SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

okay following ur cure, not the carboard idea..lets toss that 1 out.. ill dry in my spare bedrrom...sound good. run string lines in the open say the clothes pins..dry my commercial for 4 days , and 3 in this plastic hinged tub u talk of..and my personal can go in2 say pickle jars..or do i need the mason 1's? and ill dry these on the line for the same time as the commercial ...but jar them for a full week...with burping..

so i just need the tub u talk of do u arrang alot of bud in this tub..?
your room will work good.. plenty of air movement there... i would let your personal stash dry a couple days longer though... like a week dry and a week cure for your own...

the tubs i use arent really tubs i guess... they are just little 1ftx1.5ftx3inch plastic storage boxes you find at walmart... nothing special... i grabbed the bigest i could find at the time... there were ones 2x as long and wide, but they were outta stock... anyways.. i just lay them down it in... single layer.. with enough room to breath but tight enough to not waste the space.. when i burp them i also rotate the buds a 1/2 turn.. not everytime i burp.. but at least twice a day...

pickle jars would work fine.. any glass jar with a good sealing lid is fine.. just make sure its super clean... wouldnt want your buds to have a hint of pickle to them
perfect..i think im st8..jars ive had the pickle is all gone but the label...hmm so this tub can it be a rubbermaid with a good lid ..or does it have to be those like hinged type lids..
since i cant multi layer them i think ill need least 3 tubs..i got enough jars for my personal.. and 1 more the i need a fan..and my RH is hella low in this do i need to moniter that and give them a sits at like 0%
your room will work good.. plenty of air movement there... i would let your personal stash dry a couple days longer though... like a week dry and a week cure for your own...

the tubs i use arent really tubs i guess... they are just little 1ftx1.5ftx3inch plastic storage boxes you find at walmart... nothing special... i grabbed the bigest i could find at the time... there were ones 2x as long and wide, but they were outta stock... anyways.. i just lay them down it in... single layer.. with enough room to breath but tight enough to not waste the space.. when i burp them i also rotate the buds a 1/2 turn.. not everytime i burp.. but at least twice a day...

pickle jars would work fine.. any glass jar with a good sealing lid is fine.. just make sure its super clean... wouldnt want your buds to have a hint of pickle to them
perfect..i think im st8..jars ive had the pickle is all gone but the label...hmm so this tub can it be a rubbermaid with a good lid ..or does it have to be those like hinged type lids..
since i cant multi layer them i think ill need least 3 tubs..i got enough jars for my personal.. and 1 more the i need a fan..and my RH is hella low in this do i need to moniter that and give them a sits at like 0%

can be any kinda tub/box thingy... either works fine.. i just like the hinged lid cause i dont have to look for it when i take it off... or during storage times when they arent in use.. but not matter which you choose.. both will work the same...

you can use an oscilating/box fan in the spare just for air movement... if you can get around 70% RH thats good... the slower they dry the better... the low of humidity though will dry the outside way before the inside is dry.. so you want to have it up a little bit..
so ill get a rh digital meter and blast away with the humidifier in there..till im up at atleast 30-50% dont think i can get the spare up any higher than that..but that gotta be better than 0...thanks for setttn me st8 on this harvesting time shit..been awhile and i never cured be4 just hung and trimmed...good stuff once again..thank u sampson....
hey bro.. not a problem at all!.. glad i could help as always...

so i got all the seeds in rockwool... theres 4 blueberry, 7 mg surprise (dropped one), 8 crystale, and 4 purple cotton candy... hopefully the will sprout in a few days and i can get them transplanted... so i got a couples ?s... i have taller cups that are thinner or shorter cups that are wider... which should i use to put the seedling into until i can put them in the hydro system?? and also im not sure what i should do about watering... think i should just water them 2 times a day or once a day?? im not sure at all... i know i will flood the for 15 minutes 4 to 6 times a day.. not sure which yet... but im not sure while they are in the dixie cups what to do... i suppose if i have a tray underneath and just water them and keep them wet i should be ok right?? they will get plenty of air with the hydroton... so they should drowned right??
fucking awsome bro. very very nice. my ?to you HOW IN THE HELL ARE YOU TYPING ON THE KEY BOARD, YOUR DICK SHOULD BE IN YOUR HANDS. lol great job like i said i can smell it from here.
I think i would use some braided nylon...and fish it threw a cut i made at bottom of all the different sized cups..fill my trays and let the wick system and hydroton do the work... i wuz usin a 24 7 drip (maybe not optimal) over net pots and lava...and didnt c adverse affects either..
today actually has ended on a fucking awesome note... first TM, the eagle has flew the nest... drop them off at the post office just a little bit ago.. so itll be a couple days but youll get them soon.. you should be getting yours tomorrow or thursday MG...

