SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

hey bro i got some of them seeds down 2day. i fixed my sig now i got all 3 grow in there, its all updated check um out.
and yes bro much luv, plenty of the crysty seeds. oh and by the way i found a seed in a bud from the seeds i sent u. when time comes keep ur I's peeld, i did n't found it to lats it go p[op on me in the bowl. LOL to bad it waz a very nice seed. better looking then some i had bought froma seed bank.

alright wake the fuck up hey hey did you here me i said wake the fuck up its time to go........ LOL hey waz up bro hows things 2day

i'm up.. im up.. sorry... was being a lazy ass...

GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY!! how are we all doing today?!

definatly be lookin in the mail...


i dont know if the sprouts are gonna make it or not... i went to check on them today and they are looking so so.. i know its prolly due to the way i am trying to start them.. but everyone just pray they make it through... i dont want to lose them...

but on a GOOD note my buds are STILL gorwing... i mean.. thats good and all.. but the more they keep growing the more i worry about hitting my dead lines i have set for myself.. guess just im ready to go doesnt mean my girls will be... but i had to tie one girl down a little more cause she was touching a light this morning.. and another one of my bigg colas has a cola growing from the top of it.. i tried to take a pic.. its just a little 1/2 inch bud pushing up from it so far... but the pic wasnt good enough to see the diff.. ill wait a day or so and take a pic and show you.. see what happens..
fight little ones fight you can do it don't give up. LOL good luck bro. they should turn for the beter.
i'm hopin so.... i really do... i figure its a combination of the hydroton drying out and the rockwool ph... niether of which are good... fuck me... i should have just done the damn wick system from the get go i think... you were right TM.. i was just to lazy... either that or i should have just torn some of the rockwool up and filled the cup with rockwool instead of hydroton... do you soak your rockwool over night MG?? anybody?? just thinking of things to try to modify what i did and maybe move them into new cups with a new idea before they die... i still have 4 BB seeds which is good.. but no more of the ones you sent me MG.. so im doin what i can to save them... or trying to figure out how to.. think just filling a cup with torn up rockwool thats been soaked and transplanting into that will work?? i need to smoke some more.. i feel like im tweakin out... guess its that "new problem, whats the solution" kinda tweak..
i'm hopin so.... i really do... i figure its a combination of the hydroton drying out and the rockwool ph... niether of which are good... fuck me... i should have just done the damn wick system from the get go i think... you were right TM.. i was just to lazy... either that or i should have just torn some of the rockwool up and filled the cup with rockwool instead of hydroton... do you soak your rockwool over night MG?? anybody?? just thinking of things to try to modify what i did and maybe move them into new cups with a new idea before they die... i still have 4 BB seeds which is good.. but no more of the ones you sent me MG.. so im doin what i can to save them... or trying to figure out how to.. think just filling a cup with torn up rockwool thats been soaked and transplanting into that will work?? i need to smoke some more.. i feel like im tweakin out... guess its that "new problem, whats the solution" kinda tweak..
i don't use cubes for germanation just cloneing and no i do not soak over night. i put my seed rightin fert free soil to germ. from my past exp from trying to germin cubs was light on the seed was not a good thing.
Good morning crew....Fking sprouts have a mind of their own...You need to sit down and have a talk with them...."Don't you want to grow?...GROW!"...I don't think im gonna be a bit late finishing with you....They look more done today then yesterday...Still growing though.
i don't use cubes for germanation just cloneing and no i do not soak over night. i put my seed rightin fert free soil to germ. from my past exp from trying to germin cubs was light on the seed was not a good thing.

see normally i germ in soil to... soak them bitches over night and throw them in soil... but since im going into a hydro system i cant do that now... i think i should have gotten bigger rockwool cubes so they could have had a larger root mass to begin with... i think i will tear up some cubes and transplant them ASAP... i hope that works.. i am guessing that it is the problem... then just put some hydroton around the top or something... trial and error i guess right...

Good morning crew....Fking sprouts have a mind of their own...You need to sit down and have a talk with them...."Don't you want to grow?...GROW!"...I don't think im gonna be a bit late finishing with you....They look more done today then yesterday...Still growing though.

i did talk to them.. i told them they were just babies.. and had their entire lives ahead of them.. and how there was a great big world out there waiting for them... they did perk up after that.. said that last night and they improved slighty by this morning.. we'll see... i hope its just a stunt they are pulling to give daddy a heart attack... but they dont need to fake death for me to show them love.. maybe ill just spend some more time with them...
I thought about starting hydro.....I built a stealth hydro in high school but I came home one day to a note that said.."Get this weed factory out of here" I built a closet inside a closet...and had a 4 plant set up in there.

The plans were in a high times grow guide...It was built with PVC and lava rock and 2 ltr bottles...Im surprised i have never seen it on here...I have pics somewhere.

