Simple RDWC

I just wanted to step in here and say hello Im about to run my first rdwc myself and you sir just saved me ALOT of money and headache so thank you everything I have been reading says this is the best system for yields hands down if done CORRECTLY but if you miss a step it lose everything. I do plan on running 1k HPS cooltubes per plant for 4 plants an I have the cash for a cooler already also Im so ampd.. tuurrrnnnup
Dont mean to hijack i just used a iglo ice chest with hole cutin for the bucket works tons better.Also ty for sharing you blue print and the thread gonna do your setup when i can afford a Chller.
No problem man thats actually a really good idea and yea the only reason im stressing the higher temps is because the pump does raise the res temps a degree or 2 over the long run so just putting it out there if you havent ever had to worry bout res temps dont let it bite u in tha ass is all im saying gettum in check ur all set man works like a charm.. I think if u used a cooler as ur control res like we where talking about u should be gold man ur right a cooler will keep temps down considerably once u get them controlled shouldnt be nothing keeping them consistent.. I need to get off my ass n just DO IT. Haha but yea i gotta get it done fo sho.
Whats good all been super busy here battleing heat. Had to break down and pick up a water chiller finally all i can say is wish id have done so much sooner. Just over night really my plants lil fan leaves started reaching for lamp altho i can see a little heat damage and stress in the fans from water temps peaking around 82 degrees when i forgot to add the frozen 2liters no problem now got a 1/4 horsepower ecoplus chiller off reggies list still in tha box for 250! Yeehaw man had my temps sitting at 65 degrees in about 3-4 hours best investment i think i have ever made to date...

Anyhow i popped a few seeds and thought id update real quick.
All i do is soak my beans till they drop in the cup. From there i place in a damp papertowel until they grow a nice tap i like to get at least a half inch tap root and i transplant the beanlings to rapid rooters simply by flipping them over cracking them open and placeing the taproot down in tue rooter so the top of the seed sits just above the top of the rooter almost flush... This gives me great results and scratches out the waiting games on germing seeds that end up being duds anyhow...

Heres a picture useing this method i can practically watch my beans sprout hourly it works very welll for me same method i explained in my dwc growtorial i guess..
Anyhow i just transplanted this beanling as i described earlier and thought id throw up a picture since this grows been a little boreing anyhow maybe i can spice it up with a seed grow from scratch to finish..;)
Thanks for watching.


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Hey all whats good. Broke down and had to get a chiller i should have done so a long time ago ive never seen my plants so happy its just one of those things u really should do if u wanna completely maximize ur space time and effort period. 87 degrees max temps was a little too much to deal with with water bottles and i can see it in my plants still ok but will see how they feel @ 65-70 degrees! Also pretty much got a Co2 tank and regulator for free when i got the chiller so i got that running not sure how effective its gonna be considering im not "sealed" i hung a halo around the plants so i figure i should be getting the best from what i have anyways will see if its worth it i guess..
Anyhow just cant wait to get to winter and cooler temps man this summer kicked my ass big time im sure its kicking all our asses lolz.
Thats it for now thanks for watching.


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Just wanted to bump this up but here's my current op now I will update this later as well.
I did start this build with 3/lid plant sites to hurry things along but what's shown in this thread is what it has worked into single 5gallon sites one plant per site.. I do have some 12\12 cuts flowered next to some monsters Veggers I'll try and get some pix later.