secondly i found out i can actually get some clones from different strains in 10 days... so i am changing things up a little... my partner is picking the strains so i wont know what they are until i get them... but i imagine they are cali strains.. friend of a friend kinda thing went to cali and brought back some clones and i think we are getting some clones from them.. im still keeping the blue berry and MGsuprise... but itll save me from having to cut and force flower a buncha clones to check sex... plus this will give me 24 plants total...

i will have 6 strains with 4 plants of each strain.. im assuming i will only get 4 females from the MG suprise seeds... if i get more i will prolly run a small soil grow just for shits and giggles... 4 mystery strains as of now and the two previously mentioned strains...

lastly i got a hook up on hydro equipment.. the clone guy also gave my partner a card of this dude that just opened a shop close to where i live... since hes new and is trying to get his name out he is willing to give us like 40% discounts.... so i am definatly expanding.. and it looks like ill have enough to also get the additional 2 floros i want... hell might even get a third and stick that in the clone room instead of the other floros... i dunno... gonna make a list of what i need and post it.. ill post the total price of the place i go now and the quote from this other guy when i get it... it will be identical equipment to what i want from wormsway or i wont get it.. anyways if this pans out itll be killer...

fucking awsome bro. very very nice. my ?to you HOW IN THE HELL ARE YOU TYPING ON THE KEY BOARD, YOUR DICK SHOULD BE IN YOUR HANDS. lol great job like i said i can smell it from here.

im not typing with my hands.. im using my feet :hump:

I think i would use some braided nylon...and fish it threw a cut i made at bottom of all the different sized cups..fill my trays and let the wick system and hydroton do the work... i wuz usin a 24 7 drip (maybe not optimal) over net pots and lava...and didnt c adverse affects either..

the hydroton wont absorb and spread the water like soil.. right?? so i will have to coil the nylon through a little... but i think thats the best idea.. just gotta get this setup real quick... i think i have everything i need... good call on the wick idea tho.. ill let the roots pop out a decent amount from the rockwool before i stick it in the cups tho...
no.. not at all.. tastes just fine.... my jar'd shit is better just because its me stash and i dry it longer and cure it longer... but the other commercial stuff tastes just as good...
today actually has ended on a fucking awesome note... first TM, the eagle has flew the nest... drop them off at the post office just a little bit ago.. so itll be a couple days but youll get them soon.. you should be getting yours tomorrow or thursday MG...

secondly i found out i can actually get some clones from different strains in 10 days... so i am changing things up a little... my partner is picking the strains so i wont know what they are until i get them... but i imagine they are cali strains.. friend of a friend kinda thing went to cali and brought back some clones and i think we are getting some clones from them.. im still keeping the blue berry and MGsuprise... but itll save me from having to cut and force flower a buncha clones to check sex... plus this will give me 24 plants total...

i will have 6 strains with 4 plants of each strain.. im assuming i will only get 4 females from the MG suprise seeds... if i get more i will prolly run a small soil grow just for shits and giggles... 4 mystery strains as of now and the two previously mentioned strains...

lastly i got a hook up on hydro equipment.. the clone guy also gave my partner a card of this dude that just opened a shop close to where i live... since hes new and is trying to get his name out he is willing to give us like 40% discounts.... so i am definatly expanding.. and it looks like ill have enough to also get the additional 2 floros i want... hell might even get a third and stick that in the clone room instead of the other floros... i dunno... gonna make a list of what i need and post it.. ill post the total price of the place i go now and the quote from this other guy when i get it... it will be identical equipment to what i want from wormsway or i wont get it.. anyways if this pans out itll be killer...

