SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

i wonder if kicking the pots would do anything this close to harvest?? i think i might try it on one of the pots just to see if it makes a difference... it makes sense in the end... resin is created to protect the flowers from weather and pests... if it thinks its stressed or in danger it makes sense that it would produce it in over drive to try to protect itself...
no problem glad i could help..that blue is bomb small dense plant.. i like it. ya its a bitch gettn ready wen u gotta germ and say ur right on with taking cutting at the very soonest so u can get sorting with wut ur working with..Fk i wish i could get u some clones bro..suk its 20hr. im going 2 be doin some germn tho 2..those fem blues..and these papya's my buddy gave me.. i feel like startn now..i dont have a veg set up..but i know its all in the works. . . if things swell right.. i could jsut germ with my heat pad..and mini thinkn ...when they pop toss em in with my clones under cfl for mean time.. i know the feeling of wondern if u can actually budget ur new mods u want..and pay ur bills, and as it takes longer, the bills kept there shit up..suks.. dats why 2 instead of 1 would really set me st8. week 6 here we come. im thinking of booming my flower room out so i can turn all my lights 1 direction and run them in a good easy series..still have walkway space and room for another hole row of lamps..i think were thinkn similiar..
it does suck trying to budget shit.. i mean.. i know whatever i put into the grow room i will get back 10 fold... its just.. a) will i yield enough to make enough to do what i want, and b) if i do make enough can i go another X amount of months with the money... its such a pain in the ass.. but the best part is that most everything, once its all paid for and installed, is done... like 70 percent of your grow is one time purchases.. for the most part... its nice once the returns are coming in steadily.. just sucks during that inbetween waiting period...
well see i figure it like this... right now the lights are covering a 5 x 5 area... that gives me 7040 lumen sq/ft.... if i turn them long ways i will cover 5x9 area, so 20 extra sq.ft and still get about 4000 lumen sq/ft... plus it would give me room to add two more... and that would give me another 2000 lumens sq/ft if i wanted... i could make my partner pay for them if we cant do the additional mods i want to do... but yea.. if you can move your light to maximize space do it when you can.. i need to be able to spread the girls out a little more so they can breath a little more... after this grow, and seeing them all cramped together, ill be happy to be able to spread them out...
so yeah i think as soon as the stork comes im going to start germinating the unknown seeds.. MG said they are good seeds, just doesnt know for sure strain... i want to save some of the blues since i know the clones i take will be fems... i love blueberry plants too.. they are so nice and short and bushy... long story, but i had 3 blueberry plants ripped off from me by someone who broke into my house... they werent looking for them... they just happened upon them... little fucking bastard kids... it was only 2 weeks into flower... they were just starting to preflower... and the little fucks took them and trashed my grow room... my first thought was i hope they take care of them.. come to find out they cut them and hung them... no buds yet at all... anyways i am really happy to be gettin those... definatly in my top 5 fav strains...
bro someday we will trade clones.. it'll happen.. somehow... i know it...
ya i wuz readin ur post in furrealz shit...suks perpertratin fks...i wish it wuz u steal fruit of my counter i chop off ur fucking hand days. id be best suited swinging an ax back in the 1500's. but so is life. ive been thinkn bout security 2 lattly. beefn that up. i know exactly how u feel bout making it over 75 days on ur $. people assume its so easy. requires bein frugal and havn ur priorties in a line. not every1 can do that let alone the growing. and its never guernteed.(spell_)...things can go wrong..and there goes ur biweekly or i should say bimonthly check. man i feel u. im going beet a couple of my pots up 2..brake a couple branches..and start starvn them a little more on water. basically abuse them one time real good..ill report in on results.
Sucks about the little bastards FKing with you shit....

I watered tonight...It was like I expected...I was dropping a point and a half of PH...I added 4 tbs of garden lime. You don't happened to know how long that stuff takes to start making an adjustment in the soil? I can't believe I didn't catch it sooner....
hey sampson heres those pics you ordered, thanks alot man appreciate it, o also another one died, it was in the dome tho idk wat happened


