it does suck trying to budget shit.. i mean.. i know whatever i put into the grow room i will get back 10 fold... its just.. a) will i yield enough to make enough to do what i want, and b) if i do make enough can i go another X amount of months with the money... its such a pain in the ass.. but the best part is that most everything, once its all paid for and installed, is done... like 70 percent of your grow is one time purchases.. for the most part... its nice once the returns are coming in steadily.. just sucks during that inbetween waiting period...
well see i figure it like this... right now the lights are covering a 5 x 5 area... that gives me 7040 lumen sq/ft.... if i turn them long ways i will cover 5x9 area, so 20 extra sq.ft and still get about 4000 lumen sq/ft... plus it would give me room to add two more... and that would give me another 2000 lumens sq/ft if i wanted... i could make my partner pay for them if we cant do the additional mods i want to do... but yea.. if you can move your light to maximize space do it when you can.. i need to be able to spread the girls out a little more so they can breath a little more... after this grow, and seeing them all cramped together, ill be happy to be able to spread them out...
so yeah i think as soon as the stork comes im going to start germinating the unknown seeds.. MG said they are good seeds, just doesnt know for sure strain... i want to save some of the blues since i know the clones i take will be fems... i love blueberry plants too.. they are so nice and short and bushy... long story, but i had 3 blueberry plants ripped off from me by someone who broke into my house... they werent looking for them... they just happened upon them... little fucking bastard kids... it was only 2 weeks into flower... they were just starting to preflower... and the little fucks took them and trashed my grow room... my first thought was i hope they take care of them.. come to find out they cut them and hung them... no buds yet at all... anyways i am really happy to be gettin those... definatly in my top 5 fav strains...
bro someday we will trade clones.. it'll happen.. somehow... i know it...