no its been the site,fuck bro ive been lost with out the site, bord to hell spending time with the wife. LOL na her and i did go out to diner and to the casino, ya lost $25 each but had a good time. hey i took a video of my buddies grow man oh man is it ever should check it out. see how us orgonians GET R DONE.
i know what you mean.. i actually just went to sleep last nite... and this morning sucked... just slept then too.. bored as fuck... and the weather was shit so i couldnt take the dogs out to play even... forgot how much tv sucks...
sucks you lost at the casino.. i hate losin any money when i play.. i stick with the hold em tho... good at the hold em... just to pussy to risk the money to become pro...
thank you for that video bro... my arm hurts and my dicks sore..

damn.. those are some sexy ass girls... nice fucking buds... what kind of exhaust does he have set up in there??
samson simpson was a character on half baked... he was the drug dealer that dave chapelle and them guys pissed off....
while im asking stupid questions, whats with this rep shit?
rep is just what it is... if you think someone answers a question good, or helps you out, or has a good grow, or whatever you give them rep.. its like street cred.. except on here...
I couldn't get on either...they fuct up my morning routine....
it pissed me off.. i was already to post pics last night and couldnt... but i feel back to normal now...
5/29 day 43
i spent a lot of time with the girls yesterday... i propped the doors open and opened the windows upstairs so they could get some fresh air... cleaned some leaves off of them... watered 3 of them... it seems i have to water at least 1 or 2 of them every day.. they are drinking a lot right now.. but they are putting on a shit load of weight in resin and girth... ended up spending about 2 hours just tieing branches up.. i know i should have done this sooner... just.. well no good excuse.. but at least they are tied up now.. moved some branches up 4 to 5 inches closer to the light... i guess i just didnt realize how heavy the buds were really getting...
checked on my seedlings too.. i sort of forget about them for a few days after i plant them.. makes the time go by quicker... here are my findings...
almost all of the seeds are showing signs of sprouting... as far as i can tell 4 out of 4 BB are going to sprout... there are 3 that are popping through the rockwool and one that should by tomorrow or sunday.. there are 2 of 4 purple cotton candy seeds breaking through.. i cant tell if the other two are going to or not yet... 5 of the 8 crystale have started popping up and the other 3 are close.. another day or so on them also... and 5 of the 7 MG suprise (which is monkey balls crossed with what MG?) are pushing through.. of all the seeds the most remarkable is the MGS... i believe i put them down tuesday in the rockwool cubes... the pic of the sprout was taken last night... sprouted quick as fuck! and the BB seeds, which DID NOT get soaked at all as did the other seeds, are germing right along with the rest....
i've decided what i am going to do is start putting the BB and MGS into cups with hydroton over the next day or so.. the rockwool cubes are starting to get dry now.. so what i plan to do is get a batch of 1/2 strength rooting formula made up and fill a bowl or sauce pan or something with it... after i fill the cups with the hydroton and get the sprouts in there and all that i will submerge the cup in the container of rooting formula for a moment.. this is re wet the rockwool and wet the hydroton... i was going to do the wick system like TM said, but i want to experiment with the hydroton a little before putting using it in the ebb and flo system.. i want to see the water retention and how often i will need to rewet it to get an idea of how often i will need to flood... but for now i plan on just watering the hydroton lightly, 2x daily... i figure once at lights on and once at lights off... the time in between should be enough time to let it dry out... the rockwool cubes i got are only 1x1 cubes.. i should have gotten larger but its the first time i ever needed to use them so i didnt know any better...
anyways thats about it right now.. i am going to try to give someone the crystale and ppc sprouts to grow outside or something since i wont be using them at all...
im hoping that all the girls start yellowing over the next week since they wont get any more nitrogen... i have 2 that have shed almost all their leaves already... but other than that most of the girls are still super green... 13 days to go.... it cant go fast enough... i still have to set up my new drying area...
and as promised some good porn