sick in the northeast cant find meds

Where you at DOC ??
You OK ??
Another hospital run ??
Hope your ok.
I know, your landlord found your plants, and tossed you out on your ear.LOL
na well he's comeing today..and am trying to get ready for the fucking pig...well i shoud not say that he's alway's has been cool to me..and he smokes just not how shure how cool he will be me growing it in his house...and one of my best friend drowed...two day's ago...and i have bean with the cool T...

how's the sweetGOD comeing along..and the rest of our farm...da plantDOC
Bummer about your friend, I've lost a couple, SUCKS.

The ol' plantation's hang'in in there.

Hit-up your landlord for a SAK,LOL, I bet he slings it,ROFL.
What the fuck is wrong with my page..every time i try to go to the last page it will not let me it go's back it the first page
OK this psge has been open for all most three week's..and not one person live in my state..whare is the good fuck weed...this is so sad that a ashamed to say i live in so suprised that not one person cant get good weed to's not in my hood or i shoud say my wood's...da plantDOC
ya you can say that's like inposabale to get something with crystal's on it...realey it's all shwag brown drick all cruched comeing from Arazona/ probaley was good or looked good when it was growing...but the end result is SHWAG SHWAG you lucky folk's smokeing dank..i envy you gye's...but i dont have mutch time left now to wait...oh and i will be byeing a cam in the next few day' you will see the end result...i sware i have 1 bubbalgum it smell's gust like it...SOME OF YOU WILL BE GETTING A TASTE YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!
da plantDOC
so is thare eney one that live's in the boston or near hear that has dank seem's like am the only one in mass that cant get good weed!!!just shwag..right now am looking for a few oz's ond i cant find it if i wanted...not even shwag..that's sad...i need to get out of the fucking sad state ni want to get out of hear in the worst a home person so am not sure how that would work for me..but i would be happy so that make's a differnce..the only thing stoping me is mass genaral hosptal they are one of the best in the world..they safed my life meny time's...i was burned 78% of my body when i was 14 a house ya just seeing if eneything changed with the shwag case plantDOC
Sorry to hear about your spinal cancer, any cancer for that matter, a CURE is what we need. I have a herniated dics in my lower back and whole leg and toes numb, nerve damage from my wrist the end of's electric. What I cannot and will not ever understand is why Dr.'s refuse to give the proper meds., to their patients. It all really pisses is off, they think they are little God's, loarding it over your ass. I do hope something can be done for your nausea. Jane is the only thing that helps my electric hand... So I cannot get any pain meds., for my back injury...if you cannot get anything for YOUR pain and nausa I Believe it POX on the Dr.'s.
cool thank's man i hear ya doc's suck..they give me more pain pill then i can ever take!!! but i dont want that i smoke weed only...da plantDOC
so there are 14 pages, i didnt read them all so i'm sorry if the idea has already been suggested.

"In New York, many high-end marijuana delivery services make thousands of daily deliveries of small amounts (2 grams for $50) of this premium quality marijuana to private locations (apartments, offices, art galleries, recording studios, and other places of work and play). This poster will present qualitative and visual data that will delineate the appearance of, sale processes for, and the relatively affluent clientele, purchasing high quality designer marijuana in the illegal marketplace." quoted from High-Quality “Designer Marijuana” in New York City’s Retail Markets

literally i think the movie half baked is based of a real marketplace and the people who try and attempt to cut into the delivery markets prices probably do find themselves mixed up with some heavy hitters wanting an un-doable cut of your profits...especially after they've uncovered people like the recent NYC police chief who was found to be a paid mob employee who's apartment was entirely paid from mob accounts. (bush finally did one good thing by keeping this guy from getting his almost guaranteed position in homeland security)
this was from the bottom of the page "Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Royal York, Toronto"... Im not entirley sure that is related to law enforcement (im a bit high), but I would hate to think that the man is actually figuring things out...