single policy saves more than 3500 lives

answer ? man, you guys are too easy. since when does the constitution apply to foregners? these guys werent citizens of the united states. they were foreigners here on visa or illegally, or on vacation.

the people who are bombing us arent from here. fuck them and treat them like who they are, war combatants against the united states...

american muslims in that age group would be given full constitutional rights. they are citizens of this coutry and deserve its protections.

Yeah, the people who are SUCCEEDING in bombing you aren't from the USA, doesn't mean there aren't plenty threats:

"An FBI team in Pakistan is investigating five American Muslim students who were arrested there yesterday on suspicion of plotting terrorist attacks. They disappeared from their homes in the US last month." December 2009,

we treat close countries different. englad, canada, germany etc..and respect their constitution very seriously, but when you are talking about a society who chops peoples limbs off i the middle of the city square, not so much that we have to honor that.

'englad' or England as i presume you mean does not exist as a diplomatic power. It is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution, so the USA can't possibly take it seriously. Don't refer to points you know nothing about in arguments, it just makes you look stupid.

where in any of this did i say we should be searching american citizens without cause?

and if you think that jihad is just a "few lunatics" then you arent all there. there are lots of them, well trained, well planned, and ready to kill anyone who isnt "down with the jihad". and they are telling us this everyday.

You said you'd be searching ALL MUSLIM MALES between certain ages. You failed to specify that Muslim male AMERICAN citizens wouldn't be included in these parameters.

Yes, there are lots of Muslims who're in favour of Jihad. But as a percentage of Muslims in general, it's not so big. Ratio wise, there's a higher percentage of mentally retarded people in America than the percentage of militants across the entire Muslim faith.

That's a fact.
Yeah, the people who are SUCCEEDING in bombing you aren't from the USA, doesn't mean there aren't plenty threats:

"An FBI team in Pakistan is investigating five American Muslim students who were arrested there yesterday on suspicion of plotting terrorist attacks. They disappeared from their homes in the US last month." December 2009,

'englad' or England as i presume you mean does not exist as a diplomatic power. It is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution, so the USA can't possibly take it seriously. Don't refer to points you know nothing about in arguments, it just makes you look stupid.

You said you'd be searching ALL MUSLIM MALES between certain ages. You failed to specify that Muslim male AMERICAN citizens wouldn't be included in these parameters.

Yes, there are lots of Muslims who're in favour of Jihad. But as a percentage of Muslims in general, it's not so big. Ratio wise, there's a higher percentage of mentally retarded people in America than the percentage of militants across the entire Muslim faith.

That's a fact.

thanks for correcting my spelling. i dont do spell check and i am SURE nobody knew what country i was talking about. you should spend some time going through my other posts...i make lots of spelllink errers.

my point of the post wasnt to come up with a rock solid plan to be implemented immediately throughout the world wide airport system...for goodness sake.

it is a satirical attempt to show that what we are doing is fucking stupid. we pull over granny to search her panties, we stop a woman with three children, one a newborn, and shake them down, make them take their shoes off, throw their baby lotion away, take their knitting needles away blah blah blah.

but when it comes to a muslim guy, coming from a known terrorist location, with information that they have been to "training" camps, who are acting nervous, who dont have baggage, who pay for a one way ticket in cash, and on and on...we want to walk around on eggshells because we are worried about constitutional rights? these fuckers arent even citizitens. who gives a fuck if we offend them? they are killing us and some on this board arent even offended by that. but whatever you do, dont discriminate against a KNOWN threat...that is fucking retarded, along with spell checking others posts.
thanks for correcting my spelling. i dont do spell check and i am SURE nobody knew what country i was talking about. you should spend some time going through my other posts...i make lots of spelllink errers.

my point of the post wasnt to come up with a rock solid plan to be implemented immediately throughout the world wide airport system...for goodness sake.

it is a satirical attempt to show that what we are doing is fucking stupid. we pull over granny to search her panties, we stop a woman with three children, one a newborn, and shake them down, make them take their shoes off, throw their baby lotion away, take their knitting needles away blah blah blah.

but when it comes to a muslim guy, coming from a known terrorist location, with information that they have been to "training" camps, who are acting nervous, who dont have baggage, who pay for a one way ticket in cash, and on and on...we want to walk around on eggshells because we are worried about constitutional rights? these fuckers arent even citizitens. who gives a fuck if we offend them? they are killing us and some on this board arent even offended by that. but whatever you do, dont discriminate against a KNOWN threat...that is fucking retarded, along with spell checking others posts.

