single cola plants?


Well-Known Member
Flushing can do alot. Free the plants from several problems during the grow, and cleanse them of anything for the harvest.


Well-Known Member
I don't need to flush is what I'm saying. I will before harvest of course. But what's the need if the plants are fine.

I think these girls are looking great. They already look better than I was expecting. I was thinking lanky week plants all stressed out. But they are the opposite. Can't wait to see the buds chunk up. Anyone care to take a yeild guess?

If I forgot to mention; The plants are under a 150,000 lumen 1000watt air cooled HPS flower bulb. They get 2 tblspns molasses, 3 tblspns Dutch Master One Flower, 1/4 teaspn Open Sesame, 1/4 teaspn Beastie Buds per Gallon of neutral Ph water. The grow room is a variable 78-84 degrees F. daytime, with a 8-10 degree night drop in temp. The humidity is around 40 percent. The soil was generic Miricle grow with some perlite added and some Ph decreasers. Watering schedule per plant requirements. First plants were put into the flower room on Sept. 1st. The others in the weeks following. First plants started flowering on Oct. 1st.

Thanks for the input everyone,


Well-Known Member
Plants already fully rebounded from final trimming. Vertical growth is strong in most plants but slowing in a few; Signaling the onset of the third week of flowering. Oldest plants showing crystals on even the shade leaves. They are looking good enough to eat! Like an ice cream cone on a sunny day. Yummy. I don't think I remember having even my Widows with such strong bud growth so early. But I don't normally hack up my plants either. So the prunning seems important to increase yeilds, but only time will tell when compared to unpruned colas.

How about some discussion or something, ideas?

-His Dudeness


Well-Known Member
When do you cut off the lower branches for a single cola? WHen it is the veg stage or when it is in the flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
I would imagine all through Veg. My plants were flowered from seed. So it's in flower I trim. I've heard the first and third week cut off all the lower third. But I only trimmed each plant once. I can't see having to do it again. Stressing the plant in her third week of flower doesn't sound smart to me.


Well-Known Member
I would but where I live, 25 or more plants constitutes intent to distribute. Which in my state has a 3 yr manditory minimum sentence. So if I do only 24 plant it's not a 2nd degree felony and I might scrap away with probation or a little time. I'd fill my house if I could, just don't wanna risk it. 24 is enough for me anyways. But your right, if you wanted to take clones you could use the branches. But I trim them so early with this grow. I'm trying to grow one main cola so I didn't want to waste any plant energy letting the plants grow either.

Not to many updates, plants doing great so far, hairs all over!

I'll throw some new pics up tomorrow when the lights go on. Thanks all!



Well-Known Member
Hey all, here's pics from about 5 minutes ago. My girls all look great. No problems so far. Need to get off my ass and go to Wal-Mart for soil for transplanting. Other than that, bud growth seems to be accelerating on the older plants and really taking off in the younger owns.

Here ya go, thanks for the interest.

-The Dude



Well-Known Member
Can anyone identify any of these bagseed strains? I'm not goot at it. Iteresting to see so many different kinds of plants. I saved the seeds for some really good mids I got a while back so it should at least have decent genetics right?

-His Royal Dudeness


Well-Known Member
Your plants are lookin great,, but,, unfortunately there is absolutely no way to look at a plant and say "that one is a _______" Some people might be able to say that looks kinda like what I grew or like that but they would be lying if they said a certain strain,,, Plants look nice and healthy and Im sure your going to have a great time smokin it,,,, good luck on your grow and Im sorry If I came off sounding like an asshole,, Im not trying to....................:peace:.......................


Well-Known Member
No worries mate. I get ya. I figured as much. To be honest I like this grow and looking forward to the harvest. But it's not dro and there wont be as much. So that's sorta a bummer. Probably still enough till next harvest though. I just needed time to save for a co2 system before I set the Hydro up again. Thanks man for the compliments, I'll tell my girls you thought they were sexy. That should lift their self-esteem. lol.

-El Duderino


Well-Known Member
Looks good, you can trim off small branches all the way up to harvest, but they look good for now.

How far is your light from the tops?

What container size are they in?

