SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

good dam sweet as hell bro. i wonder if i can change the seting on my camera. imgoing to read the manual. shits off the hook bro keep it up.

thanks as always!

yeah i found out my camera on my phone has a close up mode, a sports mode, and like 4 other ones... woulda been nice to know a while ago..
thanks as always!

yeah i found out my camera on my phone has a close up mode, a sports mode, and like 4 other ones... woulda been nice to know a while ago..
hey i just tryied sending you a pm and it s saying that you can't be found. howis this possiabl when i clicked in your avitar and clicked send private message. send meone so i can hit you back.:hump:
.......great journel and grow you have going over here! Right On!! I think you'll be happy with the harvest as those finish filling out...... It'll be cool to see how much you are able to upgrade going into your next run....

I do have a question you may be able to answer for me. You mentioned 'dry' Kool Bloom.....What's been your experience useing it? I always use the liquid KoolBloom from the gate of 12/12....and I have the dry too---I think it's kind of a final 'shock' type nute that will/can hermie/stress/kill them if used more than the final week?? Something like that? I really dont know more than I 've read, but I am scared to use it in my AF now....... So please let me know what you think of the dry stuff......

Well, I wish you a big HAPPY harvest coming soon!!

my shitty kodak has a mode for close up but it seems to take the best pics on auto.

my phone camera was set on auto originally.. but the stupid fucking thing didnt change when i wanted close ups on its own.. all i would get were shitty blurry pics.. and all ive wanted was to get some nice up close pics of the trichs... i was REALLY happy when i figured out i could with my phone... i have a buddy with a digital camera but the jack ass wont bring it by.. i guess i could go get it... but oh well now...

.......great journel and grow you have going over here! Right On!! I think you'll be happy with the harvest as those finish filling out...... It'll be cool to see how much you are able to upgrade going into your next run....

I do have a question you may be able to answer for me. You mentioned 'dry' Kool Bloom.....What's been your experience useing it? I always use the liquid KoolBloom from the gate of 12/12....and I have the dry too---I think it's kind of a final 'shock' type nute that will/can hermie/stress/kill them if used more than the final week?? Something like that? I really dont know more than I 've read, but I am scared to use it in my AF now....... So please let me know what you think of the dry stuff......

Well, I wish you a big HAPPY harvest coming soon!!


welcome growinman... thanks for stopping in..

as far as i can tell the dry stuff is just another bud booster... it adds to the final swelling and helps increase denseness and size... i think they recommend it towards the end because the last few weeks are when bud growth is at its highest... and with the potentcy of the koolbloom dry they dont want people burning their plants by using it the entire grow... i havent used the dry before.. today was the first application of it i used... so ill keep updates about it...

but IMHO i would think it could actually be used the ENTIRE flowering period if used in half or maybe 1/4 strength along with the koolbloom liquid.. i am definatly trying it on my next grow... after talking with MYGIRLS for a while, im pretty sure that this will be fine... but i cant say for sure on this.. again if you decide to try this the entire flowering period use it in 1/4 to 1/2 strength...

and as far as shocking or stressing out the girls i dont see that happening... if they seem to not like it then ill remove it from the regiment... but i dont believe that nutes can/will affect a plants sex.... as far as i know the things that turn females into males/hermies are enviromental stressors... light cycle fluctuations and inconsitencies, excessive heat, excessive physical stress to the plant, things of that nature... i could be wrong about this... nutes could affect sex.. but again from what i know and have experienced this is not true...
i don't no what the hell waz going on. it even did that onec this time then went threw the 2nd time i tryed.
nice job simpsonsampson! If you dont mind me asking, how much do you usually pull off of those flouros??
Looks good...Those are tall and nice....I'm sure I should have vegged longer. I needed to get going, in the future I defiantly will.
I didn't have anything to help you with your grow you seam to have that locked down.

I do believe it is a feeding regimen and a regiment is a military term.