Wow jeff, if you think that's how airport security works, It's no wonder why you concocted this pea-brain idea...

You're misinformed bro... Sure there are problems, just like any other system, but the way you just described it is as if there's dudes standing at the metal detector, then when the Saudi lookin' guy walks through and it dings, both guys say "oh no, it's totally cool, go right on thru.." then the little old lady comes walking through, no sound at all and they punch her square in the face, one guy throws the cuffs on her and puts his knee on her neck while the other guy pulls out his gun and calls for backup!.. At least we know you're consistent in your exaggeration skills...

Even if the rule on the books is "don't profile"... trust me, all airport security profiles. You'll never be able to get all the terrorists, no matter what system you impliment, because that's how it works, you counter something, the "enemy" comes up with something to counter that, and so on.

By the way, nice try with the "this was an attempt at satire" line. I'm not buying that at all. You started this thread with the intention of presenting that idea as serious, almost everyone opposed it so you threw that out there.... Nice try.
they have all been one color, every last one of them. and they have all been 18-38.

when we went after the mob, did we concentrate on the chinese neighborhoods?

when we go after the mexican drug cartels do we concentrate on the irish?

when england went after the ira did they search in jewish neighborhoods?

what the fuck is so special about a muslim that all the sudden we have to change the entire way we conduct security?

its bullshit and its gonna bring down our country unless addressed.
I didnt read this whole stupid ass thread cuz jeff is a fuckin idiot I'm a fuckin muslim in between that fuckin age i'm an AMERICAN! don't sterotype a religion or race you fucker whats the matter with your brain?what if you fit that discreption dick head that aint cool. get your fuckin mind right ass hole or guarentee the way you think some will fix your dumb ass

stupid mutha fucker
new airline policy will be all late teen to 38 yrs old muslim men will be stripped searched before flying or using any form of public transportation. in addition any luggage they have will be opened and inspected.

zero dead on 911
zero dead england tunnel
zero dead spain train

simple policy 2 sentences long solves those three problems. what wrong, if anything with this?

How about just strip search all HUMANS starting with your MOM..... and save millions ?

How about just kill everybody so NOBODY gets murdered ?

GET it ?

the idea is flawed

Wow jeff, if you think that's how airport security works, It's no wonder why you concocted this pea-brain idea...

You're misinformed bro... Sure there are problems, just like any other system, but the way you just described it is as if there's dudes standing at the metal detector, then when the Saudi lookin' guy walks through and it dings, both guys say "oh no, it's totally cool, go right on thru.." then the little old lady comes walking through, no sound at all and they punch her square in the face, one guy throws the cuffs on her and puts his knee on her neck while the other guy pulls out his gun and calls for backup!.. At least we know you're consistent in your exaggeration skills...

Even if the rule on the books is "don't profile"... trust me, all airport security profiles. You'll never be able to get all the terrorists, no matter what system you impliment, because that's how it works, you counter something, the "enemy" comes up with something to counter that, and so on.

