Single leaf on all 5 clones


Well-Known Member
For the most part yes. BUT...too much fluctuation WILL cause you problems...even using oganics. Your lucky to have water that's 7.0...mine is 8.6, so i'm always adding PH down, and that's when you have to start getting it right.


Well-Known Member
For the most part yes. BUT...too much fluctuation WILL cause you problems...even using oganics. Your lucky to have water that's 7.0...mine is 8.6, so i'm always adding PH down, and that's when you have to start getting it rig
Yea mate. I won't argue that one. And everyone should know, the more perfect you can make conditions, the more the plant will reward you. I often forget other people don't have tap water that comes out pH 7.0 or don't have access to rain water when ever they want.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the info and input guys. they are doing fine, a regualr 5leaf popped out. its just taking some time, but i know they will be fine