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ya i wuz readin ur post in furrealz shit...suks perpertratin fks...i wish it wuz u steal fruit of my counter i chop off ur fucking hand days. id be best suited swinging an ax back in the 1500's. but so is life. ive been thinkn bout security 2 lattly. beefn that up. i know exactly how u feel bout making it over 75 days on ur $. people assume its so easy. requires bein frugal and havn ur priorties in a line. not every1 can do that let alone the growing. and its never guernteed.(spell_)...things can go wrong..and there goes ur biweekly or i should say bimonthly check. man i feel u. im going beet a couple of my pots up 2..brake a couple branches..and start starvn them a little more on water. basically abuse them one time real good..ill report in on results.

the kids never got theirs quite the way i wanted... but somehow rumors started that i had a hit out on these kids and had hired someone to track them down and all kinda shit... i definatly beefed up security after it happened.... nailed windows shut and shit... and im going to get cameras and a few other things installed when $ allows... but i dont think i have to worry about it happening again.. although as i soon as i drop my gaurd is when shit will happen.. so i just stay will just stay on my toes... oh and for some reason people think i was talkin to the cops or some shit.. i dunno.. i just catch rumors when the few friends i do actually let in my house now stop by, assuming they heard something worth telling me... its nice though.. i just get left alone to do my thing... hell no one even suspects it anymore... its ggggggrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaattttttttt!! sorry i want some frosted flakes... damn early morning munchies...

fucking pup woke me up at 6 this morning wanting to play.. woke up to him lickin my face and biting my shoulder... little shit... the rot/shep mix... luckily he is a good dog..

and i definatly wish we lived back in the "eye for and eye" days.. but then again they had things like the plague, the black death, polio, huge fammons (horribly spelled) where everyone died, pretty shitty growing equipment if any, and even shitter bud... i do like the idea of "you touch my stuff ill cut your fucking hands off".. i bet if they started allowing shit like that crime would go down.. like a rapist who goes to jail gets raped by other inmates until he dies... yeah.. hard core shit... would you even think about rape if you knew that could be your fate... or if you steal shit you first get all your fingers and wrists broke joint by joint one by one... and if you get convicted of it again you lose them... if you get convicted of beating your wife, you have a manditory beat down time from like 1-2.. a solid hour of you getting the shit kicked out of you... really i think crime would drastically decrease...

I have Oganic Traditions Pelletized Garden Lime. Thanks for the post in my thread...I would spread some rep but i gotta spread some love around first. :peace:

give it a week or so... you should start seeing improvements after then... just takes times to start breaking down in the soil...

hey sampson heres those pics you ordered, thanks alot man appreciate it, o also another one died, it was in the dome tho idk wat happened

i posted on your other thread... but basically i think its the humidity dome... you only really need to use it the first couple of days you are rooting your cutting... after that you should take it off.. your clones look "soggy"... they just need fresh air to breath... or air at all... humidty tents can choke out plants because if the humidty is too high the plants closes off its leaf stomatas and stops transpiring... it basically absorbs water and cant release it through the leaves like it normally would.. i suppose drowning its self would make more sense... its somewhere between drowning and choking... but either way its just the humidity dome thats causing you the problem.. remove it and let your clones breath a few days before you transplant them...
it does suck trying to budget shit.. i mean.. i know whatever i put into the grow room i will get back 10 fold... its just.. a) will i yield enough to make enough to do what i want, and b) if i do make enough can i go another X amount of months with the money... its such a pain in the ass.. but the best part is that most everything, once its all paid for and installed, is done... like 70 percent of your grow is one time purchases.. for the most part... its nice once the returns are coming in steadily.. just sucks during that inbetween waiting period...
well see i figure it like this... right now the lights are covering a 5 x 5 area... that gives me 7040 lumen sq/ft.... if i turn them long ways i will cover 5x9 area, so 20 extra sq.ft and still get about 4000 lumen sq/ft... plus it would give me room to add two more... and that would give me another 2000 lumens sq/ft if i wanted... i could make my partner pay for them if we cant do the additional mods i want to do... but yea.. if you can move your light to maximize space do it when you can.. i need to be able to spread the girls out a little more so they can breath a little more... after this grow, and seeing them all cramped together, ill be happy to be able to spread them out...
so yeah i think as soon as the stork comes im going to start germinating the unknown seeds.. MG said they are good seeds, just doesnt know for sure strain... i want to save some of the blues since i know the clones i take will be fems... i love blueberry plants too.. they are so nice and short and bushy... long story, but i had 3 blueberry plants ripped off from me by someone who broke into my house... they werent looking for them... they just happened upon them... little fucking bastard kids... it was only 2 weeks into flower... they were just starting to preflower... and the little fucks took them and trashed my grow room... my first thought was i hope they take care of them.. come to find out they cut them and hung them... no buds yet at all... anyways i am really happy to be gettin those... definatly in my top 5 fav strains...
bro someday we will trade clones.. it'll happen.. somehow... i know it...
im a cheapbasterd i spent very very very little on my setup as youall can see. now however if i were to live in a hotter climate im sure i would be right up there in cost too. OR NOT. LOL
normally i am a cheap bastard... all about the savings if i can... but not when it comes to this.. i suppose, to me, if im going to risk so much, i want it to be worth it.. the best i can do ya know...spend the time to try to make things as clean looking as possible... run at maximum efficiency... as much lighting as i can get without light bleaching or burning... basically i just want to make sure that every harvest i have is the most it can be... i mean everybody does... and im sure that i could cut corners and save some money... but i guess its just stonerstition to me... you know, like superstition, just for stoners... i feel better about being thorough because it eliminates risks and i basically need it to be a whole other world... just cut off from the world... guess, bottom line, in a way i feel safer spending the money and quote/unquote "doing it right"... im like a salesmans best friend
5/24 day 38