By the way, nice try with the "this was an attempt at satire" line. I'm not buying that at all. You started this thread with the intention of presenting that idea as serious, almost everyone opposed it so you threw that out there.... Nice try.

maybe you didnt pick up on this....i spent 20 years in the Air Force. dont tell me what i know and dont know about airports, security, tsa, fcc, or any other thing that has to do with putting a jet in the air dude, i will make you look more stupid than janet napolatano at a homeland security briefing. i logged over 2500 hours in the air through mostly civilian flights throughout the world. no need for a condescending putz like you to think "ya got one on me". your a sniveling little jerk who doesnt know shit from shinola and you voluntarily prove it everyday through your vapid attempts at articulating your empty points.

that being said here is the original post

new airline policy will be all late teen to 38 yrs old muslim men will be stripped searched before flying or using any form of public transportation. in addition any luggage they have will be opened and inspected.

zero dead on 911
zero dead england tunnel
zero dead spain train

simple policy 2 sentences long solves those three problems. what wrong, if anything with this?[/

if you would possibly take every word literally, than you havent learned my style. i present some really hard core information with some real basic solutions and expand from there. i do it to get reactions so the discussions get interesting. you guys hate me so i must be good at it :lol:
I didnt read this whole stupid ass thread cuz jeff is a fuckin idiot I'm a fuckin muslim in between that fuckin age i'm an AMERICAN! don't sterotype a religion or race you fucker whats the matter with your brain?what if you fit that discreption dick head that aint cool. get your fuckin mind right ass hole or guarentee the way you think some will fix your dumb ass

stupid mutha fucker

relax dude, i dont hate muslims....just some of them that blow up innocent people because they are cowardly little fucktard men who hide behind skirts and children to do their murdering. i hate those fuckers with a passion. if you aint one of them, you got nothing to worry about.
maybe you didnt pick up on this....i spent 20 years in the Air Force. dont tell me what i know and dont know about airports, security, tsa, fcc, or any other thing that has to do with putting a jet in the air dude, i will make you look more stupid than janet napolatano at a homeland security briefing. i logged over 2500 hours in the air through mostly civilian flights throughout the world. no need for a condescending putz like you to think "ya got one on me". your a sniveling little jerk who doesnt know shit from shinola and you voluntarily prove it everyday through your vapid attempts at articulating your empty points.

Are you making the claim that airport security doesn't profile?

You yourself realize that profling to a certain extent, something reasonable, well within acceptable limits, is effective, yet believe without manditory enforcement, nobody will do it. Wtf kind of logic is that?

Even I would profile people if I worked as airport security jeff, especially after 911. But my point is, you're retarded if your plan to stop terrorism is tell the terrorists exactly how to get past your "catch the terrorists" plan. ROFL! :clap:

I'm just tired of idiots spouting bullshit that keeps the current situations the same. Keeps the more ignorant of the bunch exactly that, ignorant. Keeps people watching Bill OReilly and Glen Beck, keeps people fighting FOR a system that is DIRECTLY AGAINST them and their best interest. You are one of these people jeff. The faster you realize this, the better.
By my choice, I do not fly. I don't like the imposition of all of the authoritarian security, privacy invasion and long lines. If we are a free country why is it that a private business cannot choose to hire their own security ? Are they still a free and private business? Are we taking the freedom we are losing here and "bringing freedom" to other countries? Hmmm.

If a group of terrorists takes a convoy of cars or trucks and crash into a building, should the highways be on lock down for years as a result? Boy think of all the jobs that would create huh !!
How about just strip search all HUMANS starting with your MOM..... and save millions ?

How about just kill everybody so NOBODY gets murdered ?

GET it ?

the idea is flawed


hehe. nothing like a good mom jab. especially if she's got it out for America. and by having it out for America I mean she hates freedom, and weed... and by saying that she hates freedom and weed, she probably has a semtex tampon. hehe. the ignorant will never understand facts, now matter how simplistic your description.

What I want to know is how do you plan on singling out the Muslim males from other non Muslim males that just might happen to have brown skin?
:bigjoint:have a guard fling bacon at the passengers? the ones that flip out will be jewish or muslim. ROTFLMAO bongsmilie