Good Luck and Good Growing
i don't no what the hell waz going on. it even did that onec this time then went threw the 2nd time i tryed.

at least it went through.. thanks again..

nice job simpsonsampson! If you dont mind me asking, how much do you usually pull off of those flouros??

hey nute.. good to have ya by... and no i dont mind you asking at all... typically i pull off a 1/2 gram a watt about... each floro is 420ws, a total of 1680ws, and i usually get between 1 1/2 to 2lbs... im shooting for that this grow.. im thinking i will get there.. i was worried with having so many plants in the equivalent of a 5 gallon pot that i would have a shitty harvest... thats sorta why i didnt start the journal sooner.. i was afraid of a shitty harvest and i didnt want my first journal to look like crap... bongsmilie

but they work very well.. low heat output... good lumen output.. i would recommend them in certain situations...

anything else you wanna feel free to ask!

Looks good...Those are tall and nice....I'm sure I should have vegged longer. I needed to get going, in the future I defiantly will.
I didn't have anything to help you with your grow you seam to have that locked down.

I do believe it is a feeding regimen and a regiment is a military term.

Good Luck and Good Growing

thanks for the regimen/regiment clear up... i prolly sound like an idiot in a few posts.. but oh well... im ok with it... :lol:
wow thats really good, so you have about the same efficiency of an HPS but dont have the heat issues? Suprised i dont see more people using these. Do you have any gpics of the final cured product? Thanks mate
alright man so im the guy that made the thread about the cfls n such well i have a seriouse problem!!!! my planthas begun to grow crucked it luping down and idk what to do it green with everything fine but its curling down
alright man so im the guy that made the thread about the cfls n such well i have a seriouse problem!!!! my planthas begun to grow crucked it luping down and idk what to do it green with everything fine but its curling down

are you giving it too much or too little water? thats what mine do when i under water and over heat. they look green but fall over like theyre having a heart attack.
wow thats really good, so you have about the same efficiency of an HPS but dont have the heat issues? Suprised i dont see more people using these. Do you have any gpics of the final cured product? Thanks mate

as far as efficiency go my floros are more so than HPS... only because they put off less heat and i have less lumen loss due to the fact i can keep them so close to the plant... what they dont have they hps does is the overall penetrating power and they dont have as big of a footprint...

it does surprise me more people dont use them.. the only place i have seen them though is at wormsway... its the hydro store i go for most of my stuff.. its like 3 hours away so when i do go it is usually a expensive trip.. check out if you want to see more on pricing and shit... sad thing is there is only 5 or 6 wormsways in the usa... huge store with an even bigger inventory.. and very very very knowledgeable staff... they all have good advice on growing "tomatoes"...

quick story... last time i was in purchasing stuff i has 2 guys helping me... the younger guy that was ringing it up started telling me how he uses something on her "po.... i mean tomatoe plants".. he got really really red.. but caught himself.. it was funny...

Very nice, im just goin to pull up my chair for this one.

glad to have you along for the ride BLAZE... gonna get interesting over the next few months for sure... let me know if you have any ideas or critisims...
alright man so im the guy that made the thread about the cfls n such well i have a seriouse problem!!!! my planthas begun to grow crucked it luping down and idk what to do it green with everything fine but its curling down

hey PURP.. good to see you made it by as well..

so why did you buy these seeds if you didnt think they would grow?? im still confused about that...

well if you can post some pics it would help a lot...

but as was said it usually comes from over watering... until about the 2nd week of vegging, plants are very easily overwatered and nute burned... the root system isnt big enough to handle large amount of water, the plant cant handle hardly any nutes at all, and this can lead to problems if you havent grown before...

if its overwatering, itll be fine.. just dont water for a few days... or what i do is mist the soil to keep it moist for the first week and dont even water... dont get me wrong i make sure its nice and moist, but i dont water like you think of watering... it takes time to get used to how to handle seedlings and their watering schedules... if you can i would take clones from them and grow from clones.. its so so so so so so much easier...