I need the soil buffer at this point....Ill be watching though
see normally i germ in soil to... soak them bitches over night and throw them in soil... but since i'm going into a hydro system i cant do that now... i think i should have gotten bigger rockwool cubes so they could have had a larger root mass to begin with... i think i will tear up some cubes and transplant them ASAP... i hope that works.. i am guessing that it is the problem... then just put some hydroton around the top or something... trial and error i guess right...

i did talk to them.. i told them they were just babies.. and had their entire lives ahead of them.. and how there was a great big world out there waiting for them... they did perk up after that.. said that last night and they improved slightly by this morning.. we'll see... i hope its just a stunt they are pulling to give daddy a heart attack... but they don't need to fake death for me to show them love.. maybe ill just spend some more time with them...

why not i've herd you can start in soil then rinse the soil off the roots and putinto your system. have you tryed that yet.
havent tried anything... this will be my first so around with hydro.. i was worried about disturbing the roots to much.. i did think about that... but wasnt sure how the girls or their roots would take to that.... i would think it would stress them out really badly... i mean transplanting shocks them enough.. i would think disrupting their entire root mass would be reall stressful.. i duuno tho.. guess there is only 1 way to find out.. ill do 1/2 and 1/2... 1/2 transplanted into soil and 1/2 transplanted into more rockwool... see which works best in the end.. i really have no idea what to think either way... this is all new territory im steppin on..
havent tried anything... this will be my first so around with hydro.. i was worried about disturbing the roots to much.. i did think about that... but wasnt sure how the girls or their roots would take to that.... i would think it would stress them out really badly... i mean transplanting shocks them enough.. i would think disrupting their entire root mass would be reall stressful.. i duuno tho.. guess there is only 1 way to find out.. ill do 1/2 and 1/2... 1/2 transplanted into soil and 1/2 transplanted into more rockwool... see which works best in the end.. i really have no idea what to think either way... this is all new territory im steppin on..
experament with one and see.:hump:
so i got everything transplanted... i ended up ripping up a bunch of rockwool, soaking it, and using it for the medium... i think i figured out the problem... i added a fan to the clone room.. and i think the extra air movement was drying out the rockwool to much.. and they were just actually getting dried out... so i hope this solves the problem.. im going to see how long the rockwool stays moist and see if i need to keep an inch or so of water in the drip tray or if i can just water it every few days.. but it will give them enough medium to root well and retain plenty of moisture.... we'll see how it goes... i also went ahead and threw down the other 4 BB.. i want a BIG BB harvest.. and i plan on striping one of them down for clones... so now i have 4 BBs plus 4 BB seeds down, and 3 MGS... 3 didnt sprout and 1 died... so yea.. not a good start to things already... but again this is uncharted teritory for me... trail and error... hopefully the adjustment i made is what i needed... more soilid growth medium and more moisture retention...
so i got everything transplanted... i ended up ripping up a bunch of rockwool, soaking it, and using it for the medium... i think i figured out the problem... i added a fan to the clone room.. and i think the extra air movement was drying out the rockwool to much.. and they were just actually getting dried out... so i hope this solves the problem.. im going to see how long the rockwool stays moist and see if i need to keep an inch or so of water in the drip tray or if i can just water it every few days.. but it will give them enough medium to root well and retain plenty of moisture.... we'll see how it goes... i also went ahead and threw down the other 4 BB.. i want a BIG BB harvest.. and i plan on striping one of them down for clones... so now i have 4 BBs plus 4 BB seeds down, and 3 MGS... 3 didnt sprout and 1 died... so yea.. not a good start to things already... but again this is uncharted teritory for me... trail and error... hopefully the adjustment i made is what i needed... more soilid growth medium and more moisture retention...
thats a bumer.what the seeds i sent did not take and 1 died. wow :cry:
ya thats another 1, the BB, id like to run my limits full of BB and nothing else..its real dense , smelly, sticky and short.. like i think i mentioned earlier..idk that people account for different yield techniques are specific to strain ur dealing with, and i found the BB like to be topped once at the maristem, and instead of 2 colas the size of 1 normal maristem...u get twice the wieght of the untopped cola on each 1..BB lika the i think it would be sick to run an all BB room..its on my priority list..but i need to throw off a bigbud crop or something similiar first.. so im stoked to c 7 of em runnin and a mother for back up..thatll be sick cant wait to see them at 4-5 nodes in veg even..excited for u bro..
sup SS, just gonna pull up a chair and watch:) nice man:joint:

nice to have you aboard Doc G.. always nice to have a doctor in the house... how many times have you heard that before so far?? pretty unoriginal huh?? glad to have you along tho bro!

thats a bumer.what the seeds i sent did not take and 1 died. wow :cry:

i know.. im ABSOLUTELY crushed right now... but im hoping.. im hoping they all bounce back... i figure a day will tell the tale... but i dont see how the new transplant wouldnt help.. plus im pretty sure it had more to due with the fact thr rockwool cubes dried out over night from being so small so more rockwool will better retain moisture and take care of it..

i put some holes in the bottom of the cups for drainage.. but i plan, every couple days, adding about an inch of water to the tray for about 20 minutes and letting it wick itself up through the holes... just to keep the rockwool from becoming overly saturated... hopefully this takes care of the problem!