profiling is profiling ....... and racism....
more seriously,why not follow isreali air policies.
profiling is not wrong but an intelligent use of manpower.if males between 16-45 are more likely to be involved in terrorist attacks,we should be looking at males in that age range more frequently than old women.if middle easterners are more likely to be involved than chineese, we should be looking at them more carefully as well.Im not saying to strip search every middle eastern man between 18-45 but since they fit the profile for being terrorist,a larger % of them should be searched than say, elderly orental women.when we have a terrorist attack by an 80 yr old jewish transexual,we should look at that group more closely as well.
use a little common sense-not profiling is stupid.
thanks for correcting my spelling. i dont do spell check and i am SURE nobody knew what country i was talking about. you should spend some time going through my other posts...i make lots of spelllink errers....
I also leave my spell checker off. when (some) liberals cant argue facts and discuss things in a rational manner,they resort to whining about gramatical errors or name calling & pointing out my poor grammer doesn't hurt my feelings as much ;)
thanks for correcting my spelling. i dont do spell check and i am SURE nobody knew what country i was talking about. you should spend some time going through my other posts...i make lots of spelllink errers.

my point of the post wasnt to come up with a rock solid plan to be implemented immediately throughout the world wide airport system...for goodness sake.

it is a satirical attempt to show that what we are doing is fucking stupid. we pull over granny to search her panties, we stop a woman with three children, one a newborn, and shake them down, make them take their shoes off, throw their baby lotion away, take their knitting needles away blah blah blah.

but when it comes to a muslim guy, coming from a known terrorist location, with information that they have been to "training" camps, who are acting nervous, who dont have baggage, who pay for a one way ticket in cash, and on and on...we want to walk around on eggshells because we are worried about constitutional rights? these fuckers arent even citizitens. who gives a fuck if we offend them? they are killing us and some on this board arent even offended by that. but whatever you do, dont discriminate against a KNOWN threat...that is fucking retarded, along with spell checking others posts.

jeff if i was going to spellcheck your posts i wouldn't jump on an obvious typo like englad or whatever you put, i'd jump on one of your serious misunderstandings of the english language.
The fact is, i was just covering myself in case you were talking about some other place i hadn't thought of, not spell checking you.
What happened with your reply however, was that instead of actually answering any of the extremely valid points i made e.g. your lack of knowledge of comparative politics, you tried to wax lyrical about how i'm a dick for pointing out a typo...which was not even my intention. Grow up.
Then you did a complete u-turn on what you'd been saying about this 'policy' of yours in the first few posts. You're like a politician, except not even a successful one, you're the really shitty politician who doesn't even end up getting elected.

I don't know why the xmas day bomber managed to get on his flight, what i do know about it is that it was a monumental cock-up by the US and frankly i couldn't care less. Maybe if anyone in the CIA had been paying attention the whole thing wouldn't have happened, but actively and publicly profiling muslims is just not a viable option.
It probably wouldn't even have worked in Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's specific case.

Hypothetical situation; you're an airport security guard, you see a brown-skinned arab guy dressed in a disha-dasha and looking shifty. Maybe he's walking a bit funny. You think "fuck, he might be a terrorist, better search him" or whateve.

Situation 2: you're an airport security guard, you see a young black guy wearing baggy trousers; you think nothing of it. He's shifty looking too, and maybe walking a bit funny, but let's be fair isn't there supposed to be something cool about walking like your cock's made of glass? You get a look at his passport and it's Nigerian. Not arab, african. It's also got not only a big american visa in it but also a UK one. You're not gonna think "fuck this guy's a terrorist". Maybe if his passport said MUSLIM on it you would but it doesn't.

Do you see my point here? Not all Muslim extremists actually look the way they're stereo typed. They're not all durka-durka-mohammed-jihad. You cited the London Underground bombings at some point possibly in another thread, but they were committed by English men. They were of foreign descent, sure, but they were British citizens. EDIT: 3 of the 4 were english, 1 was Jamaican.

You keep asking who else has a policy that's better than yours, well, here's one: the UK and the USA stopped wanking their military filth all over the rest of the world for a few months, bring all those troops and all that money home and actually concentrate on trying to build reputable democracies out of their own countries, then all the angry muslims and arabs and whoever else would stop trying to return the waging of war.