bong... check...
weed.. check...
lighter............. lighter....... ahh lighter.. check...
ready to go

so its been a great hour or two... spent some time with the ladies... i must say they are coming along great... they are still swelling at a nice steady rate... since im on an every other water, the last watering i skipped everything except molasses, on 3 of 5 of the pots i have going... so i had to water the final 2 pots today... i went ahead and gave them a boost of the koolbloom dry with the molasses... normally they wouldnt have gotten the koolbloom.. but i want to see how the girls react... i think i can add a little with each watering and be ok.. but i want to make sure... also spent some time tieing them up for support... was able to pull a buncha of limbs anywhere from 3 to 6 inches upwards.. plus seperate some limb bunches to allow more light to penetrate... and with the 6th week coming very soon i want to make sure they are primed for the explosion...
a couple of the girls have the pre-ripening glow to them... when you can tell they are ready to push through one more swell and then give up... all the other girls will get there here over the next week... i hope.. i am really really hoping they stay on track with 8 weeks...
ok heres my problem... i want to germinate the seeds so they are pretty much ready for pot as soon as the girls are done flowering... so i want about 2 weeks of germ grow.. which means i should start about now... this way as soon as they hit the pots i can take cuttings and force flower for sexing.... if the girls take over 8 weeks i might have problems... here was my idea... i will be using hydroton for growing... if i start the seeds in rockwool cubes to root.. and then put them in dixie cups using the hydroton, i could just hold them under floros if it takes longer in the clones/mother room...
will that work?? i mean i know i can use the floros... but can i hold the sprouts in hydroton?? and also the floros are on the sides of the walls.. they are 4 foot and mounted about 1 1/2ft high.. so i cant move them.. i just dont know how long flowering will take for sure... and im trying to get a plan B figured out incase plan A falls through... i have the basics just the details are blurry... any ideas guys?
i myself start flushing when the trucks are turning a good milky color. i flush for week to week in a half. congrad on getting there bro. its a lot of work, stress but well worth it.can't wait to see the outcome of your effort. oh and is the strain your growing now the same as your seeding if so dam man i can't wait. i just took a pic of the 2 big girls in the green house. you should check them out. wow. again great job and thanks bro for the return. much appreciated
i think the hydroton will work jsut fine for the seedlings...backfill the cup with the lava aroudn the reason it wont work other than the fact that it wont stay moist long..but u already know that...i have a old bag from my last hydro grow..i was starting them in soil and then transplanting them w. in a week of germ right into the hydroton and net pots..they loved it with a drip feed.
i myself start flushing when the trucks are turning a good milky color. i flush for week to week in a half. congrad on getting there bro. its a lot of work, stress but well worth it.can't wait to see the outcome of your effort. oh and is the strain your growing now the same as your seeding if so dam man i can't wait. i just took a pic of the 2 big girls in the green house. you should check them out. wow. again great job and thanks bro for the return. much appreciated

