Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow room!Already figured out that once you start aeration that you shouldn't stop aeration. One sip that had the reservoir full of roots started to brown a little. Added another pump and all 9 now have airstones. I lowered the pH to 6 with nutrients and upped the levels to half strength. Fingers crossed.
I used to do a 5 gallon bucket nested inside another to catch runoff. I had roots dip down into the runoff bucket before and do real well without any aeration. Bright white roots at the end of the grow. For some reason this isn't the case with these plants?
In one of the first sip runs I did, I didn't realize until almost the end of flower that one of the two bubblers had a kink in the feed line, and that res was barely getting any air. As I recall, that plant had about 1/3 as many roots as the other. In my first run, 90% of the water roots grew within the bubble stream coming off the air stone. I'm having a similar phenomenon this run, where I have a 10" long air stone on one side of the res, and about 70% of the roots are clustered around it. So I've always used them, the roots seem to like them.
I can't speak to the roots being whiter or browner, having never researched or done Hydro I don't know enough about root health to know that one is better than the other. I have seen both in my grows. Halfway through and again towards the end, I add a little Hygrozyme to my res to clean it up. I really don't know if it's doing anything, but the bottle it came in is very confident that it's helping

The more I grow the more impressed I am with the hugely different way different strains react to the same environment. I think some strains will take to sips better than others, some will grow lots of roots, others not so much... and it might also speak to the roots being white or brown. Given the choice of just picking one or two strains and mastering a grow environment for them, vs. trying different strains all the time and perhaps never growing any of them to their full potential, I've gone for variety. So there are lots of things I'll never know for sure.