ya thats another 1, the BB, id like to run my limits full of BB and nothing else..its real dense , smelly, sticky and short.. like i think i mentioned earlier..idk that people account for different yield techniques are specific to strain ur dealing with, and i found the BB like to be topped once at the maristem, and instead of 2 colas the size of 1 normal maristem...u get twice the wieght of the untopped cola on each 1..BB lika the i think it would be sick to run an all BB room..its on my priority list..but i need to throw off a bigbud crop or something similiar first.. so im stoked to c 7 of em runnin and a mother for back up..thatll be sick cant wait to see them at 4-5 nodes in veg even..excited for u bro..

so they take to topping well... did you say you tried suppercropping them?? i know i asked... either way i will go by your recomendation since youve been there and done that... how far down the stem did you top it at?? i think ill prolly have to get 4 or 5 big yielding strains and rotate them or something.. i think ill get bored just growing the same commericial crop over and over.. but at the same time just doing one crop for that will give me the chance to REALLY get the most out of them.. learn exactly what makes the largest yield from them... i dunno.. its hard to say.. some many strains.. so little time.. and even a smaller area than i want... i need a warehouse...

ok so you guys just may love me after you read this. permalink

damn good observation my friend.. i must commend you:clap::clap: i really want to check this theory out.. could you imagine if you just made a break through?? "high times man of the year" cover story... hell ya...

so i spent about 4 hours setting up and testing out my hydro system.. it works great!! was a pain in the ass to set up tho...

i laid out the pots to the system and found that i can fit no more than 12 pots in the flowering room if i want larger plants... this gives them 5.25 sq/ft of space a piece... i was think about going with 9 plants... thats 7 sq/ft a plant.. then what i can do is this... since the 7 plants will be larger and taller i could have a minature SOG going underneath them... just 12/12 from clones personals or something... and i am going to have some autoflowers going in the veg room too since the veg plants wont take up the entire space... all i will have to do is to change the res hook ups to the autoflowers when they start flowering... which isnt a big deal... each of the ebb and gro systems can accomidate up to 48 sites... so i could potentially have 96 plants going.. but theres NO way that can happen.. just dont have the space.. and fuck trying to trim that many small plants... i love cleaning giant colas.. its so much more fun!!

the system is bad ass tho.. theres a res, a small bucket w/ timer, and the plant sites... the bucket timer has a place to plug in the fill and drain pumps.. once the cycle starts, the "fill" pump, which is in the res, starts pumping water from the res into the small bucket.. the small bucket has 6 spots where hoses connect and it gravity feeds to the plant sites.. all the plant sites are connected with 1/2" tubing.. and since i cut the length of the tubing, i can have freedom to space them as far or as close as i want... the small bucket also has a float switch that turns the fill pump off if the plant buckets are filling as quick as the small bucket.. again because it gravity feeds at this point... so i dont have to worry about over flows... once all the plant sites are flooded and the float switch doesnt drop, the fill pump shuts off... the cycle continues for the rest of the time... which can be set at 15 minute intervals.. once the time is up the drain cycle starts... the small bucket also has a pump in it which then pumps the water in the bucket back into res... this also starts pullin the water from the plant sites back into the small bucket which then gets pumped back in to the res... and waa laa... cycles done... its really nice.. once i get it set up and it looks good ill take a pic of course... but right now its just a mess... so ill wait.. lol

best part is this... the plant sites consist of 2 buckets... one that sits in another.. the one the sits inside the other has flood holes in the bottom... so the water can flood the pot and drain away from it... but since it can be removed from the solid "outside" pot moving plants will be a BREEZE... just like moving a standard 2 gallon pot... so once i set up the system and where i want the pots i wont HAVE to move them again... itll be nice not having to look for hose kinks and shit and tripping over them and all that other shit...

DAMN IM GETTING EXCITED!!!!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:weed:
congrads on the new system bro.hope it produces well for you. so what are you going to do both hydro, and soil grows at the same time.
congrads on the new system bro.hope it produces well for you. so what are you going to do both hydro, and soil grows at the same time.

no.. im dropping soil.. believe me i am an organic man through and through... but here are my reasons why i have to switch...

1) less all around work i think... since i pretty much have to do everything on my own i look for anyway i can make it easier... cutting out watering will save a lot of time...

2) hydroton is reusable as a grow medium.. just rinse, remove roots, and your good to go.. soil isnt quite reusable like that..

3) its hard to dump soil in the winter without looking suspicious... i know there are other means of disposing the dirt, but there are somethings i am willing to go out of my way for and some im not.. i dont feel the grow medium should be that way.. and it gets old driving into the country to throw out dirt...

4) finally is just the speed and size they grow... since they grow faster and flower quicker its worth it to me... and with me wanting to get to a 60 day cycle i need all the help i can get with keeping things moving..

and i know you know how much dirt you accumulate doing a 60 day run... i would just go crazy i think...

i mean i do have a partner in this.. but his job is strictly to get rid of the commercial stuff.. we didnt want to be involved in the others part just to keep things safer i guess.. if i ever needed any help he would help.. but this way works better.. i love working on the girls and spending time with them myself.. just gotta make things as easy as i can ya know!

ill say it now and mean it everyday.. you just CANT beat organic grown weed tho... the flavor is definatly much more exploited withorganics than with hydro.. it just tastes better in dirt...

gotta go wake up the girls...