im not typing with my hands.. im using my feet :hump:

the hydroton wont absorb and spread the water like soil.. right?? so i will have to coil the nylon through a little... but i think thats the best idea.. just gotta get this setup real quick... i think i have everything i need... good call on the wick idea tho.. ill let the roots pop out a decent amount from the rockwool before i stick it in the cups tho...
oh soyour one of those multi talented fuckers a.... LOL man that waz fuck up i visiond that for a few sec. but the look on you face.... LOL
oh soyour one of those multi talented fuckers a.... LOL man that waz fuck up i visiond that for a few sec. but the look on you face.... LOL

i dunno bout talent.. just got tired of giving myself the stranger and thought id change it up a little.. make sure you dont have calisus on your feet though.. OUCH.. :lol:

so what does the commercial sell for by the 1/8??

well up here mids go from 20 and doety goes for 50... but most people dont bother with little shit like that... and i dont sell anymore... thats my partners job.... he moves... i grow.. works great.. he just knows the bulk buyers... and i dont want to be on that side of things anymore... but ounces go for 350 for danks.... thats the most typical sale...
bigmike keep in mind wen i refer to commercial vs personal..only difference is one I keep the other im dumpn...there both kron..ones just more kron becasue itll be cured longer...not mids or nothing like that...

simpsonsampson...hey man im glad u got a hook on the clones, and some modifications..40% is deep discounts..makes me wonder how bad hydrofarm is screwn every1 with ther vendor only policy...sounds like were choppn and remodeling right around the same really glad u can get ur hands on some good clones..youll c my monster clones from dude soon enough too.. i went over there last night and picked up some grunk and goo..i like the afgoo alot to say the veg it is the most stout indica ive ever seen..also it appears to root the quickest out of any strain my boy has fucked with..n e ways he has like 30 clones out of the areo cloner, and he potted them..but i wont be ready for 3 theyll be basking under that huge MH for a minute..ill be driving my box van to get them hehe
i think the wick system can be set up real easy , and of coarse transferred in2 ur ebb and flow later..the other idea i had for u wuz to build a little DWC setup for ur lil ones..with netpots, hydroton, and a tub..with air pump..but thats like 30 wick system i know can be build for pennys on the dollar..
bigmike keep in mind wen i refer to commercial vs personal..only difference is one I keep the other im dumpn...there both kron..ones just more kron becasue itll be cured longer...not mids or nothing like that...

simpsonsampson...hey man im glad u got a hook on the clones, and some modifications..40% is deep discounts..makes me wonder how bad hydrofarm is screwn every1 with ther vendor only policy...sounds like were choppn and remodeling right around the same really glad u can get ur hands on some good clones..youll c my monster clones from dude soon enough too.. i went over there last night and picked up some grunk and goo..i like the afgoo alot to say the veg it is the most stout indica ive ever seen..also it appears to root the quickest out of any strain my boy has fucked with..n e ways he has like 30 clones out of the areo cloner, and he potted them..but i wont be ready for 3 theyll be basking under that huge MH for a minute..ill be driving my box van to get them hehe
thats funny cuz i find the bud way more stony right off the string vers 3 to 4 months down the road.
i think the wick system can be set up real easy , and of coarse transferred in2 ur ebb and flow later..the other idea i had for u wuz to build a little DWC setup for ur lil ones..with netpots, hydroton, and a tub..with air pump..but thats like 30 wick system i know can be build for pennys on the dollar..

ill prolly go with the wick system for now.. only because i think this will be a one time situation... ideally after this i will have a constant rotation plus ill be using my ezcloner for cloning... i definatly like the dwc setup idea tho... if something comes up after this time and i need to do this again i think thats the route i will go.. just dont know how much time/money i want to put into a setup that prolly wont get used again... thanks for the ideas tho.. gonna use one of the two for sure...

thats funny cuz i find the bud way more stony right off the string vers 3 to 4 months down the road.

that is a LONG as cure time... 3 - 4 months... wow... do you like the more stony high off the string or later down the road when its mellowed out?? ive had some shit that i forgot about in jars for about 5 months... its was the smoothest best tasting bud i ever smoked... but DAMN did it just incenerate... super super dry... i definatley think the high was more milder than its younger counterparts... but i dunno which i prefer.. i suppose it just depends on my mood..