You ever hear the saying "don't poke mad people with a pointy stick"? It applies really well here.
I also leave my spell checker off. when (some) liberals cant argue facts and discuss things in a rational manner,they resort to whining about gramatical errors or name calling & pointing out my poor grammer doesn't hurt my feelings as much ;)

1 - i wasn't spell checking him, as i've already stated

2 - i leave my spell checker off, i'm smart enough and engaged with what i'm doing enough to hardly need it.

3 - i'm not a liberal. i happen to agree with the general 'liberal' view on this subject, but i am categorically not a liberal. Especially not in the original sense of the word, as opposed to the meaning it's taken to have when thrown around American politics.

4 - go back and read the whole thread again, carefully; jeff calls more names than any other poster, and he's not a liberal is he?

5 - go back and read my post where i said 'englad', it's packed full of proper argumental debate, which jeff then didn't really respond to apart from by bitching about my alleged corrections and then doing a big mother of a u-turn on his policy.
jeff if i was going to spellcheck your posts i wouldn't jump on an obvious typo like englad or whatever you put, i'd jump on one of your serious misunderstandings of the english language.
The fact is, i was just covering myself in case you were talking about some other place i hadn't thought of, not spell checking you.
What happened with your reply however, was that instead of actually answering any of the extremely valid points i made e.g. your lack of knowledge of comparative politics, you tried to wax lyrical about how i'm a dick for pointing out a typo...which was not even my intention. Grow up.
Then you did a complete u-turn on what you'd been saying about this 'policy' of yours in the first few posts. You're like a politician, except not even a successful one, you're the really shitty politician who doesn't even end up getting elected.

I don't know why the xmas day bomber managed to get on his flight, what i do know about it is that it was a monumental cock-up by the US and frankly i couldn't care less. Maybe if anyone in the CIA had been paying attention the whole thing wouldn't have happened, but actively and publicly profiling muslims is just not a viable option.
It probably wouldn't even have worked in Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's specific case.

Hypothetical situation; you're an airport security guard, you see a brown-skinned arab guy dressed in a disha-dasha and looking shifty. Maybe he's walking a bit funny. You think "fuck, he might be a terrorist, better search him" or whateve.

Situation 2: you're an airport security guard, you see a young black guy wearing baggy trousers; you think nothing of it. He's shifty looking too, and maybe walking a bit funny, but let's be fair isn't there supposed to be something cool about walking like your cock's made of glass? You get a look at his passport and it's Nigerian. Not arab, african. It's also got not only a big american visa in it but also a UK one. You're not gonna think "fuck this guy's a terrorist". Maybe if his passport said MUSLIM on it you would but it doesn't.

Do you see my point here? Not all Muslim extremists actually look the way they're stereo typed. They're not all durka-durka-mohammed-jihad. You cited the London Underground bombings at some point possibly in another thread, but they were committed by English men. They were of foreign descent, sure, but they were British citizens.

You keep asking who else has a policy that's better than yours, well, here's one: the UK and the USA stopped wanking their military filth all over the rest of the world for a few months, bring all those troops and all that money home and actually concentrate on trying to build reputable democracies out of their own countries, then all the angry muslims and arabs and whoever else would stop trying to return the waging of war.

You ever hear the saying "don't poke mad people with a pointy stick"? It applies really well here.

i didnt dodge you at all.
jeff if i was going to spellcheck your posts i wouldn't jump on an obvious typo like englad or whatever you put, i'd jump on one of your serious misunderstandings of the english language.
The fact is, i was just covering myself in case you were talking about some other place i hadn't thought of, not spell checking you.
What happened with your reply however, was that instead of actually answering any of the extremely valid points i made e.g. your lack of knowledge of comparative politics, you tried to wax lyrical about how i'm a dick for pointing out a typo...which was not even my intention. Grow up.
Then you did a complete u-turn on what you'd been saying about this 'policy' of yours in the first few posts. You're like a politician, except not even a successful one, you're the really shitty politician who doesn't even end up getting elected.

I don't know why the xmas day bomber managed to get on his flight, what i do know about it is that it was a monumental cock-up by the US and frankly i couldn't care less. Maybe if anyone in the CIA had been paying attention the whole thing wouldn't have happened, but actively and publicly profiling muslims is just not a viable option.
It probably wouldn't even have worked in Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's specific case.

