Simple RDWC


Well-Known Member
Supp all figured id post up a J on my current grow seen all kinds of different rdwc rigs popping in here figured id share my lil one.
Very simple idk what it is but i guess it could be considered a type of Inline/Undercurrent.
Got a pump attached to a controller bucket pushing thru my grow buckets @ 4inches back to controller bucket..
Put in equalizer tubeing @ 2inches hooked my buckets up on gravity feed drainback to the controller bucket. All single level;)
This keeps my buckets water levels all the same and consistent i can actually control my water levels in the buckets..
Alls good keeping my controller res cool with frozen 2liter bottles would like to get a chiller it would be complete.
Thats it enjoy lets get to some porn :-P
My lil single patient grow journal.
Questions just holler ill help if i can.


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Back at ya bro ive had my share of issues nothings perfect but whats here now is working well enuff i can live with it thanks for the props.
Eh mang...nice lil rig you got there...You all legal and shit now? is it less fun growin now?

Just a piece of plastic man u know but to be honest even if it is a false sence of security i do feel a lil better lolz..
Good too see u bro thought i seen u posting around again good stuff.
And yea rigs growing strong ill get some new pix up when i get a lil closer to harvest man thanks for stopping by.
Alright so had a request for a part break down with some simple stoners directions so here goes just copied and pasted to here so things dont get all scattered out n messed up n im not tryna answer questions for same topic in 2 different threads anyhow.

Part List:
So basically my 4 plant unit it goes like this..
5x5 for 5 gallon buckets=$ 25
1 standard black lid $ 1.50
5x4=$ 20 (6inch pots built in lids)
Ecoplus 264 submersible pump =$ 20
20' 3/4 inch hose= $20
9 x 3/4 inch t connectors @$ .95= $10
3 x 3/4 inch male/male connectors @ .95= $3
12 grommet seals for 3/4 inch connectors @.50= $6
1 inch drill bit= $15

So thats like what $120.00 to build the 4 site rig/controller res. I believe my buddy paid $700.00 for his 8 site E&G system..
No disrespect to E&G i actually dig the E&G its just not necessary in dwc to flood and drain. I really like the system and got most my ideas from the E&G and tried to keep mine as similar as possible cause if it aint broken cant really fix it. However going inline/undercurrent with the E&G simply wont work on constant flow because your going to Flood the buckets all the way down the line without haveing a timed pull back..
Anyhow not to get too far off track i did simply fix the Flood issues by adding the constant push thru the plant buckets and useing the Equalizer pipeing to equalize the water in the buckets loop and by maintaining equal water levels in the bukets thru the line.

For the plant buckets themselves:
I drilled holes 4 inches from bottom to center for my constant flow pass thru the buckets constantly feeding the buckets cold water from the cooled controller bucket that also returns back to the controller bucket. The inside loop(Equalizer loop just basicly connecting the buckets up to evenly disperse the water and naturally keep the water level once in the system) I went 2 inches from bottom to center for my equalizer drain back hose for my plant buckets.. Put ur grommets in with t connectors on ur plant buckets..

For My controller bucket:
I went 3 inches from bottom to center for my constant water loop (push side). I also dropped my Equalizer drain to controller buckets to 2 inches to center from bottom bucket so gravity ccould naturally pull the water undercurrent back to the controller bucket as well for more fresh water exchange.. Keeping the water moveing basically so the pump doesnt empty the controller bucket to fast before the drainback has a chance to catch up..
Pull side from controller bucke outlet was basically just dropped to the floor as closely as possibly but still allowing enuff room so the grommet could seat itself and seal be carefull i did drill one out to low and it did leak..

Hope that helps i do have a drawing lemme see if i can find its basically real simple and too the point the pic should clearify what i have described if not just ask and ill try to clearify further..
Heres that picture

Now after all the instructions and blueprint(lolz that was alot like work)
How bout some fresh Pr0n then!


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I am intrigued by this. I am a pretty new grower, so forgive me if this sounds like a dumb question.....Do you have to change the Controller res? How often? What size lights are you using?

I never considered RDWC because it always struck me as difficult and/or expensive. Seems like you've disposed of both of those ideas...
I am intrigued by this. I am a pretty new grower, so forgive me if this sounds like a dumb question.....Do you have to change the Controller res? How often? What size lights are you using?

I never considered RDWC because it always struck me as difficult and/or expensive. Seems like you've disposed of both of those ideas...

No problem if u have the tools and a little bit of constructivity u can get it done it cost me 120 dollars to connect my buckets up and its a hell of alot more easier to maintain one res WORD!
Far as my lights ive got one 4ft t5 not even sure how many watts honestly ill have to look..
The last kola shot i posted was done under a 600. I have a 1k now ill post up some more shots as it goes im still tryna get shit dialed in really i keep it simple tho and im a cheap ass so beaar with me.

How many Watts HID?
Im working with 600 and a 1k doing 4 plants per lamp vegged as long as i possibly can.
I am intrigued by this. I am a pretty new grower, so forgive me if this sounds like a dumb question.....Do you have to change the Controller res? How often? What size lights are you using?

I never considered RDWC because it always struck me as difficult and/or expensive. Seems like you've disposed of both of those ideas...

Hey man i guess i missed it but yes i do change my res and replenish nutrients after every harvest i clean my buckets real good and put 3ml per gallon hydrogen peroxide to kill any unwanted pathogens..
Apprechiate the kind words man but ive been fine tuneing this system for a minute and number one worst enemy is heat i have lost an entire rig because of high res temps due to lockout i have my ambient room temps down to 76 degrees now and keeping my res cool with frozen 2liter bottles a water chiller will be my next upgrade..
Point is i would advise against running dwc if u cant consistently keep ur res temps below 78 degrees u want them closer to 70 degrees tho for maximum nutrient uptake...

So yea id hate to see peeps run out and make one of these without being able to keep temps in check cause ur gonna fail. Id advise coco as its much more lenient in higher temps..
Hope that helps..
I have found it better to put mine in a tuperware box, fill with water put my Hydrofarm in it with airstone with frozen bottles,less stress from rapid temp change and less work from opening my lid.Also have digi temp probe in the hydrofarm water,but no bottles.Try it u might find it easier.Airstone to keep it from getting stagnent.BEECH Forgot this....
I cut a holein the box so it fits and put a lid on it seems to keep the ice bottles longer.
Yea man for sure i thought i seen vo and others doing something similar all great ideas shyt whatever works really.. Im getting ready to re-make my controller res from coolers tho wouldnt be nothing to do only talking about 2extra grommets and it would make life alot less stressfull.