I don't recommend transplanting during flower, unless they are in really small containers. :?

As far a genetics, looks like a sativa dominant hybrid, and the darker one looks indica dominant. That's all you'll know.

You asked about yield, I wouldn't take a guess until they are finished, but hope for an oz a plant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, kinda, I grew out some big plants, and ended with the same as when I grow more small plants. The numbers were 16 big plants under 4 x 600W HPS, vs. 36 small plants in the same area. Big-4 plants per light, small-9 plants per light.

You can harvest more from smaller plants, because you'll cut a considerable amount of time from the veg stage.

Lumens, and square feet should determine harvested weight.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh, I was going to suggest some LST training, I supercrop my plants in the first week, that would've reduced the stretch, and create one single bud, instead of multiple buds coming off the main stalk.

At this point I'd recommend bending them over to get more light to the lower buds.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. The light is about 24 inches above the tops. I don't have a good ventilation system in yet so I have heat issues the height helps resolve. Plus I have to keep the door open for 12 hours which suck. Next grow I'll have much better equipement. Was kinda just a hobby of mine at first. But now I'm addicted to growing and need to spend some cash on good equipement.

I'm actually not positive on the container size. I started them in 2 liter bottles, so that's why I need to transplant. You can see through the bottom so their not root bound. Some were getting close though, hense the bigger pots. I don't plan on transplanting many more. It's very low stress I figure just cutting the container off. It doesn't disturb the root ball at all. I got a pic on here I think.

Here's where I'm getting lost. I read differnt views. Some people say don't even touch the plant during flower; Some say hack it up at week one and three of flower. Trimming/Prunning/Lst all require the plant be somewhat stressed to get a "boost" in growth; Or to shape the plant. But should it really be done in flower? Wouldn't that take plant energy away from bud growth at the worst time(flower)? Does Lst stall growth too long to be at a benefit in flower? Has anyone done any expirementing with this?

Also, my plants are pretty bare to accomplish this single cola thing. Would bending them get more light to them than trimming shade leaves? Both I figure are equally stressful on them. Light penetration is almost absolute. How would you recommend bending them? Tying I imagine?

So, it seems conclusive that smaller plants, treated well, will give you more (in say a years time) then bigger plants under the same conditions in the same space, yes? Deffinetly seems plausible if space is limited like a closet grow.

Sorry so long, you guess brought up some interesting issues. Please continue. Thanks All!

Stay safe,
-"They peed on my rug man; It tied the fucking room together!"


Well-Known Member
That's a whole lot of question marks :mrgreen:

I'll try to help a bit...

I, at first, thought, like you, that you should leave the plant alone and it'll grow best. But, with proper manicuring/trimming techniques, you can get better growth, and bigger buds.

The simplest explaination I can give is any growth that's unnecessary is a waste of the plants energy. For example, a large fan leaf on the inside of the plant isn't getting much light, and not really doing it's job, but it's still taking up water, that would otherwise promote growth toward the tops.

Smaller buds on the inside of the branches would otherwise increase production to the cola. I *think* if you trim a 1 gram bud off a lower branch before it forms, you'll gain a gram to the top. Might be debateable, but it's my opinion.

Your equipment is alright, a 1000W is as good as it gets for now, a bit more ventilation would be best.

I'd tie down the plants, and not trim anything off, that'll get light to the whole plant. The leaves and buds will grow towards the light, and you won't have any trouble with the fans blocking light.

How they're growing straight up, bend them over, they'll be fine, that's pretty much no stress.

As far as stressing a plant by trimming, it doesn't hurt it as much as it helps, I never notice a stunt in growth, moreover a burst of growth to where I want it.

Some of your plants seem to be overwatered, but I don't know really, that's why I asked how far away the light is, because they seem sorta small for their age. That would mean, possibly, overwatering, or light deficiency... Do you let the soil get pretty dry before watering? Not heavy to pick up at all?

Damn this is long :?

My bad. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
In my album there's a pic of my stalking technique, it's a bunch of orange buckets and the undergrowth. You can see how much othe the inside of the plant is removed. And in the album, there's a pic of all the tops. As a result, they're the pics with the lights on.