Hey sampson if i post a good pic of some of my trichs are u able to zoom in a see the color of the head..wonderin if i should use different program to upload some pics..like shutterfly..so we can evaluate where ur trich are...mine , and slipss..any ideas...gotta bounce out for a min..bill pay b/s in town..be back l8ter PeaCe out..damn its gorgous outside where im at right now...old ladys bouncin around kitchen m a kin dank breakfast..the girls are getting nailed w/ cool A/C...the baby girls are veggn nicely..Good shit

i dont have a good pic program at all... its some bullshit one that came with the computer already... but it works... i wish we could compare trichs better tho for sure.. sucks.. i pretty much just go by bud looks... if they are just sparkley and glistening they are clear... once they start appearing whiteish just when looking at them, like they have been frosted over, they are turning milky.. and if your buds start getting a amberish tint to them then they are turning amber... mircroscopes are nice though to see them WAY up close... which is amazing to see... damn.. might splurge on some sorta of pic program or something.. do some editing and cleaning up of the pics a little... itd be badass... get real good and start a photo publication..
i gotta go do some bullshit runnin myself in a few hours.. just got done helping out pops.. it wasnt a get back for fathers day.. he actually owes me! long story but i opened a restaurant with him... busted my ass for a year and a half with NO pay... and got no where... he wouldnt listean to me.. instead chose to listean to my alcoholic step sister... i couldnt stand it.. left about 3 years ago and havent looked back.. my dad realized he should have listeaned to me because i know what the fuck im talkin about when it comes to restaurant.. and hes tried to make it up ever since.. but since im not workin now if he needs help i help him out...
made some fire ass breakfast myself this morning.. just a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich.. but DAMN did it hit the spot...