Hypothetical situation; you're an airport security guard, you see a brown-skinned arab guy dressed in a disha-dasha and looking shifty. Maybe he's walking a bit funny. You think "fuck, he might be a terrorist, better search him" or whateve.

Situation 2: you're an airport security guard, you see a young black guy wearing baggy trousers; you think nothing of it. He's shifty looking too, and maybe walking a bit funny, but let's be fair isn't there supposed to be something cool about walking like your cock's made of glass? You get a look at his passport and it's Nigerian. Not arab, african. It's also got not only a big american visa in it but also a UK one. You're not gonna think "fuck this guy's a terrorist". Maybe if his passport said MUSLIM on it you would but it doesn't.

Do you see my point here? Not all Muslim extremists actually look the way they're stereo typed. They're not all durka-durka-mohammed-jihad. You cited the London Underground bombings at some point possibly in another thread, but they were committed by English men. They were of foreign descent, sure, but they were British citizens.

You keep asking who else has a policy that's better than yours, well, here's one: the UK and the USA stopped wanking their military filth all over the rest of the world for a few months, bring all those troops and all that money home and actually concentrate on trying to build reputable democracies out of their own countries, then all the angry muslims and arabs and whoever else would stop trying to return the waging of war.

You ever hear the saying "don't poke mad people with a pointy stick"? It applies really well here.

i didnt dodge you at all. here is what i said

"but when it comes to a muslim guy, coming from a known terrorist location, with information that they have been to "training" camps, who are acting nervous, who dont have baggage, who pay for a one way ticket in cash, and on and on...we want to walk around on eggshells because we are worried about constitutional rights? these fuckers arent even citizitens. who gives a fuck if we offend them? they are killing us and some on this board arent even offended by that. but whatever you do, dont discriminate against a KNOWN threat..."

pretty clear. if you are coming from a known terrorist place, your a young guy, dont really care if you black brown purple whatever, expect to get naked. really dont care where your passport says you have been before...take off your clothes.

your a mom, with a baby, go through the regular scan of bags and xray carryone, you get a pass.

yesterday or the day before, we wouldnt let joan rivers on a plane. cant remember where she was going. when is the last time a ninety year old jewish woman blew up a plane? we wasted valuable resources (people and time) searching her and having someone remain with her and make a bunch of phone calls to other resources (people) to tell them we have a possible suspect? this is the keystone cops. it sure aint security, its fuckikng bullshit.

and if i were going to england in the 80's and had an irish name, and fit the profile of ira...then hey, the brits can search me. and i aint gonna bitch about it. i am gonna say, thank you sirs for keeping me safe.

now i say to myself, look at that fucking tsa cop searching that 90 year old jewish woman, what the fuck is he doing.

lets cut the bullshit and get to the point. we are under attack by muslim extremists that are young men. you are gettin searched and searched good if you fit the profile, even just a little bit. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. there, thats my policy, now get to implementing it :wall:
Yeah, the people who are SUCCEEDING in bombing you aren't from the USA, doesn't mean there aren't plenty threats:

"An FBI team in Pakistan is investigating five American Muslim students who were arrested there yesterday on suspicion of plotting terrorist attacks. They disappeared from their homes in the US last month." December 2009,

'englad' or England as i presume you mean does not exist as a diplomatic power. It is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution, so the USA can't possibly take it seriously. Don't refer to points you know nothing about in arguments, it just makes you look stupid.

You said you'd be searching ALL MUSLIM MALES between certain ages. You failed to specify that Muslim male AMERICAN citizens wouldn't be included in these parameters.

Yes, there are lots of Muslims who're in favour of Jihad. But as a percentage of Muslims in general, it's not so big. Ratio wise, there's a higher percentage of mentally retarded people in America than the percentage of militants across the entire Muslim faith.

