RiGht im just trippn on my billz..dats all..the 1st time homeowner shits some stress dog. plus the 2nd kid on the way. been so streched out on funds of late. Had this OR boy w. st8 fire bringn 10 @ a time at the 28 2 3 range..but i bought a place in march..now all dryed up and my boy wuz like ya man in oct...u know w/ the outdoo game aint till oct. so im sittn at home and cant make no f***in $$$. economy 2 tight 2 do shit. people know if u made 50/hr 2 years ago that youll do it for 10/hr now..cause if u dont..the next fuck will. hmm i need to try to see the brightside...ill get back2 u on that 1