Huh. I guess there are just other non-HO U shaped fluorescents for other applications.
holy shit though! 500 bucks for a 4 lamp ballast? sweet jebus. Maybe i'll move up after my first crop sells. Do you think 216w of T5s would be enough to flower well, or would doubling up to 432w be equivalent (or even close) to the tt105s?
ok so i sat here smelling my fingers for about 15 min trying to figure this out. and it has a pungy lemony smell to it. oooooooooooooooooooo i can't wait.
i have a wooden bowl i use.i set the oven on warm or the lowest setting possable put the wet weed in the bowl and into the oven middle rack w/ the door open about 1" tell dry. takes about an hour or two pending on the size bud you took. you get to taste it this way. its not as or even close to a full dry but its way beter the the me and a buddy were sitting here talking... and i kept thinkin of what MG said about taking a sample and trying.. so i couldnt help it... i know i still have like 2 1/2 weeks to go... but i just had to try it...
so i trimmed a couple small buds from a couple plants... ended up being a bowls worth dried.... i know this is horrible but we actually microwaved the buds to dry them out... just cut them up and went at it... yes it works.. NO its not ideal... it took about 2 minutes in 10 sec burts... we switched the plate after each 10 secs to keep them on a dry surface... once the plate was dry after coming out of the microwave we packed it and took some rips... we each actually got 3 rips a piece from the bong.... and DAMN are we high... i smoke out of that bong daily... so it takes something really good to get me ripped like this on one bowl.. and i dont mean i am 1 bowl high.. i feel like i just got done smoking a blunt.... fucking high...
the high is nice... a really good up high... instantly hits you... makes you either want to get up and clean or sit down and zone out... definatly takes away pain... i feel really good...
the taste sorta got destroyed in the wave.. but the smoke was INCREDIBLY smooth... like it had been cured smooth.. it was crazy.. ive smoked buds pre harvest before... nothing like this... there wasnt the harshness from the clorophyll... no burn from nutes... it was really good weed.. just looked like shit... and didnt taste...
so now im even more ready for harvest... it just cant get here soon enough... not soon enough at all..
Those HO fluorescents are nice....I think im gonna start a fund to pick up one before the year is out. How long did you veg your plants for?
The buds look excellent I cant wait till This crop is done....We are on the same day but my plants are smaller then yours...In a couple crops im gonna make a seed order, I was eyeing some G-13 X Deisel Mix...I don't know. I would like 2 strains..A morning weed and a night time weed...any suggestions?
like a kid in a candy store..damn i love budz
i have a wooden bowl i use.i set the oven on warm or the lowest setting possable put the wet weed in the bowl and into the oven middle rack w/ the door open about 1" tell dry. takes about an hour or two pending on the size bud you took. you get to taste it this way. its not as or even close to a full dry but its way beter the the WAV.![]()
i found that the glass and tin or metal gets hot and willcook the a wooden bowl or even put it on a piece of wood. then enjoye a way beter uncurd buds.good luck with the fundraiser slip... id help ya out but im sorta on my own fundraising mission myself... worth the investment tho for sure...
i vegged for about 3 weeks under two of them... well technically 4 weeks... i germed them all from seeds in dixie cups... i wasnt ready to plant them so i let them stay for a week in the cups longer than i would.. just to slow growth.... planted them around the beginning of feb.. germed a week... held a week... vegged three... so... 5 weeks?? yes 5, 5 weeks ah ah ah ahh.... just had the count from sesame street in my head.. dudes a pimp...
im not good with strain calls like that... we dont get much of a variety around here... and im pretty much gonna be in it for the $ now... jobs are weak.. economys weak... gotta make ends meet somehow right?? anyways... my personal favorites ive had are ak-47.... strawberry cough was amazing.. got that once... jack herer... thats tasty shit... and my buddy brought over "ed rosenthals super bud" this weekend... that was nice as well... blueberry is always great... and m39.... im looking into getting some heavy yielders when i order though.. power plant is one... seedisim has high yielding strains.. and there were some others.. but im to high right now to remember...
