so that's well worth the $30 buck' how's that G.D.P. never smoked it..but i would love to some day...for now am done with them long strains...
da plantDOC
its nice! strong high and long lasting.. but whoever grew it got it out fast!!! im sure it came from a commercial grow and they finished it quickly for profit.. still pretty damn good!
Well... if you are in MA... that's just a short car ride to Rhode Island where they have MM laws in place so I imagine they have dispensaries there where you can get your medicine.
ya i live right across the street in from R.I. like spitting dis...
but unless you are like the mayer son then you get's so small of a state that evrything is corrupt in that state...and i dont even think thare is a compashion club b-cuz thare is not e-fuff people that they will give it to..just b-cuz that thare is med cannabis..dose not meen that doc's are going to give it...the doc's was thretend by the polatshions that if they give it out then thay will be a fucked up...

da plantDOC....
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ya i live right across the street in from R.I. like spitting dis...

Did you contact the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition? Their website is RIPAC: Medical Marijuana in Rhode Island

Cancer is covered under the RI MM law so you should easily qualify. Rhode Island has a MM Law... and your illness (cancer) clearly qualifies you to use MM.

Don't give up... get in touch with that group and see if they can help you find a doctor and get you a MM card. I'm also guessing that even though they don't post groups or clubs on their site.... they will be able to help you find them once they verify you are a qualified patient.

I'm not well versed in MM Laws... but I hope you pursue it as you clearly are a patient in need.

Best wishes :peace:
I belive he would have to be a resident of ri.. not sure but I think that is the case..

I'm not so sure about that.... it could be... again... I'm not a MM law expert. However... he said he lives right on the border of RI. I work in healthcare (well IT in the healthcare industry) and most of our healthcare clients cover their patients by mileage radius.

I'm not saying he would be "legal" in his State of MA.... but perhaps he would be entitled to seek treatment from a physician within a certain mileage. If he could see a physician in RI and get a confirmation that MM would be a good treatment for his illness, then perhaps he could legally purchase his medicine in RI.... then illegally (only in the eyes of the stupid law!!!) take his medicine home and use it in the privacy of his own home.

Again... I'm not really sure... but he DESERVES the medicine to make his days living with cancer peaceful and comfortable. I just hope he pursues it until he is told definitively he can't.
Yea I do as well!! Thanks for the good info here. Im sure he will check it out.. I will encourage him to do so as well..
I'm not so sure about that.... it could be... again... I'm not a MM law expert. However... he said he lives right on the border of RI. I work in healthcare (well IT in the healthcare industry) and most of our healthcare clients cover their patients by mileage radius.

I'm not saying he would be "legal" in his State of MA.... but perhaps he would be entitled to seek treatment from a physician within a certain mileage. If he could see a physician in RI and get a confirmation that MM would be a good treatment for his illness, then perhaps he could legally purchase his medicine in RI.... then illegally (only in the eyes of the stupid law!!!) take his medicine home and use it in the privacy of his own home.

Again... I'm not really sure... but he DESERVES the medicine to make his days living with cancer peaceful and comfortable. I just hope he pursues it until he is told definitively he can't. :peace:
ya see just b-cuz the law was past!!! that dose not meen that R.I. has to give..thare are no doc's in the state that are permited to use it as a's just like that drug suboxone doc's have to have a permit and only can have 50 people on the drug...the law is fucked up hear but the state is the size on L.A. so think of polatick's..i no that's sad for people like me that are sick...
right now i have a cancer sist on my spine..and it's not painfull..but the treatment is a pain in the that's my little rant am the shitty state of R.I. MASS... da plantDOC