SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

you mean the video for that i made of my grow?? well the problem is its on my phone.. i just cant pull it off my phone on to the computer to upload it to youtube.. the audio is fine on my phone and would transfer fine.. i meant the audio is fucked on my computer so i couldnt listean to your slideshow song even if i wanted to...
ah i gotha now..... LOL:hump:
LOL right on bro...

i think my pops has a BADASS digital camera... so i am going to see about borrowing it... hopefully in the next day or so...
thats motivation enough for me... im on it like a fat kid on chocolate cake.... maybe not quite that fast.. im to stoned to really be motivated right now... bongsmilie
get that camera im waiting too..hope it has a logner memory card than like to go in2 a li longer detail on vid but guess 1 min vids are better than nothing..did a 3rd this morning check my link
just talked to my pops... im gonna get the camera tomorrow!!! fucks ya bros.... ill take a nice video for ya... hopefully i can get my memory card to fit in it.. i have an 8 gig memory card for my phone i can throw in there... id be able to take a video and show you around the entire grow room! either way ill have some videos up tomorrow!! yea im excited..
oh and i am loving the videos bro!! its such a better way of showing things off.. i wish RIU would consider adding video to there site.. it would be nice... im sure it takes a huge server tho...
my partner just stopped by to talk about things a little... it seems money could be tighter than anticipated on his end... so i might not be able to do what i was thinking i would.. im not trying to think that way tho.. but i just wanted to prepare myself for the dissappointment... but the good news is that if for some reason things dont work out we will be getting 2 more floros... that ought to make for some interesting comparisons at least... so at best i get both sides up and running and my 4000ws of HPS... at worst i get another 800ws of floros.... i am looking at it as a win win not matter what...
i feel u bro..thats how i feel looking at all the improvs in my head money money money. hope i have some when this is all said and done lol
i hope i do too... at least i know that after this last investment its all gravy from then on... it'll be a nice soild addition to my income.. a much needed addition as well... just a few more months..
even if you cant get it all done at once you know in 3 or 4 months you'll be able to finish it out.. thats how im looking at it.. the finish line is just ahead.. just depends on how fast we can reach it..
RiGht im just trippn on my billz..dats all..the 1st time homeowner shits some stress dog. plus the 2nd kid on the way. been so streched out on funds of late. Had this OR boy w. st8 fire bringn 10 @ a time at the 28 2 3 range..but i bought a place in all dryed up and my boy wuz like ya man in oct...u know w/ the outdoo game aint till oct. so im sittn at home and cant make no f***in $$$. economy 2 tight 2 do shit. people know if u made 50/hr 2 years ago that youll do it for 10/hr now..cause if u dont..the next fuck will. hmm i need to try to see the brightside...ill get back2 u on that 1
hey TM, I know exactly what you saying!! people are so tight for money now, included myself.... I have to actually give a price that I normally would never man....back and knees aint getting any younger also
RiGht im just trippn on my billz..dats all..the 1st time homeowner shits some stress dog. plus the 2nd kid on the way. been so streched out on funds of late. Had this OR boy w. st8 fire bringn 10 @ a time at the 28 2 3 range..but i bought a place in all dryed up and my boy wuz like ya man in oct...u know w/ the outdoo game aint till oct. so im sittn at home and cant make no f***in $$$. economy 2 tight 2 do shit. people know if u made 50/hr 2 years ago that youll do it for 10/hr now..cause if u dont..the next fuck will. hmm i need to try to see the brightside...ill get back2 u on that 1
shitnow your sounding like my wife, bills bills bills LOL
top of the morning guys.. trust that you all are doin well today?? im getting ready to go get that camera... was just sayin whats up before i went and did all that...

RiGht im just trippn on my billz..dats all..the 1st time homeowner shits some stress dog. plus the 2nd kid on the way. been so streched out on funds of late. Had this OR boy w. st8 fire bringn 10 @ a time at the 28 2 3 range..but i bought a place in all dryed up and my boy wuz like ya man in oct...u know w/ the outdoo game aint till oct. so im sittn at home and cant make no f***in $$$. economy 2 tight 2 do shit. people know if u made 50/hr 2 years ago that youll do it for 10/hr now..cause if u dont..the next fuck will. hmm i need to try to see the brightside...ill get back2 u on that 1

its pretty sad when i make more in unemployment than i would if i went out and actually got a job.. if i went and took an entry level posistion at a resturant, which is prolly what i would have to do since management and executive chef jobs are hard to find now, i would take almost a $20,000 loss over my last job.. FUCK THAT.. stupid shitty ass economy... im thinking about starting my own business if money comes in right tho..

shitnow your sounding like my wife, bills bills bills LOL

at least your significant others contribute right?? mine just bitches about how i am broke... but she dont help shit out... :lol: typical woman..