Single leaf on all 5 clones


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever seen this or know why its happening. I made 5 gran daddy clones. i took clipping, got them to root and then planted them in pots. they have been veg for about 1.5 months.. i just put them in 1 gal pots about 1.5 weeks ago. they have really taking off since putting them in the 1gal pots. but its so weird because they only have one leaf, then goes to the next and its only one leaf. there is a couple that have 3 leaves. it looks like the new growth up top has at leas 3 and could go into 5.

i was just wondering what the deal is with these. let me know what you think.





Well-Known Member
were the plants that you took the clones off of in flower? I kind of looks like that but not really. Im not sure. What is your light schedule. Is your water ph'ed correctly?


Well-Known Member
water is phd at 5.2 -5.6 i did take them of a plant that was in flower for 2 weeks. they were an expierment to see if i could make clones. they are on 18/6 light schedule and under CFL's.

anything to worry about?


Well-Known Member
Your PH is off...soil needs to be 6.2-6.8.
pH in soil is buffered by the microorganisms in it. It can be anywhere from 5.0 - 8.0 without seeing issues. 6.5 - 7.0 is best to be safe. It in no way needs to be 6.2-6.6 when growing in soil, especially if you grow organically.

Leaves rolling under is usually due to over fertilizing. Possible due to over watering too.


Well-Known Member
Well I am very new to this, but if it was not for the leaf patterns I probably would of said thats not a Cannabis plant haha.


Well-Known Member
pH in soil is buffered by the microorganisms in it. It can be anywhere from 5.0 - 8.0 without seeing issues. 6.5 - 7.0 is best to be safe. It in no way needs to be 6.2-6.6 when growing in soil, especially if you grow organically.

Leaves rolling under is usually due to over fertilizing. Possible due to over watering too.
as i planned, im going to ride them out and see what happens. ill keep you posted


Well-Known Member
Well I am very new to this, but if it was not for the leaf patterns I probably would of said thats not a Cannabis plant haha.
It's definitely a Cannabis plant mate, I've seen a lot of peoples plants look like that from feeding them too much nutrients, to early on in the grow, combined with too much water.
A little different to the standard burnt leaf tips of nute burn, but all the same thing.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing with flood and drain, strain's russian.
I'm growing by clone, four plants in one system.
When I took my clones, the leaves were dis-figured for a while, single, as well as two fingered and three fingered deformed, and as this is my first time with hydro and the first time I've actually carried on with clones, I was a little worried, thinking the plants would be nothing other than freaks, but give them time, they'll return to normal leafed plants.


Well-Known Member
i think the clones where taken in flower stage .

i have had this porblem before..

they will start to grow and be fine ,
it just takes a while..


Active Member
ya you said the plant was in flower for 2 weeks right so i would assume it was just the natural re-vegging process starting new growth just as a seedling producing 1 then 3 then most likely 5 leaves it probly just happened on more than 1 or 2 nodes due to the stress of cloning my bet is that with some time you will be good to go
good luck

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
That is what happens when you take clones from a plant that is in the Flowering Cycle. This is not a guess. This is what happens. The leafs look like Spinach not Weed, RIGHT? Do not worry, the plants will be fine. I have this happen all the time. No big deal.


Well-Known Member
My clones were taken from a mother plant that wasn't in flower, was on a normal light cycle, yet they still had the initial deformed leaves.

But yeah, I've also experienced the same disfiguration with cuttings taken from a plant that's been induced.


Well-Known Member
pH in soil is buffered by the microorganisms in it. It can be anywhere from 5.0 - 8.0 without seeing issues. 6.5 - 7.0 is best to be safe. It in no way needs to be 6.2-6.6 when growing in soil, especially if you grow organically.

Leaves rolling under is usually due to over fertilizing. Possible due to over watering too.

Actually the PH of the SOIL needs to be around 6.5 for proper root intake of nutrients. Your 5.0-8.0 is totally ridiculous, if your water and soil are both 5.0, your going to get ALOT of problems, same if it's 8.0. Marijuana thrives in soil BEST when the the soil and water are about 6.5. Marijuana likes a more acidic soil then alkaline.


Well-Known Member
Actually the PH of the SOIL needs to be around 6.5 for proper root intake of nutrients. Your 5.0-8.0 is totally ridiculous, if your water and soil are both 5.0, your going to get ALOT of problems, same if it's 8.0. Marijuana thrives in soil BEST when the the soil and water are about 6.5. Marijuana likes a more acidic soil then alkaline.
No doubt they like it acidic. But the soil can swing hugely, that's one advantages over hydro, soil lets the pH swing without instantly inhibiting the plant.
I am talking about the soil here, not the feeding solution. I've never adjusted the pH of my soil or nutrient solution. Using organics, my tap water is 7.0 anyway, and I burn off the chlorine and fluoride before I use it.

Cannabis does thrive with pH 6.0-6.5, and all the books say keep it at 6.5, but it can swing without seeing problems. Granted below 6.0 and above 7.5 it won't be working at its optimum ability, but it's not guna die, or instantly show deficiencies, if you've got a decent microherd, which you should in soil growing, they'll buffer that swing in the pH and correct it for you, long before any problems show up, you shouldn't need to check and adjust it yourself. If you do, get a new soil and nute solution.

Once you start fiddling with the pH yourself, you'll be fiddling with it for the entire rest of your grow!