I don't want to sound stupid.... I can see the pictures and I've really wanted to make one of these... can you please explain what the things inside the bucket are? You just hook those up to an air pump right? can you link to one online for sale? Is it pretty much this? http://www.petco.com/product/6367/Petco-Bubbling-Airstone.aspx Thank you very much!
Nice new 6 site. $45ish. Almost put this girl into bloom.
Just going to use it as a mother so 2012 gets it good.
Doin 6 every 3 weeks, with a 9 week bloom cycle.
This is what happens when you don't take the time to clean
Out of 5, 2 got a small set of roots and it only took 18 days!!!
The other 3 died.
Ok I just started researching bubble cloners so bear with me. Do you submerge the stem into the water or right above so the bubbles keep it moist? What is holding them in the holes?