i think im going to let them slide one more week before i start flushing... well at least feed them one more time... and come to think of it that koolbloom dry is meant to be used during flushing... just needs one flush to remove it... so i think i will be flushing here soon... gonna take some pics here soon before the last couple weeks... as i see it i really only have another 7 days of steady swelling before they finish ripening... almost there... im antsy as fuck... cant imagine how you feel almost being out and being that close to your harvest...
i posted on your thread, but ill go ahead and say it again them are some good lookin girls you have... very good looking indeed... how long is the grow season in cali outdoors?? i know here if someone does outdoors they can usually get a 3 month veg period...
so the seeds im gonna start are the mystery seeds from you and some blueberry from tile... i can get some clones but would rather not cause of the hassle... so like i said i want to start germing them soon so they can be ready... think my idea will work?? like will they be ok in a dixie using hydroton instead of soil?? i have floros i can use to germ, but they are attached to the wall and wont be able to be moved above the sprouts so im also afraid of stretching...
i think the hydroton will work jsut fine for the seedlings...backfill the cup with the lava aroudn the reason it wont work other than the fact that it wont stay moist long..but u already know that...i have a old bag from my last hydro grow..i was starting them in soil and then transplanting them w. in a week of germ right into the hydroton and net pots..they loved it with a drip feed.

thats one vote of confidence... ill ask you the same thing i asked MG... with the floros i will be using to germ about 2ft off the ground and on the wall do you think they will stretch bad... i guess i can boost them up a little.. but i cant move them... guess im just over thinking it a little.... shouldnt be so hard.... hopefully the stork will get here tuesday and i can start all these... or do you think i should give it one more week to start??
i think im going to let them slide one more week before i start flushing... well at least feed them one more time... and come to think of it that koolbloom dry is meant to be used during flushing... just needs one flush to remove it... so i think i will be flushing here soon... gonna take some pics here soon before the last couple weeks... as i see it i really only have another 7 days of steady swelling before they finish ripening... almost there... im antsy as fuck... cant imagine how you feel almost being out and being that close to your harvest...
i posted on your thread, but ill go ahead and say it again them are some good lookin girls you have... very good looking indeed... how long is the grow season in cali outdoors?? i know here if someone does outdoors they can usually get a 3 month veg period...
so the seeds im gonna start are the mystery seeds from you and some blueberry from tile... i can get some clones but would rather not cause of the hassle... so like i said i want to start germing them soon so they can be ready... think my idea will work?? like will they be ok in a dixie using hydroton instead of soil?? i have floros i can use to germ, but they are attached to the wall and wont be able to be moved above the sprouts so im also afraid of stretching...
can you make an adjustable shelf under you flos so you won't get the stretch. i leave mine in clear cups in soil tillthey have a good root system, (clones) now seeds with the tap root im not to sure about.
just to let you no im in oregon not cali. my veg time here goes till aug and i harvested last year in october.
i'll be witing for those pics bro.
i knew you didnt live in cali.. im just stoned and not paying attention..

so i think i can prop up the seedlings and cups high enough to eliminate stretch... thursday ends week 6... so ideally i have 2 weeks left... that means i need to get those seeds going asap... it will only be about a week under the floros.. and if i get trays for them i can just rotate the trays 2 times a day to fix any ackward bending towards light.. yea.. that should work.. as long as i rotate the sprouts as needed it should work... they might still be kinda small going into veg but they will have hella roots... gonna get started tomorrow i think....

as i said i have 24 pots... i have 8 of your seeds MG.... 4 purple cotton candy... going to germ 4 of the fem blueberries from tile... so thats 16..... plus ill do 8 new crystale seeds... so assuming they all turn out female thats 24.... i know that the blueberry will be fem (thanks again TM) so that leaves 20 questionable plants... ill assume that 1/4 of the each strain will be male... so im hoping that the next grow i do will consist of
4 - TM's blueberry delight
6 - MG's surprise
3 - purple cotton candy
6 - crystale

getting your care packages ready guys.... thanks again.. and enjoy!
cool thanks. i like that new strain yougot going on over their, MG'S surprise.if i rember correctly my buddy that started these plant of the seeds i sent you out of 8 seeds 5where female. not to bad at all.
well i think i am going to start getting things ready tonight... i have to do a little bit of cleaning and straightening up in the grow room before i can germinate... so i think ill smoke and then go start doing that... if i get this all timed right i can have my seedlings ready to veg as soon as harvest is done... plus i can get cuttings from the newly vegging plants, root, and force flower them so i can pull males before they flower... and if all goes perfectly they will be the first batch to flower under the HPS setup... damn its gonna be a busy month....