did you ever, for one minute, think when you were a kid that you would get excited to look at pics of weed let alone grow the shit or smoke it?? its crazy to think about me and my friends when we were little, out building tree forts, playin in the creek, riding bikes, playing baseball... because now we are all to stoned to leave the couch... NEVER would i have thought when i was a kid i would be like i am today.... but i guess even the crack heads and shit all thought they were gonna be firemen or policemen or doctors when they were kids too... just somewhere along their carreer path they took the detour and got lost...
i dont have a bowl..what kind stoner am i with no bowl?? all i gots is that big ass bong... i guess i could dry it out on a pizza pan or glass cake pan and then pack it... i just got impatient... and couldnt think of a better way at the time.. good call MG.. next time ill be patient...
any time bro. oh your back in mypage.wouldnt have thought about that until after i cooked the buds... thanks for the heads up.. gonna get a nice wood cutting board just for that...
glad that got fixed for ya... fuck tuesdays... always fuckin shit up..
so i am curious to ask... do you prefer outdoor or indoor and are their noticeable differences in them?
You just saved my ass dog...I thought it was monday...I need to by a calender. I figure if I can go another month without, it'll be past the point of no return for the year and I will wait till next year to get one...maybe...Thanks for the advice on the seeds...I have some time to get my seed order straight, I have this, next, and probally the next harvest after that lined that gives me a few months.
5/26 day40
so check this bullshit out.. im sitting this morning... writing posts... chillin out.. took a bong rip... and all my lights went out... well everything fucking went out... i was like WTF... ran up stairs to check on the girls before i checked the breaker even and everything in the grow room was off too! so i propped the door open and pulled back the curtain door thing to let light in so the photoperiod would be ok till i figured out the problem... i ran down and checked my breaker and it was fine... ran over to my neighbors and they had power... so i walked around back and had a tag on my fucking meter that said they shut my shit off... again i was like WTF but i was WAY more vocal than before.. so i called utilities and they told me there was a problem with my payment.. something about the bank blah blah blah.. so i called the bank and talked to them.... got shit straight with them... called back the electric company.... told the lady what she needed to know.. she says "ok, well we will have that on for you tomorrow by noon"... i said "what do you mean tomorrow by noon".. she tells me that they have to process everything again and that she appologizes for the mistake and that they would have it on as soon as they could tomorrow... i went the fuck off... the mistake wasnt my fault.. it had nothing to do with me... and not only does my electric just randomly get shut off but they tell me itll be tomorrow before its back on... oh i was pissed as fuck.... well it took them 4 hours but its back on... the girls barely got any light.. i mean it was enough to illuminate the room.... but it was by no means direct light... just something, as i said, to illuminate the room... you guys think that ill have any issues?? im just pissed and cant think straight right now.. bout to go cut another bud and smoke it.. oh shit.. i gotta sow them seeds in the rockwool.... damn... it is a good thing i made them turn it back on... the seeds have been soakin since yesterday... i woulda been fucked.. i absolutely hate germing in paper towels... anyways... thats my story for today.....
its never to late to add lighting... why wait? if you can afford it itll definatly be worth the investment... itll pay for itself after 1 use... at the same time you could stash some cash and get some other shit to better your setup all at once if you wait... either way you cant go wrong... and your welcome for what little advice i can give you on the seeds. thats the link to attitude seeds... if you havent been there it tells a decent amount of info on most of the seeds and strains they offer... if you have been there sorry for making you read that last sentence and this one as well although i am trying to see how long i can make this just to fuck around at this point because i think its sorta funny.... ok i ran out of this to say... anyways... check them out.. itll help you make a decision..
Dude first let me say those are some monsters...i think youll hit ur many are runnin in full bud right now? 2nd sorry bout ur electric ...thats booty as fuck..but i think ur girls will be alright...thank god it wuz up in 4 morning would have set u off the glad u got that blue..seems 2 be 1 of my best strains... im almost to the point of cloning 1 of my blues thats in veg..but i also planted 4more fems.. man so can u give me a detail on ur drying and curing methods..i want to build a little carboard box, probably a cple of em...w/ string lines and duct tape.. fan outside of the box..n e ideas for me sampson..also im dumpn so ..aslong as i fetch wut i want i care little no 1 month cure ..