That's a fact.

you don't answer my first point that there are very genuine terror risks from within the USA

you appear to conceed (?) that your knowledge of comparative politics is thin at best and therefore you shouldn't use it

you complain that i have corrected a spelling error. As i've explained, it wasn't my intention to do so, so apologies for that misunderstanding.

thanks for correcting my spelling. i dont do spell check and i am SURE nobody knew what country i was talking about. you should spend some time going through my other posts...i make lots of spelllink errers.

my point of the post wasnt to come up with a rock solid plan to be implemented immediately throughout the world wide airport system...for goodness sake.

it is a satirical attempt to show that what we are doing is fucking stupid. we pull over granny to search her panties, we stop a woman with three children, one a newborn, and shake them down, make them take their shoes off, throw their baby lotion away, take their knitting needles away blah blah blah.

but when it comes to a muslim guy, coming from a known terrorist location, with information that they have been to "training" camps, who are acting nervous, who dont have baggage, who pay for a one way ticket in cash, and on and on...we want to walk around on eggshells because we are worried about constitutional rights? these fuckers arent even citizitens. who gives a fuck if we offend them? they are killing us and some on this board arent even offended by that. but whatever you do, dont discriminate against a KNOWN threat...that is fucking retarded, along with spell checking others posts.

while your first post and those immediately following it appeared to back up the solidity of your proposed policy, in this post you say that it was never meant to be implemented. if that's true then you should certainly specify it earlier cause it would've saved a lot of people's criticisms and time.
it looks a whole lot like a u-turn on policy from where i'm sitting.

amsterdam is not a known terrorist location, if anything holland's known for being anti-muslim, but i accept and agree with your reasoning that Abdulmutallab should've been intercepted waaaay before the point when he was.

I'm telling you that this policy from your original post wouldn't work, and i've given you a fair few strong enough arguments against it, and against other points you've made in subsequent posts.

If you're telling me that the OP wasn't actually what you meant then i suggest you go back and edit it to say what you really do mean. Then, disregard every post that's been made so far cause they were all based on something else.

Why not smoke a fat spliff or do some shadow boxing to cleanse your rage?
and if i were going to england in the 80's and had an irish name, and fit the profile of ira...then hey, the brits can search me. and i aint gonna bitch about it. i am gonna say, thank you sirs for keeping me safe.


lets cut the bullshit and get to the point. we are under attack by muslim extremists that are young men. you are gettin searched and searched good if you fit the profile, even just a little bit. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. there, thats my policy, now get to implementing it :wall:

joan rivers getting denied from a flight is hilarious. yeah, it's a bit of a shambles, but it's very fucking funny.

the IRA didn't have a profile. Their members were indistinguishable from the UDA, UDF, Northern Irish Troops of the British Military. They didn't do planes. They were far more successful than that, they even almost got Thatcher once. EDIT: if she hadn't been late, she'd have been dead.

Again, comparative politics; not your strong point, please avoid.

if you're telling the terrorists that you're going to profile, they're going to start sending people who don't fit the profile.

some americans are still going to pose a threat, but you won't search them cause they're american?

do you see what i am saying?
you appear to conceed (?) that your knowledge of comparative politics is thin at best and therefore you shouldn't use it


Why not smoke a fat spliff or do some shadow boxing to cleanse your rage?

just a couple things, fuck your condescention. you arent smarter than me or anyone else in here so get off your rocking horse. i admit thats might be callin the kettle black, but i am entitled to my opinion :-P

2 i will never apologize to anyone for wanting our govt to protect our citizens. as far as i am concerned, every foreigner who is coming into this country better live by our rules. if not, dont come here. i really dont care if you are offended, we are trying to keep our citizens least some are. the others are only worried about their political asses and making nice...ala neville chamberlain. fuck chamberlain.

he is directly responsible for a lot of the murder during ww2. thousands of innocent brits were killed because of him.

these jihad clowns are savages along with cowards. they wont stand up and fight, they hide behind women and children. we call them punks where i live. well fuck these punks.

as long as there are young muslim jihadists trying to blow us up, you either have a little empathy for keeping our citizens safe, or go piss up a rope. i am good with either.

finally your last sentence....beat ya to it :-P