the only other idea i can think of is nute burn setting on... have you fed it any nutes?? what kind of soil are you growing in??

we will start there and keep diagnosising... its like an episode of house... sometimes you have to eliminate other possibilities before you get to the answer... but as of right now from what you said the answer is symptoms are leaning towards overwatering...
5/20 update

so as i said i started using that koolbloom yesterday... only 2 of my girls needed watering so only those two got it... i was BLOWN away this morning when i went in to see what happened... the girls i used it on had anywhere from a 15 to 20 percent increase in bud size... yeah.. incredible right... i thought so...

unfortunately i didnt take any good before pics to be able to show them off... so what i am going to do is this.. i have to water the other girls today i believe... so i am going to take some before and after pics... ill take some before i water tonight and some after ones in the morning.. and post them tomorrow... hopefully all the girls react as well to it as the first 2 did... and hopefully it keeps up the growing rate it started..

damn.. i cant wait till this grow is over and we can start the next... well i can.. with you.. so we... whatever.... you know what i mean..
5/20 update

so as i said i started using that koolbloom yesterday... only 2 of my girls needed watering so only those two got it... i was BLOWN away this morning when i went in to see what happened... the girls i used it on had anywhere from a 15 to 20 percent increase in bud size... yeah.. incredible right... i thought so...

unfortunately i didnt take any good before pics to be able to show them off... so what i am going to do is this.. i have to water the other girls today i believe... so i am going to take some before and after pics... ill take some before i water tonight and some after ones in the morning.. and post them tomorrow... hopefully all the girls react as well to it as the first 2 did... and hopefully it keeps up the growing rate it started..

damn.. i cant wait till this grow is over and we can start the next... well i can.. with you.. so we... whatever.... you know what i mean..

I'll be waiting to see the photos
5/20 - day 34

so i watered the other 3 pots today... so this is what they plants have gotten fed if i havent posted...

bc boost
bc bloom
awesome blossom
thrive alive
koolbloom dry
neem oil

yeah.. i have to mix that 5 times... its a pain in the ass... but the girls love it... as i said the 2 pots i fed it to responded amazingly... so i hope they all do as well...

i took a SHIT load of pics... i wanted to get as many as i could for the before and after... im going to post them all so you can get a really good idea of what they look like today and the difference the koolbloom will make just over night... i also took pics of the 2 pots i fed yesterday... in the older pics they were the two that are in the back... with the tall girls.... i didnt take as many pics of the back right corner plants because i thought they would be mostly popcorn buds but they are filling in to make long buds now... well youll see now..

half way through the pic taking and watering i saw a fucking bee flying around.. it ended up being a queen bee... well with ninja like stealth and the quickness of a mongoose i cut that bitch in half... so thats what i used as the seperation of the girls i watered today and the ones i watered yesterday... but like 20 minutes later i looked down and the front half of the bee had crawled from the corner of the pot to the plant you see it on in the pics... she was still trying to crawl up the plant... resiliant little bitch...

i found out where she was had entered my house from... and i fixed that problem... dont need bees in my garden room...

well here is the SHIT load of pics i promised... i REALLY hope all the plants respond like the ones that i watered yesterday... this is going to and did take a long time to load...

oh... and can you tell on the girls i watered yesterday the difference compared to the ones i watered today at all?? just curious if you can.. they are actually a lot more swollen and added about 15-25% growth on the buds themselves.. in fact the tall girl in the back was grown into the light when i went in this morning.. had to raise the light again...


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lookn like a bountiful harvest is coming...of so F***************in DanK. stork is on her way with the fem in the morn2morrow. hmmm wut wuz i gonna say...thanks for gettn at me w. all the a/c gonna try the trash bag for sure..thanx for diagram it made sense..i did box in the slits that'r apparently intake..i just wish i could figure a more pro approach than a construction trash bag..but i appreciate it and gonna try...w/o the fan support. get at me...and lookn hugeee..blown the block away w /. HO floros